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Stray Cat

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More stuff for vita, this time Ar nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star. I have no experience with the series, but it looks like something I'll be picking up. 



But got to love Gust and Tecmo for porting the enhanced versions of games for vita.

I'll have to look more into it but I'd consider it.


More Vita games are always a good thing. 


Also launch edition for Operation Abyss: http://www.siliconera.com/2015/05/06/operation-abyss-new-tokyo-legacy-bundled-collectible-box-launch/

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More stuff for vita, this time Ar nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star. I have no experience with the series, but it looks like something I'll be picking up. 



But got to love Gust and Tecmo for porting the enhanced versions of games for vita.

hah, the new costumes/looks are pretty neat.


Btw, here's a thread I made about the game when it came out on the ps3 http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6598-ciel-nosurge-prequel-to-ar-nosurge-ps3/?hl=ciel


I don't think it'd be a very good game (can be very confusing), unless you know what went on in the prequel. If you plan to play the game, I suggest you guys read about what happened before the game takes place, just to get the full experience and not be totally lost on what's happening and miss some meaningful things.

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big day for news, looks like its starting to speed up for the late summer to fall release season.
Kobayashi ga Kawai Sugite Tsurai!! 3DS Game Slated for August 27
Godzilla VS for PS4's 2nd Promo Video Highlights Playable Monsters
Universal Theme Parks to Feature Nintendo Attractions
World Trigger: Borderless Mission PS Vita Game's Promo Previews Multiplayer Modes
Obito Uchiha Joins Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Game's Roster
Heroic Legend of Arslan Manga Gets Musou Game for PS4, PS3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Game's New System Video Streamed
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oooh yes tekken 


but why does Yoshimitsu look more mucked up then in the games before?

its not a surpsise considering thats how it goes with every new tekken game but now they really did it 

whats he supposed to be now ? a xenomorph?

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Goat Simulator is getting a zombie survival DLC.



I'm so glad I bought this game I can't even begin to express it.

They way they make things and keep being so humble about it is already hilarious by itself.


As for the Castlevania successor, Igarashi should make a new game instead of relying on tested franchise. I doubt Bloodstained will ever reach the quality of it's predecessors; if anything, it will definately become just another disappointment.

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D-Did he give up on Castlevania?

He doesn't work for Konami anymore, and Konami owns the rights to Castlevania, ergo if he made another Castlevania game without working for Konami or having an official licensing deal with them, they'd sue him so hard he'd be penniless in a few minutes.  It's the same for the Banjoe-Kazooie spiritual successor, Yooka-Laylee.  A lot of the original developers that started the games left the companies they were working for, but still wanted to make the same type of games, so spiritual successor time.  Probably doesn't hurt that the companies that own the rights to those two series are doing pretty much nothing with them, and yet everyone wants more of those games.  Microsoft and Konami are kinda shooting themselves in the feet with this.

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He doesn't work for Konami anymore, and Konami owns the rights to Castlevania, ergo if he made another Castlevania game without working for Konami or having an official licensing deal with them, they'd sue him so hard he'd be penniless in a few minutes.  It's the same for the Banjoe-Kazooie spiritual successor, Yooka-Laylee.  A lot of the original developers that started the games left the companies they were working for, but still wanted to make the same type of games, so spiritual successor time.  Probably doesn't hurt that the companies that own the rights to those two series are doing pretty much nothing with them, and yet everyone wants more of those games.  Microsoft and Konami are kinda shooting themselves in the feet with this.

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Konami we used to know is no more, forget about it. They will soon move onto the gambling industry almost completely, while their studios will shift entirely to mobile market. It's not like it matters anymore, since all of their most influential creators have left the corporate giant anyway.


Japanese gamedev industry is in a very poor state at the moment; they're constantly failing to readjust to modern times and often shot themselves in the feet. Those who still want to create games and remain faithful to their audiences already moved away from the old corporate business models.

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Konami we used to know is no more, forget about it. They will soon move onto the gambling industry almost completely, while their studios will shift entirely to mobile market. It's not like it matters anymore, since all of their most influential creators have left the corporate giant anyway.


Japanese gamedev industry is in a very poor state at the moment; they're constantly failing to readjust to modern times and often shot themselves in the feet. Those who still want to create games and remain faithful to their audiences already moved away from the old corporate business models.


many of those points are true to some degree. most the old school devs that gave two shits about the consumers of the games they make , and the integrity of the games they put their name on didn't quit so much as were forced to quit . from the articles, interviews etc iv read this last year the bigger company's have gone out of their way to make these devs unhappy so they would quit . quitters don't require severance pay, and the company's don't have to pay for contract cancellation penalties if the dev was the one to break the contract. the heavy hitter big name designers like inafune, kojima etc. cost a ton more to sign to contracts then no-name programmers making rehashed sequels to the IP the big name designers built up.


as for the industry on japans side of the pond refusing to adjust to modern times, you hit the nail on the head. but thats to be expected when you have companies who are based around a system that puts more importance on tradition then innovation.

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