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It looks like she knows how to play guys to the fiddle. Maybe that's her way of making friends with men and it's the only way she knows how, especially if you notice she has no female friends.


I hate it when you think you've got a special connection with someone only to realize it's more like an open public network. Next time she says something that tugs at your heart strings, bat your eye lash and say, "I bet you say that to all the men." 


Ah no she has a lot of female friends but I know most of them and they call her behaviour 'flirty' as well. I've told her straight out that the way she treats guys will likely be misinterpreted as her being genuinely interested in them in a romantic way. She nearly started crying when I said that. According to her, she's indeed just trying to make friends. I'm not sure if I'm buying it though. The other guys have all moved on but I'm a hopeless romantic which means I'll be stuck in a rut for a long while. Our student society is gonna be meeting up again soon and since we are both active I can't really make up an excuse to avoid her and quitting the society over something like this seems like a pretty wimpy move. 


It sucks to fall in love with an unobtainable girl again. I've been there before plenty of times though. I guess I just have pretty bad taste in girls or something.

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Ah no she has a lot of female friends but I know most of them and they call her behaviour 'flirty' as well. I've told her straight out that the way she treats guys will likely be misinterpreted as her being genuinely interested in them in a romantic way. She nearly started crying when I said that. According to her, she's indeed just trying to make friends. I'm not sure if I'm buying it though. The other guys have all moved on but I'm a hopeless romantic which means I'll be stuck in a rut for a long while. Our student society is gonna be meeting up again soon and since we are both active I can't really make up an excuse to avoid her and quitting the society over something like this seems like a pretty wimpy move. 


It sucks to fall in love with an unobtainable girl again. I've been there before plenty of times though. I guess I just have pretty bad taste in girls or something.


No doubt she enjoys the attention from those guys as much as she's trying to deny it. 


I'm there with you on falling for the wrong females though. I've learned to just surrender to the feelings and let it pass. Fighting it will make it stronger.



What are you saying? 

"When in doubt, it's always someone else's fault"



What's blameful about that statement? There are people who are more less suited for you in this world and that was a legitimate way of describing it. 

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What's blameful about that statement? There are people who are more less suited for you in this world and that was a legitimate way of describing it.

He was saying he had bad taste, I replied by saying it clearly wasn't his fault.

Blaming others seems like a very bad way of living your life though  ^_^


You can't change others, you can only change yourself. You're usually at least partially to blame so why not look for those faults and actively try to improve upon them or at least be able to acknowledge them?

Such madness, it's like you guys have morals, a conscience or something of the sort. So weird.


In this world people are always innocent, it's never their own fault, always someone else's.

Life has shown me that being good at playing the blame game is almost a necessity to make it through life unhindered. Almost, mind you.

I may do it a lot on the internet but I'm the kind of person who'll take all the blame and deal with it... I've had to do troublesome and bothersome things for the sake of friends, family, you name it. And I'll continue to do so. Doesn't stop them to continuously shift the blame to me, given how I don't fight back.


And then people wonder why I'm so grumpy  -_-

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Blaming others seems like a very bad way of living your life though  ^_^


You can't change others, you can only change yourself. You're usually at least partially to blame so why not look for those faults and actively try to improve upon them or at least be able to acknowledge them?


I interpreted your statement differently I suppose. It's not something I'd rationalize your shortcomings being at fault here but that's just me.


edit: Don't listen to Tio. He's senile. 

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Such madness, it's like you guys have morals, a conscience or something of the sort. So weird.


In this world people are always innocent, it's never their own fault, always someone else's.

Life has shown me that being good at playing the blame game is almost a necessity to make it through life unhindered. Almost, mind you.

I may do it a lot on the internet but I'm the kind of person who'll take all the blame and deal with it... I've had to do troublesome and bothersome things for the sake of friends, family, you name it. And I'll continue to do so. Doesn't stop them to continuously shift the blame to me, given how I don't fight back.


And then people wonder why I'm so grumpy  -_-


I admire your resolve. Hats off to you, good sir.


I interpreted your statement differently I suppose. It's not something I'd rationalize your shortcomings being at fault here but that's just me.


edit: Don't listen to Tio. He's senile. 


Haha don't worry, it's surely 'her fault' for acting in such an easy to misinterpret way but then again I did ignore the obvious red flags (other guys being in love with her, finding out she had a boyfriend, ...) and chose to not go out of my way to keep her out of my life and inevitably fall in love with her as well (I knew I would). That's why I would say I'm at least partially at fault myself, even though you could say I'm the 'victim' (ugh that word) here.

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Good job moving on my boot leg selling friend. Nice ava btw~


edit: Don't listen to Tio. He's senile. 

I thought this was already common knowledge.


Good luck to you as well Tyrael. It's not always easy, but it would be best to move on.

Have to agree with our senile uncle on this one, whether she knew it or not, it's mostly her fault for being so 'flirtatious'

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I thought this was already common knowledge.


Good luck to you as well Tyrael. It's not always easy, but it would be best to move on.

Have to agree with our senile uncle on this one, whether she knew it or not, it's mostly her fault for being so 'flirtatious'

It's funny how people go and say whatever they want and then agree with me.

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generally it means you give advice laden with self interest, does it not?

Therefore, good. For me.


Not necessarily, I'v known older people that give pretty bad advice.

I don't think being senile helps either.

I was hoping you'd mindlessly believe what I said, but I'm a few hundred years too late. We're ages past the "eldest" is the chief in the family/village.

I did try to leave the "senile" part behind by I see you insist on spewing fallacies.

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Well tiagos not the only crazy person if you're coming to an Otaku forum for love advice. Actually with all the VNs and anime that may not be a bad idea carry on.


I can't imagine a better place if you want to get advice on how to find yourself an otaku girlfriend though ;)


I also don't think you can apply much of what goes on in romantic VN's/anime to the real world as they often are oversimplified (females being a certain 'trope' and nothing more, so to speak) and offer unrealistic scenarios (most MC's are so bland you'd wonder if anyone would actually fall for them if they were real, probably not).


I still prefer how romance works in anime to how it works in the 3D world though....

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Therefore, good. For me.


I was hoping you'd mindlessly believe what I said, but I'm a few hundred years too late. We're ages past the "eldest" is the chief in the family/village.

I did try to leave the "senile" part behind by I see you insist on spewing fallacies.

your honour, with that answer you have just won a award, please pay attention below.


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