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Everything posted by Totodile

  1. Nope never, and at a whopping 6' 5" i doubt that it will ever happen Next person thinks Yumiko is best girl
  2. I'm no pedo so 6/10. i gave it an extra point for blue eyes with red hair though, awesome combo
  3. Hey i could be Japanese if i was better at Photoshop but it's true i'm not the next person found fuwa while looking for porn
  4. Truth, and the internet is a known no-man's-land. Once it's there it's free game
  5. Welcome to le forums.
  6. How are you sure that you're not dead?
  7. Sort of how i feel when i try to translate a VN, i normally give up mid download of the VN itself
  8. Totodile


    not ashamed to say i read that recently, a great read it is
  9. Congrats on the 1500 posts btw Sweet, totally game for this. I just hope it isn't an anime that i've watched the shit out of already
  10. Too lazy to explain it myself so just take all of ^^^ and read it in my voice
  11. I think we might get away with it, especially if we bribe batman with a double moe cookie and get him to write a bitchin script
  12. So when are you chaps having a next one of these? i want in
  13. I got around to watching Captain America: Winter Soldier last week. Can a movie get more predicatively generic?
  14. Hmm, the only thing my wife is second to is probably my obsession over Mechanical Engineering. The Automotive industry will always be my first and foremost love.
  15. Because tits are what Gotham wants, not what Gotham needs
  16. I friggin dare you to type in "po" mate. Other than that welcome Astro the 2nd or something. Personally i use my pet nokia for translations
  17. Ok for those of you who know what an abridged anime is , and even those of you who don't, what would you guys think about having an Abridged VN? it would be great to take a crappy/mediocre VN that had some nice CG and completely rework the script for a better release. For VNs such as Cannonball which, in my opinion, could have had a much better script we could have a fan made and sponsored Abridged patch. What do you guys think?
  18. I never get attached to my 2D girls, awkwardly enough it would feel like i was cheating on my wife. I play any route as long as the plot is good and i leave it at that. Most VNs i forget about as soon as i close the tab one last time even
  19. I like my characters based on their personalities not personalitits
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