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Posts posted by Crayten

  1. *5/10 Update*

    Sorry for the long wait, everyone, and thank you for the feedback so far. Since we've received a number of similar questions, we decided to address the most common ones with this update.

    Removal of DLC for General Sale
    First of all, we've decided to abandon the DLC plan we initially announced, in accordance with user feedback. As of now, the version of the game available for digital download on Steam at release will have the Sound Mode and CG Gallery intact (previously the Deluxe Edition), and is planned for general sale at $40. For this reason, the words "Deluxe Version" will also be removed for clarity.

    Changes to the Rewards Section
    Due to the removal of DLC and announcement of the game's pricing, the some pricing changes have been made to the Rewards section, most notably the following:
    ・A digital copy of the game - as described above - will be offered to backers who pledge $30 or more. 
    ・An early bird offer will be available to the first 100 people to pledge $20 or more. These people will be able to get the same rewards for a reduced price, though this will be limited to 100 places only.

    Regarding an 18+ version/patch
    Although we had initially planned to release an all-ages version of the game (which, to clarify, was released on consoles in Japan), we now promise to release the 18+ version as well, following strong support for its production.

    Since there are a number of technical issues surrounding its development, it has not yet been decided whether the 18+ content will be in the form of a patch or a complete 18+ version. We (Frontwing) are working with AKABEi SOFT2 to resolve these issues. We would also like to assure that those who pledge and receive a digital key as a reward will be able to enjoy the 18+ version for under $10.

    Developing this may take some time, so it will come out after the all ages version has been released. We'll continue working hard to fulfill your requests. We'll keep you updated on any new progress.

    --The PR team


    They are learning :pyaa:  

    What a time to be alive.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Decay said:

    I'm proud to announce that @XReaper is now signed on as our official Bard. Whenever morale is down, XReaper will tell one of his many motivational tales of life in Communist Germany. 

    I still remember his bestseller "A Song of Dracu and Meme" 

  3. On 29.3.2016 at 4:16 PM, Nosebleed said:

    If he releases the scripts and they're actually all translated minus Miu's route, I swear I'll temporarily drop my project and translate it just so we can put an end to this meme. Though if this happens I'm sure there'll be many people doing the same thing, in which case fuck that.

    So any chance that you will finish the job since he actually deliverd (never thought that would happen:pyaa:)?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Satsuki said:

    Welp, I would have forgotten about this April 1st thingy if this topic did not remind me. Just a few days left, let's see if it's just a troll, as expected, or he will be serious for once.

    Pretty sure its not a troll ... :makina:

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