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Posts posted by Crayten

  1. must correct myself, there even is a loli-vampire - hell the fucking yeah!

    edit: if they really decide on working hands in hands with mikandi then the novel in question is pretty much in good hands, as well as we wont have to worry about an adult version release as decay already mentioned.

    edit2: cause i never heard of this company and there games before, i looked few of them up and yeah - definitely found enough to read the next days - immouto-wise of course - which makes me hope they wont turn out beeing pure garbage, so we could eventually expect more of them in the future after this ones success, which is almost certain considering steam users getting steamy...

    Mikandi Japan confirmed it via twitter

  2. IMHHW did pretty well, considering that MoeNovel pretty much ruined it, so you can't exactly blame them for wanting in on the action.  Doesn't mean that I'll support them blindly without any inkling of the quality or seeing what they cut out, though.

    That is true but that was at a time were you could count the released VNs on steam with 1 or 2 hands. Princess Evangile only sold around 2500~ Copies according to Steamdb as an example.


  3. If you look back, I've never once denied that the advertising for Denpa Soft is sub par. I'm simply stating why I think that not to be a priority (at the moment, at least) and why it's a bad idea to link to Denpa Soft on the main SP site. I've stated my points over and over, but people just keep coming up and going "hurdur but they're losing sales" like the business 'experts' they are. SP would also be making more money if they started ripping their customers off, but again, several factors such as ethics come into play. Ripping off consumers is definitely detrimental to a company in the long-run.


    In the same way, I also feel that keeping 18+ releases separate will also benefit the company (as well as the community) in the long-run as it will introduce more and more people to visual novels and help the games become more popular. They're not only marketing towards die-hard VN fans - they're also trying to get newcomers interested. 18+ titles are way too heavy for such purposes. Many people are actually turned off by tentacles drilling into little girls which is the image uneducated people CURRENTLY get when somebody mentions "visual novel" to them. (That conversation Tay had with his schoolmate when he introduced Planetarian to him, anyone?) I feel that it's not a good idea to reinforce that notion by associating the name "Sekai Project" with graphic smut like that. This is the last and final time I will state this point, as I've already gone over this twice.


    I get that you guys care about how a series does because you're a fan, but seriously, if someone really was that hyped for an 18+ release of a game they've been dying to play, then they'd be closely following it even without having to read 20,000 tweets about it. The Grisaia series isn't going to die just because of this, so you guys need to stop overreacting. Like holy freaking crap, visual novel fans are batshit insane  :michiru:

    I think if SP would talk more to both sites it would makes things easier. For uncut/18 fans as an example its annoying that you have always to ask if the game is also available as a 18+ version without removed content due to the lack of SP talking about it.

    I dont think it would hurt SP to announce it over Denpasoft twitter account if there is a uncut version or not instead of hinting it etc. Thats my biggest problem with them: lack of communication.

  4. Another one of the scenario writers, Nisshi~, was a scenario writer for HoshiOri.  Didn't recognize any of the other VNs the staff worked on, though, which isn't a surprise because I'm not exactly exposed to a lot of untranslated VNs.

    Mutsu Ryuusuke was involved in Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm. So at least 3 of the writter have some good past works.

  5. Yume no Sono is about two girls who run away and take refuge in a mysterious world of dreams. (
    Darekoi - You find yourself in an otherworldly peaceful town. A town where time stands still. (
    Highway Blossoms - A short yuri VN about a girl wandering the midwest after the loss of her granddad (
    Japanese High School Life - An Original SP Game about being a foreign exchange student in Japan. (
    Wagamama High Spec - You're forced to join the student council to protect your secret! (
    The Orchard of Stray Sheep - A negative person finds himself the teacher of a innocent girl on a secluded academy.... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTH1_VdBmg, VNDB)
    Wagamama High Spec is definitely my favourite from these 6 announcements. Some of the writters also worked on some pretty good VNs and an anime adaptation is also already confirmed.
  6. Coincidentally, the graph comparing the time and the amount of Sakura games coming out is similar to the amount of sales the Sakura titles have veen making.


    Sakura Spirit: 200,000 owners

    Sakura Angels: 55,000 owners

    Sakura Fantasy: 17,009 owners

    Sakura Swim Club: 15,000 owners

    Sakura Beach: 6,000 owners


    There is some hope.

    The problem is its probably even highly profitable with 1000 sales unit

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