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Summer 2014 Anime Discussion


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well Rail Wars is sure to have one of those indecisive endings


i highly doubt there'd be a second season of this either

rail wars is funny but i don't think it is worth a second season.

You're under arrest wich is similair but is about 5 times better did get one tough so who knows.

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well yea but i like this series,the way it was promoted made it feel like it'll be just another fanservice anime like Samurai Bride and countless others but its actually a bit more interesting than that imo


maybe cuz i never saw an anime centered around trains,made it feel unique xD

I dumped it origionally after the first episode, only when i found out it slightly more than a fanservice rompslomp i came back.

The concept is great the execution not so much

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Half functioning brain?


So you just like fanservice huh?

By that i means that the idea is good, the execution not so much.

It could have been a lot better if it was executed with a little less fanservice and had given a bit more brains and character to the main characters


And while fanservice generally is not my thing, i will admit there are some good ones out there.

Strike witches being one of them.

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Aldnoah zero doesn't disappoint, that's for sure^^

I especially like how Inaho and Slaine are polar opposite, Inaho being the cynical / pragmatic / emotionless type, while Slaine is the typical passionate and faithful type, and how both of them get equal importance as main characters.


And probably best OST for 2014 so far. Dat music.

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Aldnoah zero doesn't disappoint, that's for sure^^

I especially like how Inaho and Slaine are polar opposite, Inaho being the cynical / pragmatic / emotionless type, while Slaine is the typical passionate and faithful type, and how both of them get equal importance as main characters.


And probably best OST for 2014 so far. Dat music.

I would dar compare the music to the music made for the gundam unicorn movie's and call them both equals.


As for the protag i think Inaho is the better of the two.

It is a nice change of pace to have a cunning and emotionally more stable protagonist for once.

And it is nice to see no coward protags for a change.

Altough they seems to be on the rise. (the proactive protag that is)

Wich is a good thing if you ask me. (we need more Heero Yuy's, whatever you may thing of gundam wing. I still think he is one of the most badass protags out there together with duo for some comedy value)

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