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Everything posted by Totodile

  1. I find it awkward that the only Japanese thing i buy is ramen, but if anyone has a way to pirate and 3D print ramen that could also change very soon.
  2. indisputably false. I really have no clue what /a/ sings is even. Next person has a penchant for cat petting.
  3. Most definitely sniffing her. Then i'd proceed to glomp her and chew on her head in a truly totodilic fashion
  4. i really hate sweet things so i'll have to give that a noooo. Next person knows what's up
  5. Fortunately this is false, never been interested in the franchise so i never played a FF game. Next person is a part of Zebhra's fan club
  6. Confession: My favorite pokemon is not actually Totodile. It's Blastoise. Dem cannons sexy as fuck
  7. oh god no, no matter how many times i do it i still can't get used to planes. Boats are just in my "things that i'd rather die than travel on" category. Land travel is fun as long as i'm not using public transport, it has to be my own vehicle with me at the wheel else i get real miserable. Next person hates flying too
  8. After the first attack on Paris i prayed to god for help, when the second attack came i realized i prayed to the wrong god.
  9. ooo it's Kaguya Nee-san. I'd try to whip her into submission, fail and then run for my life
  10. well i think anyone who has visited the fuwa chat will know i have no sexual preference so of course i'd rape whatever that thing seems to be.
  11. Hmm, well since i'm almost a decade older than my sister i'm the one responsible for leading her down the wrong path and i take that task very seriously. I always strive to be a bad influence on her life and bring her morals to ground zero but unfortunately i have failed by to do so by finishing college, getting a good job, buying a house and pissing on the neighbor's shrubbery every now and then. I hope one day she will do me pround and become a NEET, then i'd be promptly murdered by our loving parents. Stay out of school kids. -Totodile.
  12. Well you wont find any Otaku-esque wallpapers here, i'm a car addict first and foremost.
  13. Not that i even have many pictures but i found one. Sweg
  14. If you open your nostrils wide enough you'll be able to smell the fear of the person who thought the follower system was a good idea :amane:

  15. Dear Fuwa, Due to the recent update there are certain bugs, strange new systems and features and missing content, most offensive of them all is the missing avatars from the chat. Now i'd like to take this moment in time out of my rioting, specifically looting Tay's underwear drawer and setting Zebhra on fire to tell you that we have been given a crucial responsibility; We must band together and blame Maefdomn for all our troubles and ensure that all blame falls on him for no reason. Please remember this in your daily Otaku commute and stay angry my friends. Love Totodile. P.S; Maef is also the one responsible for slow TL times
  16. I forgot to panic, do i get a free retry?
  17. Not really, i'm actually being amused by the horrible comedy that is MGITP Next person is an avid pokemon fan
  18. i can honestly say i might be. Next person wants to come at me bro
  19. Nah trust me, do all the routes, way more interesting. Even the agave one has some merit.
  20. I'm curious of what went down these past months anyone wanna PM me the drama ^-^
  21. false, i don't play games that remind me how old i am The next person is older than 30
  22. false, I highly doubt i can be a magical girl, or girl for that matter The next person is wondering what a Nepnep is too
  23. Truth, i am RenSpybot #872 Next person fangirls Me in their sleep
  24. what is this thread even right now P.S - Get RinXD to confess his favorite types of panties, i'm deathly interested
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