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Aldnoah.Zero [Series]


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AniDB S1 | AniDB S2 | Official

Release S1: July of 2014
Release S2: January of 2015
Description: In 1972, a hypergate was discovered on the surface of the moon, and humanity began using it to colonize Mars. Years later, war breaks out between Earth and the Martian colonists.


Nice mecha. Good character set up. Executing the plot is ... well ............

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I just watched it half hour ego :D .  Well I liked it true I thought that it was somewhat rushed and didn't had enough character development, and ending would be a crap if it was a true ending/final ending but as it is only ending of S1 it's ok as I know that

Inaho & Seylum aren't really dead,

I jast hope that a second season has a better one.


It remands me a lot on Kakumeiki Valvrave, well I think that Kakumeiki Valvrave is a lot better but this one is very good too.

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man I blew through like 9 episodes then I gave up, need to go to sleep. I'll finish this up tomorrow ... but what in the world is up with the very terrible way they're executing all this. Such bad direction or bad writer ... it's one or the other or both. This had so much potential ... sooo much potential.


Good night ..

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man I blew through like 9 episodes then I gave up, need to go to sleep. I'll finish this up tomorrow ... but what in the world is up with the very terrible way they're executing all this. Such bad direction or bad writer ... it's one or the other or both. This had so much potential ... sooo much potential.


Good night ..


It's a director, writer himself complained on his twiter how director had fu*ked up some things by changing them from his original scenario. True I still think it was pretty good overall, but yea I agree that it had potential to be a lot better.

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This was one of my favorite shows that I watched from this season, but I would agree that it felt fairly rushed.  I think that the show needed more room to breathe and develop the characters a bit.  This is especially true with a protagonist like Inaho.  There is such a large discrepancy between the bluntness of his communication and the subtlety(or even complete absence) of his emotional reactions...  I think I need a lot longer than we were given to get a good feel for him as a complete character.


Now granted, we are getting another season, and I'm glad for that.  It's just that it feels like it should have taken longer to get to the point we have.  The show has some good raw material, but all we've gotten to see from it so far is a few really good "boss" fights followed by...  another boss fight.  

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I just watched it half hour ego :D .  Well I liked it true I thought that it was somewhat rushed and didn't had enough character development, and ending would be a crap if it was a true ending/final ending but as it is only ending of S1 it's ok as I know that

Inaho & Seylum aren't really dead,

I jast hope that a second season has a better one.

They got shot in the head.. how do you expect them to survive exactly? 

Space vampires?


It was a nice series.

Fantastic OST that never failed to amuse me as well as an interesting execution but the ending really felt out of line. It felt like the characters that existed up until then had completely changed, especially Slain, what Slain did was just retarded to say the least given how his character had been up until that point. Even Gen Urobochi himself said this wasn't the ending he wanted for the series.

But well the rest of the series was nice and depending on how the second season goes this ending might actually tie together well, we'll see.

As long as the princess doesn't come back to life I'm fine with it even if Inaho is indeed resurrected by space vampires.


I gave it a 9/10 because I really had fun watching it, just made me cringe a little at the end.


I'd also be happy if the series ended like this though



*roll credits*


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I liked the series. I also felt like what Slaine did was totally fine... That level of taking revenge should be natural to anyone. There could be also a jealousy element to it. He did get to see a bit of their relationship too. More than anything, his face at the end was so cute~

My only problem with the ending is that it was too short. The whole thing could have had more detail. Specially if they didn't spend so much time with the robots... Though I guess it's only natural for mecha. 


Ah, you stole that meme from the group pm, nii-chan.

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I liked the series. I also felt like what Slaine did was totally fine... That level of taking revenge should be natural to anyone. There could be also a jealousy element to it. He did get to see a bit of their relationship too. More than anything, his face at the end was so cute~

My only problem with the ending is that it was too short. The whole thing could have had more detail. Specially if they didn't spend so much time with the robots... Though I guess it's only natural for mecha. 


Ah, you stole that meme from the group pm, nii-chan.

I would have no problem with what he did if he had hinted to be that type of character but he didn't, what he did made no sense in this context

Your beloved princess is being targeted by some guy

You decide to save the princess

Oh wait the bad guy's in danger, better save him first so the princess i love so much can die

Well now she's dead, good job me


I understand him shooting Inaho out of jealousy, that part makes sense to me since he clearly was blinded by his adoration for the princess many times before. I'm just confused as to why he decided to save the bad guys, what kind of logic is that?


I understand people being mad at him for shooting Inaho too, Inaho was cool and it's a shame that he just got shot by Slain but that part kind of fit within the context, Slain had no reason to save Inaho, there's kind of an element of revenge there too since Inaho threw Slain out the window some episodes back so that part really only upset me because a character I liked died but what Slain did to him had justifications.


I just really really hated the context that lead to the ending, it felt stupid.


And yes I did steal it, I apologize, but it's a great meme.

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I would have no problem with what he did if he had hinted to be that type of character but he didn't, what he did made no sense in this context

Your beloved princess is being targeted by some guy

You decide to save the princess

Oh wait the bad guy's in danger, better save him first so the princess i love so much can die

Well now she's dead, good job me


I understand him shooting Inaho out of jealousy, that part makes sense to me since he clearly was blinded by his adoration for the princess many times before. I'm just confused as to why he decided to save the bad guys, what kind of logic is that?


I understand people being mad at him for shooting Inaho too, Inaho was cool and it's a shame that he just got shot by Slain but that part kind of fit within the context, Slain had no reason to save Inaho, there's kind of an element of revenge there too since Inaho threw Slain out the window some episodes back so that part really only upset me because a character I liked died but what Slain did to him had justifications.


I just really really hated the context that lead to the ending, it felt stupid.


And yes I did steal it, I apologize, but it's a great meme.

I can understand why he did that- he never hated the guy, and he was helped by him a while back. Sure, it's not logical to act like that... But Slaine is just a teenager with cloudy feelings who's not experienced to war. I'd be much more surprised if he was able to act calm and rationally at that situation. I just think everyone is being too harsh on him- then again, I think he's a very cute character and I just love the loyal dog type like him, so it's kind of how people think I'm too harsh on some heroines because I don't think they're cute and their incompetence makes me annoyed. 

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I can understand why he did that- he never hated the guy, and he was helped by him a while back. Sure, it's not logical to act like that... But Slaine is just a teenager with cloudy feelings who's not experienced to war. I'd be much more surprised if he was able to act calm and rationally at that situation. I just think everyone is being too harsh on him- then again, I think he's a very cute character and I just love the loyal dog type like him, so it's kind of how people think I'm too harsh on some heroines because I don't think they're cute and their incompetence makes me annoyed. 

You don't send hormonal teenagers to outter space, I'd have expected him to be more rational, maybe my expectations were just too high for him and his character didn't take the turn I expected.


I have no problem with good characters turning into villains if it's done right, but this one just didn't sit well with me. We'll see what they do with him in season 2.

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You don't send hormonal teenagers to outter space, I'd have expected him to be more rational, maybe my expectations were just too high for him and his character didn't take the turn I expected.


I have no problem with good characters turning into villains if it's done right, but this one just didn't sit well with me. We'll see what they do with him in season 2.

...Wait, he's a villain? I thought for sure he'd become the protagonist now. Don't think he did anything villanious there too.

Also, being rational when it comes to research or diplomacy is one thing, but doing that in the middle of a war is something completely different. I think that either you need Inaho-like protag powers or you'll be unable to think straight if you don't have any experience... Especially if you are a teenager.

Who got tortured for a long time.

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...Wait, he's a villain? I thought for sure he'd become the protagonist now. Don't think he did anything villanious there too.

Also, being rational when it comes to research or diplomacy is one thing, but doing that in the middle of a war is something completely different. I think that either you need Inaho-like protag powers or you'll be unable to think straight if you don't have any experience... Especially if you are a teenager.

Who got tortured for a long time.

Maybe villain is not the right word since i don't know what he plans to do now, but i don't think he plans on being friendly in the future since everything he loved is now dead (which is probably part of the reason that lead him to do what he did) and I believe the earthlings will always be portrayed as the good guys here, hence my reason to think Slain will be a bad guy in season 2.

I don't know how I'd feel if he became the protagonist, I'd prefer him to be an antagonist at least now that he's done all this, maybe something like Homura during the Rebellion movie.

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They got shot in the head.. how do you expect them to survive exactly? 

Space vampires?


It was a nice series.

Fantastic OST that never failed to amuse me as well as an interesting execution but the ending really felt out of line. It felt like the characters that existed up until then had completely changed, especially Slain, what Slain did was just retarded to say the least given how his character had been up until that point. Even Gen Urobochi himself said this wasn't the ending he wanted for the series.

But well the rest of the series was nice and depending on how the second season goes this ending might actually tie together well, we'll see.

As long as the princess doesn't come back to life I'm fine with it even if Inaho is indeed resurrected by space vampires.


I gave it a 9/10 because I really had fun watching it, just made me cringe a little at the end.


I'd also be happy if the series ended like this though



*roll credits*



Well I am not sure how they are gonna survive but I am pretty sure that they will as it would be really strange for them to really die if it's not a final ending and knowing that that wasn't an ending that writer wanted only adds to me believing that they will survive somehow.

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Well I am not sure how they are gonna survive but I am pretty sure that they will as it would be really strange for them to really die if it's not a final ending and knowing that that wasn't an ending that writer wanted only adds to me believing that they will survive somehow.

This writer is infamous for killing off characters or leading them to despair pretty easily, though.

I think it's totally up to Urobuchi's alley to introduce a fake protag and a heroine, kill them both when you like them and focus on the character that's now broken because he has nothing left now.



He is the guy who said that: "I have nothing but contempt for the deceitful thing men call 'happiness', and find myself with no choice but to push my characters, whom I pour my heart and soul out to create, into the abyss of tragedy." after all. If they're alive, they're probably going to pass through hell- I really love Urobuchi's works~

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Well I am not sure how they are gonna survive but I am pretty sure that they will as it would be really strange for them to really die if it's not a final ending and knowing that that wasn't an ending that writer wanted only adds to me believing that they will survive somehow.

How can you be sure they will survive when everything that's happened is against that theory?

Gen Urobochi has made stories like this before. Madoka Magica and Saya no Uta are just a few examples where the main characters die, it's perfectly reasonable for them to die, in fact Urobochi has explained before why he likes to kill his main characters/protagonists. If you are watching this series hoping that main characters survive, i think you've come to the wrong place.


Gen Urobochi said this wasn't the ending he wanted but he did intend to kill off the princess so that part will likely not change.


I don't think it would be weird if they stayed dead, in fact I expect them to stay dead, bringing them back to life would mean these characters have some of the thickest plot armor I've seen and I don't think Urobochi is the type of writer that goes in that direction and even if he's writing against his will, if this studio thinks it's best to revive the characters through some weird method then I'll be severely disappointed.


Let the dead people stay dead, move on with the story into something more interesting, prove that the story does not need to rely on characters solely in order to exist, that's why I don't want them to come back to life, I believe the story can still be quite interesting as long as they make the right moves.

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This writer is infamous for killing off characters or leading them to despair pretty easily, though.

I think it's totally up to Urobuchi's alley to introduce a fake protag and a heroine, kill them both when you like them and focus on the character that's now broken because he has nothing left now.



He is the guy who said that: "I have nothing but contempt for the deceitful thing men call 'happiness', and find myself with no choice but to push my characters, whom I pour my heart and soul out to create, into the abyss of tragedy." after all. If they're alive, they're probably going to pass through hell- I really love Urobuchi's works~


And I hate that about him as people who truly care for characters don't want them to die. But I don't think even he would make such big fail as to

kill protagonist and a main heroine in a middle of a story.



How can you be sure they will survive when everything that's happened is against that theory?

Gen Urobochi has made stories like this before. Madoka Magica and Saya no Uta are just a few examples where the main characters die, it's perfectly reasonable for them to die, in fact Urobochi has explained before why he likes to kill his main characters/protagonists. If you are watching this series hoping that main characters survive, i think you've come to the wrong place.


Gen Urobochi said this wasn't the ending he wanted but he did intend to kill off the princess so that part will likely not change.


I don't think it would be weird if they stayed dead, in fact I expect them to stay dead, bringing them back to life would mean these characters have some of the thickest plot armor I've seen and I don't think Urobochi is the type of writer that goes in that direction and even if he's writing against his will, if this studio thinks it's best to revive the characters through some weird method then I'll be severely disappointed.


Let the dead people stay dead, move on with the story into something more interesting, prove that the story does not need to rely on characters solely in order to exist, that's why I don't want them to come back to life, I believe the story can still be quite interesting as long as they make the right moves.


No he said that he wanted princes to be taken away by Slaine, not dead.

And I am very sure that they are gone live because it is only logical for them to survive, otherwise it would be a complete failure. Even writer himself admitted that ending was a fault.

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From what I was told of the story, the ending is a lot like a telling of The Great Gatsby, for those who have read that book. Actually, it's one of my favorite books of all time, so I might need to check this out.

It has less boobs though. Damn flappers though. And then they thought they could drive man. 

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It's a director, writer himself complained on his twiter how director had fu*ked up some things by changing them from his original scenario. True I still think it was pretty good overall, but yea I agree that it had potential to be a lot better.

Must be an old tard that did this shit. Because the new generation don't fuck up the way this had it. The ending is by far the best thing that happened. I kept watching the show because of Slaine. They so screwed the whole thing up.


@solid - I don't mind having boobs or no boobs. Fanservice or no fanservice is all welcomed. I mind three things - the target audience is for kids or BL and lastly terrible execution just like this one.


I really wanna mind-bend that director and give him a twist of my nasty language. I'm an English major and I could do a hell of a much better story than this shit. I have written creative stories and my final project for one of my classes is to write a whole new story from the perspective of a different character by retelling the story. The challenge is that this character doesn't make an actual appearance but rather she's spoken about on letters. So now I'm gonna take on her form and tell the story from her view and why she decided to write some of those letters.


S2 ... :/ I'm worried. The BDs look alright, but as always, Aniplex and their bad decision on something - namely the BD/CD have no artwork on them. Bad decision.




From what I was told of the story, the ending is a lot like a telling of The Great Gatsby, for those who have read that book. Actually, it's one of my favorite books of all time, so I might need to check this out.


Not a fan of Western fiction. I dislike that book with passion as well. They really need to move away from this old stuff and get into modern works. There's a lot of great modern works that are rather interesting.



This was one of my favorite shows that I watched from this season, but I would agree that it felt fairly rushed.  I think that the show needed more room to breathe and develop the characters a bit.  This is especially true with a protagonist like Inaho.  There is such a large discrepancy between the bluntness of his communication and the subtlety(or even complete absence) of his emotional reactions...  I think I need a lot longer than we were given to get a good feel for him as a complete character.


Now granted, we are getting another season, and I'm glad for that.  It's just that it feels like it should have taken longer to get to the point we have.  The show has some good raw material, but all we've gotten to see from it so far is a few really good "boss" fights followed by...  another boss fight.  


Oh there was room to breathe, Scars. At least this is from my own opinion. It is the way they executed this crap. I'm humbly saying that there were no fillers, they could have expanded on few other things and drove the story even longer. Though the problem - the ultimate problem is the way it was getting bitter, good and then it gets blown off because 'oh well have the characters express their emotions and then fix somethings around and let everyone know WTF is up with their emotions' this shit needs to be buried already. It's old, it's not interesting. It's displeasing and it doesn't progress the story what-so-ever. There are different ways to express character emotions at the right time. Sigh.

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Not a fan of Western fiction. I dislike that book with passion as well. They really need to move away from this old stuff and get into modern works. There's a lot of great modern works that are rather interesting.

Ummm... ok. Lets just ignore all old things and move on to new stuff, ignoring the source of where the entire English language began (old literature). Enjoy your Harry Potter!

Back to "Plot Convenience: The Anime" the OST is awesome. The writing is just fun, nothing amazing, but not like its horrible.

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