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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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Jinx just gets shit on by aggressive supports, especially Annie - you need someone who's equally aggressive to keep those at bay. Have E on normal cast for maximum effectiveness, have a support than makes your traps easier to hit - Annie being the prime candidate as well (Annie+Jinx is super scary and broken), but Leona works just as well.


No tips when it comes to last hitting unfortunately, that's just being used to the animation, what I do for easy poke is max Q, stack up and toggle for a long-range hit, then switch back or keep poking. W isn't as hard to hit as people make it out to be, hitting that can be an easy play maker.


She's very fragile and needs to be played very pokey - like a Caitlyn, without the built-in escape - for the laning phase in order to be able to roll over the other team later. SMDR can help getting back into a game with easy pickups.

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Jinx just gets shit on by aggressive supports, especially Annie - you need someone who's equally aggressive to keep those at bay. Have E on normal cast for maximum effectiveness, have a support than makes your traps easier to hit - Annie being the prime candidate as well (Annie+Jinx is super scary and broken), but Leona works just as well.


No tips when it comes to last hitting unfortunately, that's just being used to the animation, what I do for easy poke is max Q, stack up and toggle for a long-range hit, then switch back or keep poking. W isn't as hard to hit as people make it out to be, hitting that can be an easy play maker.


She's very fragile and needs to be played very pokey - like a Caitlyn, without the built-in escape - for the laning phase in order to be able to roll over the other team later. SMDR can help getting back into a game with easy pickups.

Whenever I try to play her in Normals SoloQ, I almost always get a derp support.  For example, I got a Rammus tank who only built health early on against a Vayne + Fiddle combo.  We got destroyed.  Utterly destroyed.  He fed Vayne about 3 kills early on, and all I could do was poke until our Mundo jungle got there, and...he couldn't do much, mostly because our Rammus didn't build full tank until about 15:00.


Wasn't just him, though, a lot of the times when I play Jinx I'm less aware of my surroundings than I am with other ADCs, like Ezreal (haven't had much luck with him, either; I keep going up against Vaynes).  I dunno why I do that with her.  Guess I just gotta play more games or something.  At least that will help with the CSing.  Is she not a good ADC to play in SoloQ normals anymore?  A friend recommended that I play her while she's broken.

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You always want to try to sync up with your support. If he's going in, make sure you can be in a position to poke the enemy while he's taking the brunt of the damage. Be careful though because the enemy duo can always turn on you, and as jinx you don't really have much escape option. Of course if you're too far and your support is going ham, then either he's suiciding and not paying attention to your position, or you're not playing forward when you can. You have to read your support's style, some are passive; some are crazy.

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Whenever I try to play her in Normals SoloQ, I almost always get a derp support.  For example, I got a Rammus tank who only built health early on against a Vayne + Fiddle combo.  We got destroyed.  Utterly destroyed.  He fed Vayne about 3 kills early on, and all I could do was poke until our Mundo jungle got there, and...he couldn't do much, mostly because our Rammus didn't build full tank until about 15:00.


Wasn't just him, though, a lot of the times when I play Jinx I'm less aware of my surroundings than I am with other ADCs, like Ezreal (haven't had much luck with him, either; I keep going up against Vaynes).  I dunno why I do that with her.  Guess I just gotta play more games or something.  At least that will help with the CSing.  Is she not a good ADC to play in SoloQ normals anymore?  A friend recommended that I play her while she's broken.

Nothing you can do there then, that's just derp supports and a fed Vayne. Shouldn't happen though in today's aggressive support meta, best she should be able to go (unless she's pretty godly herself) is even by having a Janna/Alistar/Soraka peeling for her/keeping her alive. Your team also had zero kill pressure with Rammus and Mundo unless they were terribly overextended.


I would've tried to farm as best as possible because kills aren't going to happen with a Rammus "support" and Mundo jungle and told them about it too. "Guys, I don't see any kills happening here unless mid roams bot hard, so I'm going to farm up, try to keep my ass alive." is your best bet there.

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I gotta say, the NA server is lagging so bad half the time. These DDOS attacks are just too much.

just got lucky they loss prevented me... was zac inot shyvana, went 5-0-1 while lagging then got disconnected and couldn't get back in for rest of the game, every time I'd reopen client it'd just say attempting to reconnect or give errors.... was such bullshit.

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btw i play kog/sivir adc.

so i generally prefer adc's that are ranged and can blast away enemy's to keep them away from me.

so karma,alister,leblanc,leona etc etc just champs that just keeps them away from me.

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Hey there! :o


My name on LoL is ParaParadoxical (Sorry I know it's long) on the NA server.


I usually main Ashe or Trist on bottom (ADC), and Cho'gath top (APC or Tank depending who's jungling).


That's when I actually play something OTHER than ARAM. Which is pretty much all I play.

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Played an ARAM game with a Rioter, Riot Jules Fern, today.  They were so damn good.  They went 12/5/23 as Karma.  Basically ruined the enemy Nunu's day every time he tried to poke with his E.


Never got matched with a Rioter before, so that was a pleasant surprise.  Like I said, they were really good, and also very friendly.

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NA: arakura



I play mids, and sometimes I play my mids as supports... Always looking for people to play with, so please add meee!





URF mode is craaaaaazy btw. Play hec jungle in 3s and you'll know what I mean

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Yaaaay, a thread that I posted on the Community Beta about Nidalee got Phreak's and ZenontheStoic's attention and got featured on Surrender at 20!  Here's the link: http://community.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/balance/ENgbhtJG-riotmorello-please-break-your-silence-on-nidalee?


Funny, I posted the exact same thread on LoL's GD, and basically got insulted and downvoted into oblivion.  Goddamn GDers can suck it.

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Yi is the most fun champion in the game now. 

Whenever I get him in ARAM I either get quadras or pentas. 


Step 1: Wait for teamfight (hiding in brush optional)

Step 2: Press Q once

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit (aka triple, quadra, or penta)

Works like a charm every time.  I'm pretty bad with him, but I can consistently dunk people with him in ARAM.  Makes me laugh so hard.

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