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Everything posted by zoom909

  1. Do you have any fansub VHSs that you got by mail? That's how I got my 1st VHS fansub of the Macross Movie DYRL, which I dearly wanted to see because I was a fan of Robotech. Somebody copied the LD onto the tape and manually added fansubs. That's why I don't have a MAL yet, it seems like when I looked at it there was no way to import anything, you just had to keep clicking on things one at a time to add it, right?
  2. Basically I only play retro games I was on Pochi & Nyaa for some time, and now I've finished going through SMB3 again. There is a new shooter called Dodonpachi Saidaioujou that just came out for the 360, I might have to see about that In the meantime I'm just playing things on MAME randomly. I played this really old Zelda-style game called Venture. If I were to ever play another RPG again, that Atelier Rorona game looks like it'd be at the top of my list. But I don't have time for both VNs and RPGs, I think.
  3. I know just how you feel. No point in announcing to the world your project when you don't even know for sure you can and will _have_ a project. All I can say is, there are a few engines out there with complete tools available, like xp3; if you can use those, you may be able to do the whole thing yourself, like I did. It also helps if you choose a shorter game...
  4. Well, I don't apologize to anyone for enjoying the finer things in life: gourmet cuisine, a fine bottle of wine, tailored suits, classical music, pristine AV quality ;-) No, really, the "old dogs" reason is the main reason I don't stream: I'm so used to the DL method. (And when I started on digital fansubs back in 2003, the DL method was the ONLY method, there was no streaming worth a plugged nickel.) I didn't get spoiled from getting used to quality. If a show's going to become my favorite, it's going to become my favorite, HQ or not. It's more about, when you're going to buy anime, if you're getting LQ video while they're getting an HQ release over in Japan, don't you want to know about it? I do...
  5. I've got a feeling that maybe every translator does it a little differently. The way I did mine was like this: 1. play the game in Japanese (at least the route I was going to translate next) 2. extract the scripts 3. translate 4. assemble a patch for checking 5. play the game in English in one window and have the script open in another window, fix as I go 6. assemble the patch and make sure nothing crazy has happened. 7. done!
  6. Well I wouldn't want to replace Rosario to Vampire with your show, but if it was an additional show called "Rosario to Vampire Alternative" or something, that'd be OK.
  7. On any of these challenges, you can go for a Super Challenge if you use your mic to read all the protagonist's parts yourself.
  8. Hi, One or two a week is pretty impressive! I cannot manage even to read one complete VN in a month, how much time do you spend reading?
  9. I have a problem with some of the shows I've bought from Funimation. Things like video quality problems, and translation quality problems. For example, my Mahou Sensei Negima has this noticeable analog noise throughout. Not digital noise, but analog. I don't know why it's there. It shouldn't be. Another one I remember was Moon Phase. That one had a translation which was worse than the fansub, plus it had lots of digital noise There are a lot of dark, shadowy scenes and you could see blocks and bands both. I haven't had that kind of trouble with ADV, Bandai Visual, AnimEigo, Nozomi, Geneon, or Pioneer. Or Sentai Filmworks so far, but I need a larger sample size to be sure. DVDs are not HD, but I have anime DVDs that are clear as crystal. If I can't trust a company with DVDs, how could I trust them with Blu-rays? So it's true there are less good companies to buy new anime now, but I make up for it with used anime. With used anime I save about 1/3 of the price, and it seems like anime fans take care of their discs very well. I think only one time I had to put something back because the discs were all scratched. All the rest of the time, my used discs have been perfect. Finally, I don't care that Funimation is the main dubbing company. I never listen to dubs. Yes, all that time and all that expense on English voice actors--completely wasted on me. Because I don't need or want it.
  10. By that logic, I guess Haruhi Suzumiya could've been a serious show about the paranormal and the occult, but they chose to make it nothing but another romantic comedy....
  11. I get the fansubs, copy them to a PC in my living room hooked up to my TV, and watch them. If I like the show, I burn it to a DVD (or recently, a BluRay). If not, it gets deleted. If I show I like comes out in the U.S. and it's not from Funimation, I get it. I watch those on the same PC. But I still keep the fansub if the subs are different, unless the fansub is really old and blurry, and then I may toss it. I have an LD player that was a giveaway, but no anime for it. Occasionally I meet someone who lets me borrow their LDs. I still have some anime on VHS. I'm not sure what to do with it, so it just sits in a box in the closet.
  12. I liked this show-- Petopeto-san The human guy attends a school where the other characters are (cute) Japanese youkai. "for example, one student on the swim team is a kappa, while another, a nurikabe, merges with walls and is popular in the summertime for having a very cool temperature."--Wikipedia
  13. I got to see like the first 20 or so Orange Road. I've got several used volumes of the manga now that I'm reading, but since they're used I have no control over the order (I have like 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13 etc.) the manga is really funny. People who want to see everything, including the old shows, should keep an eye on Tokyo Tosho. Every so often somebody subs some really old show that was previously unavailable. For example, somebody gets a hold of some old OVAs (not special eps. but true OVAs) that were only ever released on LD and they sub it. I've seen several like that over the past few years. Also, Yawara. AnimEigo (I think) put out Yawara at one time, but they stopped in the middle. Now, you can get the whole thing fansubbed finally. I finally started watching Little Busters. It's nice that the mediocre Key character designs got fixed up for the anime so that they look correctly proportioned. Same as they did with the previous games. Well, except for the old Kanon show...somehow for that show they managed to take what was worst about the VN Kanon, and exaggerate it. If all you ever saw was Kanon 2006, you should take a look at the 2002 Kanon, it's hysterical, and you'll see why a Kanon 2006 was necessary :-) Also I finished La Corda D'Oro and it was wonderful. Not only was the story enjoyable, but so many of my favorite compositions were in there... Liszt's La Campanella & Liebestraume No 2, Chopin's Revolutionary Etude, Paganini's Caprice in A minor, Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, even the Entertainer was in there! The best classical music anime I've seen. Even though it's a reverse harem show, they focused more on the storyline and less on the romantic encounters. I just took a quick look at the VN screenshots and of course it turns out that the artwork is worse--very Shoujo-looking. See I will watch shoujo anime, but not if it has that awful Shoujo-manga style artwork. But still I'm a little curious about it. Of course, I won't seriously play an otome-game...I'd just be interested to see how much it resembles the anime...
  14. Hi, I've translated some small VNs previously, and one point of advice I think is good is to translate something after you've already read it through. I haven't always done that. (You don't have to pick something new; even now there are games dating back over 10 years that still aren't translated.) Anyway, it seems like it makes the translation go better. Besides, you start translating something you haven't read yet, it could surprise you in an unpleasant way by starting out ok but then getting crappy later on, and then where are you?
  15. playing Natsuki's route on brighter than dawning blue (At least, I thought I was... why do you look so sad, Natsuki?)
  16. I liked Strike Witches. And even more so I liked what I think of as its sister show, Sky Girls. And so far I am liking Vividred Operation, which also comes to mind when I think of those shows. Anyway, right now I'm watching K-On. Again. Both seasons. As an added bonus, I went back through my stash of unwatched shows and found one called La Corda D'Oro. I had no idea what it was, but it turned out to be another music-related show. This one's about classical music. The main character is a girl who plays a magical violin (!). Fingers crossed that it will stay good 'till the end...
  17. I set up for Japan when I installed windows on my PC, so I can't say--it's always in Japanese mode. I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later when someone else tries it
  18. The patch is already up right now, just click on where it says Vocaloid-based visual novels and you'll see it
  19. Well, Rin makes an appearance, but nothing happens with her. Oh btw, my updates page is at http://zoom909.blogspot.com
  20. I'm very tired right now, and I know from experience that's a bad time to publish a patch. But at a glance it looks like it's ready to roll. I'll check it one more time and then update the website tomorrow morning before I go to work.
  21. The world is your client. (you mean just someone who wants something translated?)
  22. 長い間ご無沙汰しておりまして申し訳ございません。 すっかり夏らしくなってまいりましたが、いかがお過ごしでいらっしゃいますか。 ほんとは、俺には日本語を書くことがとても遅いのだ。嫌なくらいに。 はい、"Sagittarius"を眷顧します。 And I just noticed my politeness levels seem to be random, I really should stick to just reading Japanese...
  23. It's true, I had forgotten about it too...surely it's due for a re-watch sometime this year. I remember not expecting the ending, and I remember liking the animation style quite a bit. I also remember when I watched it, I felt sure it was based on a VN or something ,but it wasn't... I just finished 3 shows: One was Hyouka. It's one of those small-scale shows where I really ended up liking the characters, also, I used to be a big mystery novel fan and that is the motif behind the show. It's definitely going on my favorite list. Another one was Da Capo III. I have mixed feelings about it...it's not that I didn't like it, I'm male and I'm an otaku, so of course I liked it. But it could never make the kind of lasting impression that the original D.C. anime did. In fact, it ended up being almost different kind of show: a harem ecchi romantic comedy. And kind of a watered-down one. The 3rd one was Kono Naka ni Hitori Imouto ga Iru. Now this is my idea of a good ecchi romantic comedy. Only 2 things are really required. That it has ecchi, and comedy. Lots of both. And of course appealing character designs. And it has that. For me, it will not dethrone ToLoveRu (pre-Darkness ToLoveRu I'm talking about) but it was a great show IMO. BTW when thinking of imoutos I can't help but think of the Sister Princess anime from long ago. Did anyone else like that show? It's not an ecchi show, just really moe and kawaii.
  24. There was a magazine called Mangajin that would do what you're describing, with manga. They would reprint a chapter of a manga inside the magazine. On the opposite page, they would show each line number with a Romanized sentence, a word-for-word translation in English with grammar markup, and finally a real English translation. It was a helpful way to get started reading manga. So if it worked for manga, it should work for VNs. You could even stick the explanation inside the VN itself. After you see the Japanese sentence, you click the button and see the explanation, and then you see the English sentence. Assuming anyone ever had the time to do something like that. One thing about Mangajin though. It would be incomprehensible to someone who didn't know any Japanese at all. They assumed you had already read your basic textbook, and needed some help to get started on reading something "real".
  25. Then, for your edification: http://blog.mangagamer.org/2012/11/10/announcements-from-anime-usa/ Our hard copy edition of Shuffle also features a revised translation, with over 9000 fixes and changes from the original edition. All customers who have purchased the download edition will be able to download a free patch to upgrade their copies to the new text, and all new digital copies will boast the revised text. Of course, there is really no way of knowing for sure what they changed unless someone did a comparison...
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