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Spring 2014 Anime Discussion


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She seems to keep getting treated like that the whole time. Think of a female Furuichi(Beelzebub).

I think I get what you mean about the science now. Funny enough I usually love it when animes do that. 


P.S. somewhat of a spoiler but not really. Steph kind of likes it anyways.

Eh Steph is meant to be comic relief I don't think it's really that bad. Besides she brought it upon herself to be a dog that time.


So Steph is an M huh? I'm still only into the first couple chapters of the LN. I'm not good with LNs..

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Thoughts on Hitsugi no chaika, honestly i enjoy this anime quite alot after watching episode 5-7 i was thinking that it was going to have a really bad ending. Either the the ending was going to be rushed or they're going to finish it with questions unanswered. I thought this becuase the pacing was real slow but after hearing that they're going to release a seconed season they now have time to develop characters. I know its a little early but i think the show is going to end well, anyone agree?

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It's the mandatory filler episode for No Game No Life.

But it seems we'll get some kemonomimi next episode. I wonder how far they'll go until the series is over.


Since each episode seems to cover one chapter of the LN, I think they'll actually be able to finish it, since from what I remember there are 24 chapters in total.

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Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san has been bothering me for a while..

What is Aki-chan's name!? Someone please. Someone needs to tell me because she's the one character that doesn't have an animal in their name. This is a pressing issue, my curiosity must be satisfied.

In fact I'm not the only one, there's already been discussions about Aki's name. I'm too curious.


Since each episode seems to cover one chapter of the LN, I think they'll actually be able to finish it, since from what I remember there are 24 chapters in total.

Hm so is it worth reading the novels considering there's only 3 volumes translated? I'm still only on vol 1 *slow reader*

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Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san has been bothering me for a while..

What is Aki-chan's name!? Someone please. Someone needs to tell me because she's the one character that doesn't have an animal in their name. This is a pressing issue, my curiosity must be satisfied.

In fact I'm not the only one, there's already been discussions about Aki's name. I'm too curious.


Hm so is it worth reading the novels considering there's only 3 volumes translated? I'm still only on vol 1 *slow reader*

It's pretty cool- they get to explain some things in more detail, like the whole puzzle about

the hidden room of the previous king

that the anime just glosses over and the third volume was really interesting and pretty epic (even though I have a feeling you'll really dislike the first chapter of it, given what you said)

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It's pretty cool- they get to explain some things in more detail, like the whole puzzle about

the hidden room of the previous king

that the anime just glosses over and the third volume was really interesting and pretty epic (even though I have a feeling you'll really dislike the first chapter of it, given what you said)

Then I guess I'll keep reading just for the sake of it.

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I've been enjoying Hitsugi no Chaika quite a bit :D. To be honest, shows based off light novels are usually quite meh so this was a pleasant surprise. A lot of the light novels' covers and illustrations were lewd but the show was surprisingly classy. Relatively so, at least.


I really like Akari because she's a strong girl with no stereotypical big boobs or moeblob personality. It's so unfortunate that she still has the brother complex thing going on. Otherwise, it would've be a great step in an interesting direction :).


Oh and white Chaika for life B).

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I just got into Chaika the other day. I started the manga a long time ago but quite in anticipation[ation for the Anime (and because it was oddly hard to follow). 

Also is it just me or is Chaika...somewhat fugly? You know in that still cute way.


At first I thought man what's with those eyebrows but nah now I find her to look cute man :)!

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Agreed. I totally forgot to mention Date A Live. Though while we are at it. I have to say that season 1 was better. I think it had more story and a better flow between targets.

I agree.

Season 2 feels slightly rushed and doesn't have as much impact. It's still more of the same pretty much but it's not doing great of job. I liked the twins but there wasn't really any particular heavy focus on them after he conquered them, they just became background characters. I don't like the new one but that's on personal level.

I want to see more Kurumi but the series is almost over and she's only made some cameo appearances. It's such a shame this season is so short and rushed.


Akuma no Riddle though. *sigh* It's just not exciting.. It feels like a drag watching each episode, there's nothing that stands out. Not even decent yuri. I thought this episode would continue the yuri scene where the other left off but nope. It's like it never happened.

Such a disappointment..

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Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou is so nice to watch. It really knows how to set the right mood while at the same time keep it light hearted in the end. It always cheers me up. 

This latest episode was a bit heavier but there was some nice development. I don't want to hope for much but it might be possible we get some romance focus. I would definitely like to see it happening.

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Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 

Still the best show so far. It's so funny and the romance is cute and all. Aaaah, i'm just enjoying it.

These girls ... are the best xD


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