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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: a friend of mine made a bet about me with his girlfriend. It has something to do with me getting a girlfriend of my own...

Did your friend bet on you or against you? If he bet against you, you should convince his girlfriend to break up with him and go out with you. Then she wins the bet and gets you, a guy who would never do something so mean like bet on his friend's personal relationships.

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Confession: a friend of mine made a bet about me with his girlfriend. It has something to do with me getting a girlfriend of my own...

Did your friend bet on you or against you? If he bet against you, you should convince his girlfriend to break up with him and go out with you. Then she wins the bet and gets you, a guy who would never do something so mean like bet on his friend's personal relationships.

Specifics: His gf is convinced I'll quit magic: the gathering in a heartbeat once I get a gf. He thinks I'm too addicted.

Stealing someone's gf is a dick move and something I would NEVER do, even if the guy was the biggest asswipe ever.


PS: Magic is a very expensive hobby so it'd be hard for me to continue playing and still have money to spend on a girl, that's pretty much why they made that bet.

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Confession: a friend of mine made a bet about me with his girlfriend. It has something to do with me getting a girlfriend of my own...

Did your friend bet on you or against you? If he bet against you, you should convince his girlfriend to break up with him and go out with you. Then she wins the bet and gets you, a guy who would never do something so mean like bet on his friend's personal relationships.

Specifics: His gf is convinced I'll quit magic: the gathering in a heartbeat once I get a gf. He thinks I'm too addicted.

Stealing someone's gf is a dick move and something I would NEVER do, even if the guy was the biggest asswipe ever.


PS: Magic is a very expensive hobby so it'd be hard for me to continue playing and still have money to spend on a girl, that's pretty much why they made that bet.

Get a gf who plays Magic too :sachi: 

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Confession: a friend of mine made a bet about me with his girlfriend. It has something to do with me getting a girlfriend of my own...

Did your friend bet on you or against you? If he bet against you, you should convince his girlfriend to break up with him and go out with you. Then she wins the bet and gets you, a guy who would never do something so mean like bet on his friend's personal relationships.

Specifics: His gf is convinced I'll quit magic: the gathering in a heartbeat once I get a gf. He thinks I'm too addicted.

Stealing someone's gf is a dick move and something I would NEVER do, even if the guy was the biggest asswipe ever.


PS: Magic is a very expensive hobby so it'd be hard for me to continue playing and still have money to spend on a girl, that's pretty much why they made that bet.

Magic was expensive back when I played. I can't image how expensive it is now. I never did get a black lotus or dual lands...

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Magic was expensive back when I played. I can't image how expensive it is now. I never did get a black lotus or dual lands...

The irony is that Legacy is somewhat cheaper than Standard... Cards are really really expensive, but once you got your set of duals/FoW/wastelands/tarmo/etc they're here forever(I have a set of FoW and a tropical island sitting somewhere in my shelves at my parents' I think, wonder how much they're worth now).

Whereas T2 forces you to renew your cards extremely often, each new deck is often worth hundreds. If you're poor you spend a lot of time trying to trade cards, managing your pool and making sure you don't end up left with cards that have become worthless.

Back when I was playing I was basically just borrowing a deck from friends or playing sealed/draft (I enjoy draft more anyway).

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Confession: I made the background picture to my new phone Sachi Komine.

Confession: :sachi: 

Hidden Content

You can personalize Fuwanovel???

With script yeah. There was a thread how to do it some months ago. If you want I can send it to you.

Edited by Kiriririri
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Confession: I broke my sleep schedule playing Runescape. D:

I think the real confession there is that you still play Runescape  : P

Confession: I love my town.  I went downtown to pick up my copy of Sword of Destiny, and when I was heading back to the bus station to ride back home, I encountered a dude with a CD player strapped to his chest playing I'm a Believer by the Monkees.  He was pretty chill.

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Confession: I broke my sleep schedule playing Runescape. D:

I think the real confession there is that you still play Runescape  : P

It's just one of those games I play off and on lol. One of the joys of the game is seeing how much it changes every time you come back to it. The ironman challenge is pretty interesting too.

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Confession: If you're part of the privileged caste that can see hidden posts, this thread is at page 420. \ :Teeku: /


It's just one of those games I play off an on lol. One of the joys of the game is seeing how much it changes every time you come back to it. The ironman challenge is pretty interesting too.

I quit after I got stuck in the level 40-ish doldrums, IIRC.  That was back after they implemented balanced trades and got rid of the Forest, so it was a pretty boring grindfest of a game at that point.  Haven't touched it since.

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I quit after I got stuck in the level 40-ish doldrums, IIRC.  That was back after they implemented balanced trades and got rid of the Forest, so it was a pretty boring grindfest of a game at that point.  Haven't touched it since.

Not gonna lie, that was probably the worst time to ever be playing RS. They've come up with better bot detection so that they could bring back trade, and made a great number of improvements to playability too. It's still pretty grindy, but quests, minigames, etc have lessened the burden by a great margin.

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