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Everything posted by Insania

  1. I prefer sarcastic-intelligent ones because I can relate better. I am by no means very 'intelligent' but I am quite sarcastic so I relate better in terms of my personality. But I am usually fine with any type of personality as I usually view their story in an 'outsider' perspective, even when the VN is presented in a first person narrative. However there are always exceptions, and I may find that a protagonist is simply too extreme of a personality. Everything in moderation I suppose.
  2. I didn't even last an hour before getting corrupted.
  3. Still intrigued, now frightened. Stalk my profile for skype info and send me a request.
  4. There is a skype group? I am both intrigued and lonely now.
  5. This thread seems bad for ones health. Therefore I must post on it. PIKAGURL~~~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t1AnK7Gqg4
  6. Well that was certainly an interesting introduction. Welcome. A 'good' VN really depends on your taste or preference. Like Life said, it's best to throw a query out in the recommendation section with the genre/themes you are looking for. Hope after a few good VNs you rekindle...or just kindle an interest in VNs.
  7. Abridged series are hilariously fun and I love them. Hellsing Abridged = my favourite load of random, idiotic fun I have ever watched. It managed to make my favourite horror anime into my favourite comedy anime. Best scene/lines?
  8. Seeing how my Japanese is next to non-existent I can only comfortably read translated VNs. I would like to learn Japanese at one point in my life, but I simply don't have the time nor will to learn it right now.
  9. Insania


    Trolls can troll for a number of reasons. The exact nature of these reasons can be varied and expansive so it's hard to say exactly 'why' Trolls troll. Trolls, in my experience, are similar if not identical to a run of the mill bully. Bullies or Trolls simply insult, enrage or attack someone due to (generally) a insecurity about themselves or their lives. In reaction to these insecurities they pick on others weak points to feel better about themselves. Most people, if not all, will point out and ridicule some aspect of a person to deter thought of their own insecurities. Unfortunately even I acknowledge I do so. It's a defence mechanism to help deal with the society we live in. Trolls are similar but are more prevalent as, like others have stated before, have the strength of anonymity as they are behind a computer screen, and as such do not have to face the consequence of their actions. If you think about it, a mask can give someone an incredible amount of 'courage' to do things they most often would not; and the internet is one hell of a mask. To summarise my rant, bullying and trolling share a common factor, ridicule and riling people up to cover for imposed insecurities. It's an annoying part of our culture and nature, trolling is just the internet's version of it.
  10. Ah didn't know there was already a topic. Thanks for the link
  11. I love AMVs, they are probably how I was first attracted to Anime and in turn made my way to VNs. As the title says what are your favourite AMVs? If you have any 'favourites' that is. I personally love this AMV because it is so perfect for Gasai Yuno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRyhbiW5a40 But one of my absolute favourites would be this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mWVGu_t7Fg So am I alone in my obsession with AMVs? I would like to know if anyone else has any particular favourites.
  12. or 2) Balut, unhatched, partially formed chicken eggs. I've had Balut, and it's delicious BTW. Add some salt, pepper, lemon and a bit of minty leaves - you're set. I would go for the Balut. Would enjoy watching people freak the hell out when I say I ate a chick fetus. Would you rather: 1) Never read another VN ever again OR 2) Live in North Korea for 5 years
  13. Granted. However dubstep is now played at all discos. I wish I could fly.
  14. Well I listen to a range of styles. All English/Western type music however. I only know English so I stick to songs with English lyrics or no lyrics. Well when I'm out and about or going to sleep I listen to music like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94bGzWyHbu0 and when I feel like a pick-me-up or motivator I listen to epic music like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASj81daun5Q and when I want to listen to some techo-like music I spam Icon for Hire because I love the band with a passion. The playlist includes songs like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAo389WHcJo
  15. I've watched SAO 1 and am currently keeping up to date with SAO 2. But in all honesty I don't particularly hold it up to be as great as some people. Particularly a few people at my school believe it to be the 'best anime they have ever watched' but I suppose they have different tastes/expectations for an anime than I do. SAO 1 was too fast paced for me, and skipped over a lot of Sword Art Online (the actual game) and cut to the end boss too soon. As I have not read the novels I'm not sure if it is the same but either way the abrupt end was unappealing. ALO arc however seemed to have been even more rushed, and barely skimmed the surface of the game and its lore. (Again I'm unsure of the comparisons to the novels) SAO 2 however has taken the complete opposite spin, and is going far too bloody slow. Minor spoilers in my next point, not sure if I should post this outside a spoiler, despite it being revealed early on... However I do like the set up of GGO, which is relatively good world building because of the season's pace. But I would rather it happen a bit more immerse rather than getting simple 'this-that' explanations. SO that is my two cents. Needed to get the rant off somewhere and everyone seems to be discussing SAO, so there we go. If I repeated discussions I am sorry, and I am a terrible person worthy of lynching.
  16. Thanks for the link. Thanks for the welcome. Hopefully I'll apply to the 'most' category. Thanks for the welcome. Already read Grissaia no Kajitsu and I've read a little of G-Senjou no Maou. The latter looked rather interesting but I put it on hold in favor of other VNs. I'll be sure to pick it back up later though. Thanks for the welcome/reccomendations.
  17. I would of course ask, "What drugs did you inject me with while I was asleep? My room is not supposed to be this colourful."
  18. Actually, planning out your leveling is a pretty important aspect if you want to build a strong character. Due to the attribute points reflecting your choice of combat/skills you have used before that point. (Higher point value per pick depending on the way you level up, (skills used etc.)) But I do agree. You are never stuck with one class and can freely swap play styles at your leisure. Quest markers may be a little immersive breaking at times, but with the more complex layout of the geography it became a necessity. For example, even in Morrowind, the direction giving is a little broken at times. I specifically remember, as most people do, a certain mudcrab killing quest that not only gives you complicated directions, but also incorrect ones. I can recall at least 2 more quests that have this problem. But overall, with a bit of mod tweaking Morrowind is my favorite Elder Scrolls by far. Even without the nostalgia goggles! You should defiantly play a bit if you like some 'retro-ish' games.
  19. Thank you for the welcome.
  20. Well I've been playing The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The game feels a lot different since I've last played. The nostalgia is real. Yet one thing still remains...
  21. Thanks for the welcome everyone. My favourite VN...that's a pretty tough question. If I had to choose I think it would have to be between Ayashibito and Muv-Luv Alternative. I have a few VNs that I have yet to play though. Could change once I finally get around to playing them.
  22. Hi, I decided (after a year or two of lurking as a guest) that I should finally sign up and loiter around on fuwanovel's forums. I am a fairly average reader of VNs, (read around 3-4 big ones, and numerous little ones) and love sifting through the stories as a good alternative to a book. Looking forward to chatting with you all and discussing some serious, silly and fun topics.
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