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I've read both; The Second Reproduction > Starry Sky 'cause there's plot and it's not entirely common route + tacked on endings for the heroes of your choice. The guys can be p. moe in Starry Sky, but if you're not looking for a stereotypical moe-ge with guys, you won't find a huge amount to like? The humour's hit-or-miss in my opinion. The Second Reproduction has an alright plot (although the characters are stereotypes too). There's one route that feels tacked on, but the two main routes are nice. It's pretty short, too. This is all my opinion, though.


I have never played an otome and those two looked promising. Do you have a different recommendation?

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I have never played an otome and those two looked promising. Do you have a different recommendation?

There's slim pickings for Otoge, so The Second Reproduction is definitely your best bet without BL on Fuwanovel. Outside of Fuwanovel, Hakuouki...? Although I've heard that can get boring, especially if you're not into history (but I'm super into history so I didn't find a huge problem and I loved it). I enjoyed The Second Reproduction immensely, though, so if you're not going in expecting otome Comyu or otome FSN or anything, it's fun. It's pretty short, too, the guys are pretty great, and if you enjoying laughing at people who are just so oblivious, it's a laugh riot. Yo-Jin-Bo is supposed to be hilarious if you don't mind Mickey Mouse references in your Ancient Japan (unfortunately I do, so I haven't really gotten past the first few hours...)

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I don't want to drop Osadai but it's really tempting. I'm stalled halfway through Yukino's route, after completing the other three, so I'm almost done but I really don't feel like going through the same song and dance for the fourth time. Remi and Josef are at it yet again, only with slightly different motivations and methods. I can finish it in just a few hours I'm sure, but I'm not really inspired to do so right now. Hopefully I'll go back to it some day but I have a bad habit of dropping things right before the end. I actually couldn't tell you why.


I started up Cartagra instead. It's okay so far. It's a little bit different in tone than I was expecting (I didn't expect the main heroine to be an energetic goofball character) but I like it so far.

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Hm, unless I'm forgetting stuff (haven't read it in a long time), aren't there only three worlds?

You have the meta-world, where the main storyline continues throughout the episodes.

You have the gameboard(s), which are the separate episodes/'games'.

And lastly you have the 'future' outside of those two, basically Ange related stuff.


That said, you still haven't seen anything, Chiru gets absolutely crazy. :D

Yes you are right that there are three worlds but during the narration you will have to read parallel:

1:The story about the fatal two days on Rokkenjima on 1986

2:The gameboard where Battler and Beatrice play their game

3:The future (when Ange was going to Saint Lucia school)

4:The future (when Ange start to search for a way to save her family)

5:The flashback of Maria when she had her friend Sakutaro

The author love to make jump the narration during this episode!

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In chapter 6 on C;H now, it really is doomed ;_;

It feels that things are slowly getting into high gear. 

Shogun just challenged the MC to a 'game' for saving his sister, seems like the protag is finally gonna change his attitude.


Trust me, Chapter 6 is the pinacle of the story, i'll not say nothing, but my favourite chapter.

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Trust me, Chapter 6 is the pinacle of the story, i'll not say nothing, but my favourite chapter.

I finished chapter 6 and got into 7 but it didn't seem that remarkable and since save didn't work this chapter I didn't choose the red or green lines at all and just went through. Generally I see all the three scenarios. 

Well the scene of nanami's hand and what happened at the roof were exciting but it didn't feel all that great .... 

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I finished chapter 6 and got into 7 but it didn't seem that remarkable and since save didn't work this chapter I didn't choose the red or green lines at all and just went through. Generally I see all the three scenarios. 

Well the scene of nanami's hand and what happened at the roof were exciting but it didn't feel all that great .... 

Yes, but from that time, you are treated as a crazy guy by approx every person in tokyo.

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Yeah but then the protag didn't really interact with other people anyway. He always thought that people around him think that he is creepy, well that became the reality.


It's also the second main theme : Delusions becoming reality.

I mean, this VN didn't lied at any second about it's content.


Oh by the way, normally, at the chapter 7-8 everything will start to be more clear for you.

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Finished the first arc, Down the Rabbit Hole, in Subarashiki Hibi. Well, rather than finished, I've accidentally went straight for the true (?) ending instead of finishing all the other content first. This might actually finally teach me to never refuse yuri use walkthroughs-- I've always felt like choices are a fun part of a VN, and discovering its structure and such is a part of the experience, but I really don't like getting the good/true endings before the bad ones. It just seems to take away from the 'lesser'/bad endings' value, if that makes any sense. I still feel like cheating while using a walkthrough, but... to the people who've read SubaHibi, do you think it's better to use a walkthrough in this case? I remember someone said they got the endings out of order in the last arc too, so that'd probably be good to avoid...


As for the story itself

Wow, that was great, especially for a first arc! The 'it was all a dream!' kind of twists are usually really lame, but this was done so well that I honestly can

not be happy with this. Speaking of the ending, though, just when I was starting to figure things out, with who the 'girl that's the world itself' and all, that space-train scene came and made me feel incredibly dumb. :x I feel like most of what went on in the train went completely over my head... I feel like re-reading this won't even help, that's how lost I was. Were they quoting a book? The most I've gotten was the comparison to 銀河鉄道の夜 since they were nice enough to spell that out completely, but since I haven't read the book itself yet (I really need to catch up with classic literature), I have no idea what more they took from that than the hole in the sky part. Basically, everything about that man (book? :S) was completely lost on me. I guess I'll have to read that part again - and very carefully - and probably even catch up on the literature before that. Oh this VN will ruin me...

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It's also the second main theme : Delusions becoming reality.

I mean, this VN didn't lied at any second about it's content.


Oh by the way, normally, at the chapter 7-8 everything will start to be more clear for you.

Yeah nearing the end of chapter 8 now. Most of the mysteries are slowly getting resolved, I like the pace and feeling of the game much more now than when it had only horror.

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