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Everything posted by Insania

  1. Welcome to fuwa. Have a reptilian monstrosity
  2. I recently started a rerun of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. God I love playing as an absolutely bat-shit crazy vampire. Malkavians are by far the most interesting class to play. Arguing with a 'Stop' sign. Enough said.
  3. Welcome to the forums. Firstly: complimentary dinosaur Secondly: never skip any route. Like others have said you will most likely either: miss out of key content, or get some major spoilers for other routes. I have repeatedly had the urge to skip certain routes to acquire the option to get to my favourite character route, but most of the time that urge quickly disappears. Always worth giving a route a read, you never know, it might turn out to be your favourite.
  4. I quite enjoyed No Game No Life. It was one of the anime where I was left anticipating each episode week after week. Like others I enjoyed the bright art style and of course I'm a sucker for fantasy-meets-modern type scenarios, therefore making No Game No Life one of my favourite recent anime. Oh, and I love the characters. Especially Shiro due to her interactions with Steph.
  5. Welcome to fuwa. Have a dinosaur:
  6. I guess I should add my name to the list... OCE: Insania
  7. Welcome to fuwa. I can't think of anything else to say. Thinking is hard. So instead have a picture of a dinosaur.
  8. I happen to have a few songs that regularly pop up in my head. Usually it's the beat, but sometimes I get random snippets from the song that I really like. However they rarely affect my mood or actions...but usually come out in relation to my mood. It also varies depending on new songs or if i start listening to a particular band or artist. So here are the main ones...but it, like I said, it varies:
  9. When it comes to the speed in which you talk, at least in the linked video, I think you should slow down a little. Especially at the start of the video you talked so fast I as wondering if you had time to breathe. The speed at which you talked made it quite, although not impossible, difficult to follow along and understand what you were saying at times. Also, at 3:19 I would recommend not showing that kind of imagery. Personally it doesn't bother me, but your videos may be flagged and taken down with that kind of nudity. A simple black out, or just not showing those kinds of scenes will help you out in the long run. That's all the tips I can muster. I did however enjoy the level of depth you went into about the story itself. You were very descriptive about the nature of the plot, themes, and characterisation without giving any spoilers away. Which is great, so keep at it.
  10. Well it seems I'm safe...still going to change my password though.
  11. Posted the first chapter. It is a fairly short chapter, some feedback would be nice if you got any. Hopefully I can improve from it. Enjoy~
  12. So in the Skype call I had a 'great' idea. Let's make a story with a bunch of random idiotic and possibly plain strange ideas. So here's how I want this to go: I want to make a story with a bunch of random points, items and other things. I have already asked in chat for some suggestions and I WILL use all of them. I'm thinking of making a Chapter each week and editing it to this post. To keep this bearable for me and so I don't have the write an amazing load of garbage I'll ask you all keep your suggestions to three each. Setting and Suggestions Chapter 1
  13. Gai-Rei Zero is my favourite anime. I love it due to the attachment to Yomi and consequently... (Proceed at your own risk:) It pulled my heart strings in a different way than most stories I read and left me close to weeping. The action was nice as well, which separated it from just pulling the heartstrings, like Clannad did. It is by no means the best anime, but it is certainly my favourite.
  14. LSD plus this must produce amazing results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZBWfyYtYQY
  15. Granted, but you are now deaf. I wish I could control time
  16. Both of those options are extremely similar so its a hard choice. But I would choose ethical, morals differ and change depending on locale and time. Ethics are my choice due to the consideration granted to others with knowledge of doing so, and sometimes doesn't mean you believe in those morals. Morality is generally much weaker, and to truly believe in morals makes it hard to change. So being ethical applies to more cultures so i choose ethical. Got this one from some site. Would you rather: 1) Live in a world without problems OR 2) Live in a world in which you rule
  17. I shall add it to my mountain high VN pile. One day it will outclass Everest.
  18. Throwing me back my own difficult question eh? Touche. I don't have an exact favourite due to my habit of separating anime in genres and judging them into 'favourites' from there. But if I had to choose it would probably be Gai-Rei Zero...too many feels man. The ending pulled my tears ducts almost as well as Clannad. Takes its #1 place from Clannad's tear drenching power due to how much I loved the action. (digressing to avoid rant) So to avoid a rant and possible explosion of the forums due to the amount of writing I would do: Gai-Rei Zero.
  19. I personally like various types of VN personalities when it comes to VN 'love interests'. To be honest it is hard to find a 'favourite' kind of personality per se, but I like characters with deep, emotional (preferably dark or depressing) backstories. The specific personality of the character is secondary to me however, so it can vary and keep me interested. The reason for my desire for a 'deep backstory' is simply to relate me better to the character and keep me hooked and interested in learning their 'deep dark secrets'. This desire is what keeps Grisia one of my favourite VNs, followed swiftly (or possibly tying) by Ayakashibito and Katawa Shoujo. The common theme of these being a dark, emotional, backstory to the love interests. Soooo, that's me I guess.
  20. Welcome to fuwa. As for my question, seeing how nohman asked what's your fav VN, I shall ask: What's your favourite anime?
  21. Welcome to Fuwa. Hope you like it here.
  22. Being a new forum member myself I think the recommendation board should remain where it is. While I did scour the forums looking at all the different kinds of sections, the recommendation forum sticking out is a key factor in my opinion. Simply due to the fact that recommending VNs is probably one of the more important, and beneficial, sections to newer VN players like myself. So that's my two cents.
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