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You know, one of the things that makes Symphonic Rain weird for me is just how bad the Fortell sounds to me. Like, this mystical magical instrument that is supposed to be rare and difficult to master just sounds like babby's first casio gotten for $30 down at a walmart. It ruins every song.

I'll agree on this point. While I quickly came to like the first song (Phorni's); I, for instance, absolutely abhor Fal's song. Being unable to skip it is one of my greatest pains.


Also, finished Fal's route in Symphonic Rain. Posting my thoughts in the appropriate place.

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I don't like the protagonist at all. He's more like the guy, that deserves to be beaten up by the real protagonist (like those rich-footballteam-jerks in 80s teen flicks). Then there's the setting, which is kinda creepy and makes me feel really uncomfortable.


No clue if that stuff changes somewhere down the line or if all of that is on purpose, but I had enough after 30 minutes. 



I can understand why you don't like him but there is a lot more to the character that you can see at first hand, give it another try you wont regret it.

Wh-What the?! Someone actually checked my vndb?! Must... hide... all my nukiges...



Anyway, I've reached chapter 2, around the part after the first H-scene with Sachi. Why did I chose Sachi, you say? Because she is awesome. The end.

Kenichi definitely isn't a protagonist that I thought to be. I even wondered why some people called him similar to Yuuji...

And the end of chapter one (and the start of chapter two) made me think otherwise. He is definitely 

similar to Yuuji, even if only a little bit. Like, the training they had gone through, their inner monologue, and, ALL THE INCEST THEY HAD DONE! ....Umm, I mean, they are similar alright, kind of.


The characters are really enjoyable. Isono didn't turn out to be a comic-relief-only character that I thought he would be. Natsume pissed me off at first but after seeing that last scene in chapter one, I'm really curious about her now. Sachi's... CUTE, reaaally cute. I mean, those eyes~


Touka might end up being my favorite heroine though, since I like tsundere and all.


I think I will finish chapter 2 by tonight. That is, if I don't fall asleep in the process.



You should do the Natsumi's route first, even if this is almost a linear vn the best ending or at least the real one is with her.

And yes, that was the only problem with this vn, sometimes it drags on and on and on but trust me it gets better.

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comyu common route


I just guess that is what you are currently playing... Your posts are always flood over with magnificent details and an incredible way of "speech", awesome...


Anyway, I started also Symphonic Rain. But I'm just at the beginning. So I move on and tell you later my thoughts about that...

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This isnt a review thread or a discussion thread it simply asks what you are playing and nothing more and nothing less


But it isn't too hard to write before " I play" or "I read" ... But the one who is wrong here is me, because I'm think about what you're writing, Sorry for that. I should have known better.


But enough with that. The wrong place here.

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This isnt a review thread or a discussion thread it simply asks what you are playing and nothing more and nothing less

This is a discussion forum, posts made here should at least try a little bit to promote discussion. You're basically the only person who posts in this thread the way you do, and I don't think anyone has responded to you so far, so maybe think about that a little.

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This is a discussion forum, posts made here should at least try a little bit to promote discussion. You're basically the only person who posts in this thread the way you do, and I don't think anyone has responded to you so far, so maybe think about that a little.

I recommend these posts all get moved out or nuked so as to not clutter the precious thread, but I cannot simply watch by on on this issue.


I absolutely believe that Rin is mostly right on this point. (disregarding the fact that the sentence he formed can hardly be called that; no capitals, no full stops but more importantly, no "I'm playing" which has actually made me report his posts before as I had no idea what he was talking about and couldn't hazard a guess)

People just have these endless discussions on this topic. I remember there were pages filled with spoilers. Isn't that just ridiculous? I think this thread is way to popular. Why not use appropriate threads for discussion?

But I wonder if it's just me...

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RinxD is like a tsundere character that we all love in the vns :P

Now being a little more serious, come on this is just a place to hang out and chill a bit (at least it's for me), we could use a little bit of flexibility, we can go off-topic a bit too and yes probably is wrong to do that when you have a proper specific place in the forum to do that but still being a little flexible never killed anyone :)


Back on topic:


playing muv-luv unlimited, meiya's route

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Just so people do not derail further,

I've talked to some people. The mods' (well, maybe I should specify: the VN Talk mods' :P) stance regarding this thread is that it is perfectly fine/okay/valid for people to post in this thread regarding what they are playing along with their thoughts on what they are playing.

Tiago may have a point though, if lengthy discussions are spawned as a result of the above, it may be better to move those posts to a dedicated discussion thread. Other than that, everything's fair game.

edit: agree with Decay's post on the next page. I've always thought of this thread as the to-go place/central hub for these types of VN conversations xD 

Started up Sharin no Kuni, but I couldn't get in the mood to read much. I think I need a longer break after having finishing Symphonic Rain xD

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I recommend these posts all get moved out or nuked so as to not clutter the precious thread, but I cannot simply watch by on on this issue.


I absolutely believe that Rin is mostly right on this point. (disregarding the fact that the sentence he formed can hardly be called that; no capitals, no full stops but more importantly, no "I'm playing" which has actually made me report his posts before as I had no idea what he was talking about and couldn't hazard a guess)

People just have these endless discussions on this topic. I remember there were pages filled with spoilers. Isn't that just ridiculous? I think this thread is way to popular. Why not use appropriate threads for discussion?

But I wonder if it's just me...

The thread's entire purpose is just to chat about the VNs you're currently reading. You post a few thoughts about it and people are free to respond. I don't really see what's wrong with this. I think pages of spoilers are ridiculous, but that's another thing entirely. Not every game can support an active thread, especially older ones. If someone has something they want to seriously discuss at length, they should make a thread, but there's nothing wrong with the chit-chat, I see that as the entire point of this thread. And what does "way too popular" even mean? Why does it matter that a thread is popular?


edit: I should say that this actually isn't a big deal and we're probably blowing this out of proportion. Maybe I shouldn't have chimed in because ultimately it doesn't really matter much if one or two people post like how Rin does.

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The thread's entire purpose is just to chat about the VNs you're currently reading. You post a few thoughts about it and people are free to respond. I don't really see what's wrong with this. I think pages of spoilers are ridiculous, but that's another thing entirely. Not every game can support an active thread, especially older ones. If someone has something they want to seriously discuss at length, they should make a thread, but there's nothing wrong with the chit-chat, I see that as the entire point of this thread. And what does "way too popular" even mean? Why does it matter that a thread is popular?


edit: I should say that this actually isn't a big deal and we're probably blowing this out of proportion. Maybe I shouldn't have chimed in because ultimately it doesn't really matter much if one or two people post like how Rin does.

I agree. Everything is your fault. Time for Seppuku.


As you've replied to me, I can't just leave you hanging, even if it's off-topic.

The "that's another thing entirely is what I'm referring to". Posting thoughts and having people comment is fine with me.

Filling a page with spoilers or discussion is not. I would prefer if they were just split into a new topic or moved to the appropriate place.


Way too popular refers to how everyone uses this thread for discussion, instead of trying to use something else. I will admit the wording was more than inaccurate on that one.

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No man, its time to commit sudoku.

I do wonder if that's a meme. People have replied that to me on numerous occasions.


Also, can these posts get hidden yet? Look at me derailing the thread like there's no tomorrow.


I'll post a slight update on Symphonic Rain, which I am reading at the moment.

Lise's Route

These damaged body parts, I mean, colds and accidents seem mighty suspicious to me.

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You should do the Natsumi's route first, even if this is almost a linear vn the best ending or at least the real one is with her.

And yes, that was the only problem with this vn, sometimes it drags on and on and on but trust me it gets better.

That's the point. I'm saving the best for later, though I'm not really sure. Since (I heard) Sharin has linear story, will it destroy the experience if I do Natsume's route last? I mean, the story is pretty much the same except the ending (or epilogue?) and the H-scenes right? Doesn't that mean I will already know everything that will happen except the epilogue? Will it reduce my enjoyment if I save Natsume's route for last?

Oh. I didn't mean that it is a drag when I said I might fall asleep, I said that because I was tired and sleepy as hell -_-

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That's the point. I'm saving the best for later, though I'm not really sure. Since (I heard) Sharin has linear story, will it destroy the experience if I do Natsume's route last? I mean, the story is pretty much the same except the ending (or epilogue?) and the H-scenes right? Doesn't that mean I will already know everything that will happen except the epilogue? Will it destroy my enjoyment if I save Natsume's route for last?

Oh. I didn't mean that it is a drag when I said I might fall asleep, I said that because I was tired and sleepy as hell -_-

Literally the only things that change from route to route are the H-scenes you get and the epilogue, so don't worry and just go with whichever girl you like most.

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I started on Forest a few days ago but haven't really been able to get into it because I've gotten sidetracked by the Monster anime. I'm in love with Wonderland, but it's hard to balance multiple things at once and unfortunately I've been preoccupied with something else like I mentioned. One thing I've pulled from it thus far though is: holy shit there are a lot of h scenes in this (not that I mind or take offense in any way, shape, or form :3)

On an unrelated note to the thread itself, I can't help but feel animosity towards a certain someone and look at them as a cancerous lump (the analogy actually fits 

very well). Hopefully something can stop the cancer before it spreads too far
We may already be too late.

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That's the point. I'm saving the best for later, though I'm not really sure. Since (I heard) Sharin has linear story, will it destroy the experience if I do Natsume's route last? I mean, the story is pretty much the same except the ending (or epilogue?) and the H-scenes right? Doesn't that mean I will already know everything that will happen except the epilogue? Will it reduce my enjoyment if I save Natsume's route for last?

Oh. I didn't mean that it is a drag when I said I might fall asleep, I said that because I was tired and sleepy as hell -_-


Disclaimer: Something about me going through my second replaythrough of Sharin and I remember why exactly I love Kenichi after the whole thing involving his case being opened. 


Alright, I mentioned something about one of my current VNs.....


Am I the only one who just wants to punch Natsumi? She has a few cute moments, sure, but overall, her attitude is very shit and I honestly thought she had some form of mental disability at first. Even after completing the game, I still did not care much for her. I suggest Sachi, as it resonated with me the most as I have more or less the same problem with doing work, and also because Sachi a cute. 


I just got the bad ending where she falls in the cave and I cri evrtiem

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Disclaimer: Something about me going through my second replaythrough of Sharin and I remember why exactly I love Kenichi after the whole thing involving his case being opened. 


Alright, I mentioned something about one of my current VNs.....


Am I the only one who just wants to punch Natsumi? She has a few cute moments, sure, but overall, her attitude is very shit and I honestly thought she had some form of mental disability at first. Even after completing the game, I still did not care much for her. I suggest Sachi, as it resonated with me the most as I have more or less the same problem with doing work, and also because Sachi a cute. 


I just got the bad ending where she falls in the cave and I cri evrtiem

In her defense

IIRC even accidentally touching a guy could land her in a concentration camp, that'll probably do things to you.

But yeah, I liked Sachi more too.

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That's the point. I'm saving the best for later, though I'm not really sure. Since (I heard) Sharin has linear story, will it destroy the experience if I do Natsume's route last? I mean, the story is pretty much the same except the ending (or epilogue?) and the H-scenes right? Doesn't that mean I will already know everything that will happen except the epilogue? Will it reduce my enjoyment if I save Natsume's route for last?

Oh. I didn't mean that it is a drag when I said I might fall asleep, I said that because I was tired and sleepy as hell -_-

It's the same but you get a different h-scenes depending on the heroine you pick a few things here and there (just a few different dialogs) and the epilogue changes too, but picking natsumi makes sense in terms of the plot.

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It's the same but you get a different h-scenes depending on the heroine you pick a few things here and there (just a few different dialogs) and the epilogue changes too, but picking natsumi makes sense in terms of the plot.

Yeah, she gives that "Hey, hey! I'm the true heroine!" aura around her. And I want to see the "true" ending of the story first before seeing the alternative (I know there is no official true end in Sharin no Kuni, I just said that because it looks like it to me). But I'm already at the end of chapter two, Sachi's end.. Decision, decision..

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Yeah, she gives that "Hey, hey! I'm the true heroine!" aura around her. And I want to see the "true" ending of the story first before seeing the alternative (I know there is no official true end in Sharin no Kuni, I just said that because it looks like it to me). But I'm already at the end of chapter two, Sachi's end.. Decision, decision..

Eh, it's arguable that she is the true heroine, since the only story-focused route in the fandisc uses her route...and she is the main heroine, there's no doubt about it.  When in doubt, the protag's childhood crush is almost always the heroine with the true end.  At least, that's what seems to happen most often.

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Eh, it's arguable that she is the true heroine, since the only story-focused route in the fandisc uses her route...and she is the main heroine, there's no doubt about it.  When in doubt, the protag's childhood crush is almost always the heroine with the true end.  At least, that's what seems to happen most often.

Which is why I said 'official' true end. The writer/developer/company didn't say anything about her ending being the true end (I think?). But it is obvious enough to see that she is indeed the true heroine, though I'm not sure since I haven't even reached her part of the story.

Oh well. I think I will do Sachi > Natsume > Touka, since I don't really like to stall my relationship (not that it ever happen in real life -_-).

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Natsumi was much more pleasant in the fandisc. Emo Natsumi was grating, even if her emoness was somewhat justified. Sachi was my fav heroine too, though

I also really liked Ririko, especially in the fandisc. I liked the idea behind her story in that, being sad Ken didn't need he as much as he did when they were younger. Was nice.


Anyways I started Sono Hana, read 1 and 3. Will go back to the second one, but I was curious about 3 because I saw those girls in the OVA. So far it's like a concentrated dose of diabetes injected straight into my bloodstream. I'm usually bored to tears by Nukige/Hentai, but this is so sweet it keeps my attention.

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