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Posts posted by Crayten

  1. Well I was waiting for Astro to update this thread but I may as well post myself since he hasn't in a while, though he did update the website.


    I've joined this project as a translator and so far have "signed up" to do Tsubame's route.


    I'm already about 40% of the way through it and I gotta say, she's blowing my mind. It'll probably only take me 3 months to get through her entire route since it's so enjoyable.

    Nice to hear and good luck both of you with the project. :sachi:

  2. After that conversation with Arunaru, we've have established that it's pretty likely that Daiteikoku will get an official release by MangaGamer, so this translation project has been rendered obsolete. though myself and Lost/逸れた are planning on moving onto translating Asuseka (Soshite Ashita no Sekai yori). I hope everyone respects our decision to do this after it has come to light that both it is likely that the game will get an official translation and that if this project advanced and released a patch, it would probably have been C&D. This translation project will remain on the translation board until 12/09/15 to let everyone know about the project. Have a good day everyone!

    Understandable decision but i highly doubt that MangaGamer will translate it. If Beat Blade Haruka is a success and they get the rights for rance why should they bother with games that will sell less and cost way more due to voice acting rights.

  3. So are we almost to the point where Winged Cloud is going to release a Sakura game every month? 

    They could offer a Sakura-Flatrate. Pay 240€ for 12 awesome VNs like Sakura financial buisness and Sakura taxi driver !!

  4. I believe someone (sanahtlig?) said he had the twitter of the president of this company. Mind sending a tweet to him with the following message and picture?




    "I proudly support this game's localization; I have my preorder slip ready to go. You?"

    If you want i can send it to him. just send me a pm.

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