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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: I once ruined the romance of two kids I knew in high school. I felt bad for the guy, not for ruining it for him but because he had chosen to date that particular girl. I didn't feel bad for the girl. She was a hypocrite who played with nice boys' hearts.


Anyway it was actually pretty funny how it happened. The conversation went like this. A few of us Mormon guys were hanging around after class discussing Mormon girls:


Guy A: Man all Mormon girls are hypocrites. They get up on Sunday and cry and talk about how pure and faithful they are but then they're total sluts around school.

Guy B: Yeah, but not (girl). She's totally not like that at all

Me: Wait, (girl)? Are you kidding? She was on the bus the other day flashing her panties to the kid she was sitting with

Guy B: WHO!? Who was she showing her panties to!?

Me: I dunno, whoever she was sitting with. Some guy on our bus. Her boyfriend I guess.


Me: *long pause* Oh. Well that sucks.


Needless to say Guy B was NOT the fellow she was flashing on the bus.

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Confession: just found out the house i stayed at a few weeks ago was haunted. Good thing i didnt know while i was staying there. I wouldve been reduced to a pile of goo. Apparently i saw the apparition that was staying there. But i had mistaken it for someone else who was sleeping at the time so i didnt give it much thought... until now.


Are you fucking serious?

I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight -.-


Confession: I have recently come to turns with the fact that I might be coming off as a bit desperate towards girls I don't know. I don't have any idea how to fix it, though...

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I don't think that's Ren, but who knows?


What if it's an all-ages dakimakura? You should ask your parents if they'd be against that. :P


My mom is against me watching 'Japanese cartoons' so she'll damn sure be against that lol


Plus, buying a dakimakura basically seals the deal on you staying a virgin forever  :amane:

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Also, my parents wouldn't let me buy one even if I wanted to, lol!

How old are you?  :blink:  My mom wouldn't approve, but she wouldn't do anything because it's my money and my possessions, and I'm over 18.  Still don't want one, though.


Confession: I've always thought that dakimakuras were kinda stupid.  Besides, you can just tape an anime/VN girl's face onto a normal pillow, and then you won't have to pay a rather stupid amount of money.

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My mom is against me watching 'Japanese cartoons' so she'll damn sure be against that lol


Plus, buying a dakimakura basically seals the deal on you staying a virgin forever  :amane:

Well, in that case just get a body pillow without the cover, it's probably almost as good!


That really just depends on your point of view. If you're going to be a virgin forever anyway, might as well have a dakimakura! :makina:

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Confession: I just remembered the Hotline Miami 2 phone number promotion, and I looked it up again to test if it was still working, and it actually is.  The number is 1(786)519-3708 (the extension 10 was a trick, that was the date it was released), if anyone wants to try it out.  The area code is for, you guessed it, Miami, Florida, so I wouldn't recommend calling it unless you live in the US or get free international calling.

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Confession: The girl I spent two years of my high school life with (not the girl I talked about here before) struck up a conversation with me about two hours ago. We don't have a particularly bad history, in fact we were together twice and the second time was a mutual breakup on good terms. Had some old feelings get necro'd, but I quickly quelled them. I don't really want to get romantically involved with her again, but I am interested in rebuilding some friendly bridges, as we have fallen out of regular contact and have reverted to mere acquaintances.


As I typed this up, I guess plans came to life. Going out for coffee with her sometime soon (probably going to end up editing it if something more concrete comes out of this). I think it will be a nice change of pace from my current lifestyle (working odd jobs and partying all the time). Probably a healthy decision for me to get out and actually interact with people outside of my direct social group.

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