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Everything posted by zoom909

  1. I just finished Rozen Maiden (the old one). Don't know how I let this one slip thru the cracks, it was great. But at least now when I watch the newer one I should be more prepared. I'm re-watching Mirai Shounen Conan which is a great adventure show, it's one of the oldest anime's I'm willing to watch--most 70's anime the art is intolerable for me but since this is Hayao Miyazaki it ends up looking really nice, actually. I'm also watching the new Star Blazers--sorry--Space Battleship Yamato 2199 at my friend's house--he has the blu rays. And I'm watching a show called Hentai Ouji to Warawarenai Neko, which is actually kind of not making a whole lot of sense, but I like it anyway, you can probably guess why.
  2. Any other would-be puzzle solvers out there? I think Phi Brain is one of the most entertaining anime I've seen in a while. I just finished seasons 1 and 2, will start 3 soon. I don't know, I usually watch moe-esque shows, but the over-the-top characters and the suspense and the puzzle motif hooked me somehow...
  3. Still playing Shuffle in Japanese, but I've also started To Heart on the side. It's supposed to be a landmark VN, so for historical reasons I wanted to get the feel of it. The artwork is kind of...bleah (but it still beats Higurashi PC)
  4. Hey, good luck with your projects! Flyable Heart could use a better translation, and Hatsuyuki Sakura looks like the kind of game I would play. By the way you got my attention initially as the fellow who was translating Kanojotachi no Ryuugi. I'd never heard of the thing, so I gave the trial edition a look back then. I played it up through the first, um, "encounter" with Tobari Shirogane in the school room. That girl was frightening :-)
  5. Yeah, and that someone is me. I was kind of keeping a low profile until it gets going a little more. Already twice in the last decade someone tried to translate it, but it didn't work out. 3rd time's the charm? Hopefully...
  6. It should work full screen, too. At least in XP it does. You just switch temporarily away from it and back. If your goal is to only use it once in a while, that should be fine.
  7. If you really wanna take Clephas' advice and discard all the Moe-centric VNs, more power to you, but otherwise, check out my vndb list--I've only been reading VNs a couple of years in Japanese and all of those were pretty easy to read. Also, I hope you have a lot of patience...the first time I read a VN it seemed like time was passing in slow motion. I had to wait a year and read manga before I had a tolerable reading speed for VNs (JParser is awesome but if you have to mouse over stuff constantly then the slowness might annoy you...)
  8. Talk about improper fractions...
  9. There are more Da Capo games than just I, II, and III though. For example, Da Capo Four Seasons, which was multple fandiscs compiled into a complete game. And then there is Da Capo III Platina-Partner, D.C.III.P.P. (quoth SeventhStyle: "At this point, the game’s acronym resembles some missile launch code") Seems like, one could make a hobby out of just playing Da Capo games. So, you might as well get started right away...
  10. Hello, I basically echo Stanleys recommendations, but let me also add Brighter than Dawning Blue. And for something good yet so short you won't drop it try "mirai no Kimi to Subete no Uta ni" (I have to wonder what's on your desktop that makes you stare at it forever... )
  11. Well, suffice it to say that my tastes differ wildly from yours. OTOH, I'm feeling too lazy to make my own list right now...I've got other fish to fry. Edit: I think I might have a clue as to why...seems to me that I need irresistable character artwork + the heroines themselves must make me fall in love with them (or whatever you want to call it in the fictional world). If that doesn't happen...
  12. zoom909


    Well I'd say "2PM CST tomorrow/Wed." but really I have no idea what time zone people are on or what their schedule is like so it's like a snowball fight in July.
  13. Speaking of songs we can play, I can play the piano/electric piano part of this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HulFJp57Yws
  14. In this case, it's a form of "aru". A lot of writers apparently don't bother with kanji for "aru." Nani ga atta n' (de)su ka = what was there? / what happened? Nani ka atta n' (de)su ka = was there something? / did something happen? / what's wrong? and there's similar patterns with "iru" Dare ga ita no desu ka = who was there? Dare ka ita no desu ka = was someone there?
  15. I would say, IFF the translator is a native speaker of English--otherwise, the editor has a big role. Because the writing could pass a spelling and grammar check and still be awfully unnatural-sounding English.
  16. This is interesting: here are the current genre tags on EroGameScape in JP 3D ACT ETC(その他) RPG SLG STG TBL(テーブル) 育成モノ 乙女ゲーム KineticNovel タイピングゲーム VN(ビジュアルノベル) ボーイズラブ 麻雀 Notice that they now have VN as a genre, while the old ADV/AVG/NVL are nowhere to be found. Maybe they're coming around to the Western way of thinking. You know, a visual novel ain't what it used to be like 5 years ago. Back then, if someone talked about a visual novel I'd immediately be interested. These days, with all the OELVNs and mystery VNs and otome games and converted classics, if someone says "visual novel" the first thing I immediately gotta ask is "bishoujo game"? and if no then I yawn and go back to my manga.
  17. Some things are missing, though. Please check. Da Capo, Shuffle, Canvas 2 are missing. Mirai no Kimi to Subete no Uta ni is missing. I guess Brighter than Dawning Blue is missing b/c it's not finished yet.
  18. zoom909


    Nice move. I've never gotten that hand, at least not without using an Item if the game has items. If I'm on Tenhou I'll be on there as "Zoom909". You know that you can type in any name you want during the playing session, if no one else is using it. It doesn't have to be associated with an ID. (I know this because my ID expired at some point due to disuse or due to the fact that I'm not a paid subscriber. So I can still be on there as "Zoom909" even though I'm not a ranked player at the moment.) I think it's more fun if you don't use "Noname". Well, it's fun to know you're playing against real people but it would be more fun to play against people that I know who they are.
  19. Well this is slightly off topic but I'll play Battleship (if someone knows a good free online Battleship), I haven't played in years but it's not like you can forget how :-) )
  20. Yep I figured the Flutterz answer was the correct one. Indeed copper coin thing was a dead giveaway for Canada. The gender, if we think older age then male is the safest bet because there have been male otaku for a longer time than female otaku. The lack of all the LOL / ^-^ / XD / etc. in your messages was also a clue that you're more likely 31 than 13
  21. zoom909


    After my friend showed me Saki Achiga Hen next thing you know I'm playing again. Not Tenhou yet, I'm too out of practice...Mahjong Dream Club which is the best virtual mahjong I know of. -Plus things are more interesting now that I've unlocked the bikini outfit... -It's good for practice because I can sit there and figure things out without worrying that I'm making real people wait or running out of time. -Plus Mian complains loudly if you take too long "You're really indecisive, aren't you". -It's always good to have Mian at the table because she's the most entertaining. If she draws a good tile, she giggles for a second, then clears her throat and says "nan de mo nai." And, that look of daggers she gives you if you ever should Ron off of her... -Incidentally, in the "girl supports you while you play" mode, someone should tell Mian that "support" does NOT equal "Be happy when things go well, but berate me if things go badly"
  22. Finally playing Shuffle. What, about 10 years late, I guess? It's really funny. The whole thing is just so over the top... Plus, I feel I'm going to like every girl in this game. And isn't that the true definition of a good VN? (that's a rhetorical question btw) Out of curiosity, how's the MG version?... Does it keep all the outrageous lines like Sia's dad saying "I'll teach them that they can experience hell without having to die first--with my fist!" I guess they kept the original game's OP because it already had English in it? (sort of) Does each of the choices popup still say "Please Choose Your Destiny"? I like that...
  23. I'd be interested to hear what you think of the vocaloid novels, if you ever play one of them. How does it stack up against the others in literalness etc? (I don't know, since I only read in Japanese now, in order to level up)
  24. 28 Male Canada I have a rationale for picking your gender and nationality, but the age is just a wild guess
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