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Fuwanovel Confessions


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I did not. I didn't even consider the fact that she might have been interested in me until she had said goodbye and left the classroom (she said she had to go somewhere, idk why she felt the need to tell me but I guess this is a flag?) I'm really bad at this  :(

Can't be any worse than me.  If any girls were ever attracted to me, I never noticed.


Be careful, in case it isn't a flag.

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I did not. I didn't even consider the fact that she might have been interested in me until she had said goodbye and left the classroom (she said she had to go somewhere, idk why she felt the need to tell me but I guess this is a flag?) I'm really bad at this  :(

I'd be a hypocrite for saying this but don't try to read too much into every little thing. I also think too much like that. The crash from misreading a false-flag and building up from it is quite bad. There was one I experienced that took me a week to recover. Not analyzing too much would help you both ways for not getting disappointed; but also for being happier if there happens to be a real flag there.


As far as interactions go I think as with most girls, you'd have to initiate the line of conversation. After that, all you can do at that point is to wait for her responses and gauge how to go on from there. So the fact that she didn't tell your name when you didn't tell yours first, is what I expected, given the situation. Imo it's hard to find girls that initiate a line of conversation if you guys are practically strangers.


But take my words with a grain of salt. I'm quite inexperienced on this field as well...

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I'd be a hypocrite for saying this but don't try to read too much into every little thing. I also think too much like that. The crash from misreading a false-flag and building up from it is quite bad. There was one I experienced that took me a week to recover. Not analyzing too much would help you both ways for not getting disappointed; but also for being happier if there happens to be a real flag there.


As far as interactions go I think as with most girls, you'd have to initiate the line of conversation. After that, all you can do at that point is to wait for her responses and gauge how to go on from there. So the fact that she didn't tell your name when you didn't tell yours first, is what I expected, given the situation. Imo it's hard to find girls that initiate a line of conversation if you guys are practically strangers.


But take my words with a grain of salt. I'm quite inexperienced on this field as well...


Hehe I know that feel bro... I don't know, she was joking around and saying silly stuff like we had been friends for a long time so it was a pretty weird experience for me  :michiru:. It's not like I made a lot of effort to talk to her in the first place, she just ended up being a really sociable person I guess?

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Hehe I know that feel bro... I don't know, she was joking around and saying silly stuff like we had been friends for a long time so it was a pretty weird experience for me  :michiru:. It's not like I made a lot of effort to talk to her in the first place, she just ended up being a really sociable person I guess?

In my opinion, I feel that you should just get to know her more and talk regularly with her.(Unless you already do)

Getting hopes up due to one thing and having them crash is always a disappointment. 

Just get closer to her for a while but not too close so that she starts to see you as a friend.

Friendly acquaintance/distant friend is best to start off with.

If she is interested in you, obviously you show mutual interest and get closer together(Thats if you like her also)

So TL:DR, I advise you to get closer to her and while not thinking if she likes you or not. Act as a slightly flirtatious guy  

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I am going through a personal and ideological breakdown


I'm pretty sure I am an idiot in some respect, turning away all the love people feel for me in earnest, my grades (I was a straight A student until last year) have plummeted and I cannot accept that, yet every day when I return from school I just kill time, I just told my muslim mom (an understanding and civilized person) that I might be an atheist, and just wanted her to accept that if it happens. Meanwhile, my hardcore Muslim grandma was a few meters away (though she either didn't hear or had the tact to not interrupt)


tow of my worst subjects have an exam tomorrow (german and turkish literature) and fuck it, I'm gonna screw it up anyway, why bother, fuck this shit I give up for today


...oh fuck me


I don't know what to reply to this, so I'm just gonna say that if you know you're gonna fucking screw it up, then do something to not screw it up. At least, that's how I see solving screw-ups.


Confession (and this is probably my biggest confession so far): I prefer to pee sitting down.

Confession. I am the same and have been my whole life.


D-Don't worry, I won't judge you.

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Maybe I really am a dense dick, but what does him not being the only queer on this planet have to do with finding dick jokes funny? o_O


He's my go to funny guy, so his smug expression of finding others funny made me want to poke fun at him. 


Or are you mistaking me for using the word queer to call you all homos for making dick jokes with each other? All intended. 

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