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Posts posted by Crayten

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    Would probably have made the top 5 on MG all together (1st party and 3rd party.) If I remember correctly, the TL community on /jp/ were getting real bitter with how well the EVNs were doing on the MG site compared with the translated VNs. But that's been the case for a long time now, every since Christine Love's VN topped 30,000 units sold. This bitterness probably contributes partly to the ill-feeling toward Tilley and Winged Cloud.

    I will never understand how someone would prefer these shovelware VNs over the actual good ones. It just makes me sad.

  2. 1 minute ago, Nosebleed said:

    Hoshimemo? Really?

    Out of all Favorite games you pick the sole one that's already translated and has been read by pretty much everyone.

    I'm not even arguing for Hoshimemo being bad, I just wish we'd gotten any other title by Favorite.

    I thank the gods they didnt pick something else or otherwise we would end up with a all-ages release only from non fan-translated games.

  3. 10 minutes ago, kyrt said:

    I am not exactly thrilled by the current announcements and mainly because at the very bottom of their announcement email they say "additional information for all titles listed below to be revealed in the coming months". Screams kickstarter to me...and they don't bother mentioning if these will have all age or 18+ versions is worrying. 

    So they just announced Hoshizora no Memoria, Sakura Dungeon, and 


    KARAKARA is expected to be released on Steam and Denpasoft on June 27, 2016.



    So they just rip out the uncut content and dump it on steam? I mean it never had a all-ages version that replaced these scenes and context wise it would be kinda weird without massiv rewriting.

    edit: god damn this "censored" forum software. i hate it.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Maxel said:

    The Sad Truth :( I'm gonna cry in the corner if there won't be 18+ releases of Chrono Clock/Tenshin Ranman. I won't support all-ages versions...

    Have they ever mentioned Chrono Clock after the initial announcement again? And it never had a all-ages release so releasing it without the +18 content would be a problem.

    4 minutes ago, XReaper said:

    in case of chrono clock there´s nothing to miss out on at all. ero content has nothing to do with its story/maingame & is only like additional stuff for getting you fap to

    Oh okay.

  5. Oh and i found out why Kio Nachi is a guest at the SP venue.



    Planning/Script: Kio Nachi - Best known for writing Yumiko's route in Grisaia, he has also written the scenario for Scarlett and AOKANA: Four Rhythm Across the Blue. Additionally he also is a graphics designer who made many logos for anime, manga, and visual novels!



  6. 5 minutes ago, Maxel said:

    I think it was LB I was pretty sad, cause I watched anime, and wouldn't want it as much as other two ^^

    Good luck, they said 18+ = Denpasoft

    I don't know why they separated them? Maybe VA Key demanded it? Maybe they had some problems... Who knows.. 

    I find it strange, when they appeal to one company asking for license approval, the company got the title in All-ages and 18+ what then? They say: Well, we are SP, but we are also Denpasoft, so we would like to release both versions? (O_O) ? Or they just ignore that and go for all-ages (G Senjou *cough* *cough*)

    SP has nothing to do with Littlebuster. Fruitbat Factory bought the translation from Doki and will publish it through steam and they have at least a clear stance on 18+ title. All i want from SP is a clear answer about 18 title. A simple yes or no cant be that hard right?

  7. 7 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    There are many reasons to be pissed at Sekai Project  but that doesn't stop them from appealing to us and begging for our cash on kickstarter :holo: the saddest part being that a lot of us want some of those vn's to get made so sometimes we help or hype and buy them anyways...it's rough

    Thats a decision everyone has to make for himself. If i dont like things a publisher does, i dont support him even if that means not to play some good games. 

    Thats also one of the major problems that only happens in the video game industry. People keep buying stuff even if they hate SPs politics/support w/e.



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