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Depends on the person, as there are MANY different kinds of drunks out there.


When I drink I have to REALLY watch what I drink and how much of it... because I am prone to blacking out... and this is when you have ZERO self control. q-q


I guess some people here have NOT experienced a total black out before. 


The only self-control there is, is the one you have the responsibility for is deciding before you drink, do you want to drink? 

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I also really hate/am scared of not remembering things, but I think I've already talked about that.


This is why I watch what I drink. The last time I blacked out... I vowed never to get that drunk again. Worst feeling is waking up with a giant cut on your head, and your friends showing you videos of you dragging your face on the ground, and regale you with stories of how you kept trying to make out with one of your friends.


Yeah... never again. :P

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Well, that happens. And, you know, sometimes it's just great. This vibe, you know, that nothing is holding you back? And even though - for example, in your case - you're neutral towards a coworker, you're not exactly morally opposed to their presence either, so who cares? But it's not as if your morals suddenly are flipped because of the alcohol.


EDIT: Not saying you should have gone further, it's just that it feels nice to say what's on your mind and truly not care sometimes.

Dunno, if there's something that I don't want to do, I definitely don't want to do it when I'm not thinking straight and will possibly forget doing it in the first place.

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TexasDice joined Fuwanovel with 19, which is public knowledge. But talking about my age makes me depressive, which is why I keep my real age and birthday secret.


The Childhood friend is three years younger than me, so try to guess.

Oh your about the same age as me.

I though you were older for some reason XD


Anyway, so you were about 16/17 and she was 13/14....

Wow that's fairly young to get that drunk 

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You guys are adorable :kosame:




Confession: I actually really enjoy a good booze up now and then (maybe 2/3 times a year). 

Though I'm never doing 7 Yagerbombs in 30 minutes again, I'm surprised I managed to get home in one piece. 


I am learning so many new and interesting things about you in this thread  :holo:

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Oh your about the same age as me.

I though you were older for some reason XD


Anyway, so you were about 16/17 and she was 13/14....

Wow that's fairly young to get that drunk 


He does seem a bit like an old grumpy man. Getting drunk at that age is fairly common sadly.

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He does seem a bit like an old grumpy man.

Oh your about the same age as me.

I though you were older for some reason XD

I'm not old, just veeeeery cynical.


Anyway, so you were about 16/17 and she was 13/14....

Wow that's fairly young to get that drunk 

That's why I called her mom. I am somewhat responsible a person.

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You didn't need to divulge that much info about yourself :michiru:

And thank God.  The anime was soooooooo bad, looking back.  No idea why I liked it at all.  I wish I could go back in time and convince myself that the Naruto anime was shit before I started wasting my time watching it.


Oh come on, we've discussed this already. Everybody likes yuri, some people are just liars. :illya:

I guess I'm a liar then :sachi:

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