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Everything posted by Steve

  1. You might find the visa to be the biggest obstacle in your dream, you cannot stay and work in Japan without the proper one and for that you will most likely need the employer to get it for you, so you really need to have a job before you get there, which will not be easy. From what I know its kinda similar to working in the US, you need to be really lucky to get a working visa in the US and for most people its impossible (that's why they have so many illegal immigrants xD), Japan might not be that harsh but still it will be super hard and especially if you are not proficient in the language (because you will need to deal with tons of formalities). I know there are the agencies that can help you get a job but there you have to be careful to not get scammed. All and all it will be tons of work and if you really have that dream for a long time, you might be able to fulfill it, but maybe it is just a current dream that will get changed over time, I wouldn't say Japan is the best place to live and work in, because of some of their weird laws. It must be great to visit, I would love to go to Akihabara one day too but my plans to live and work there were gone after like a month of thinking about it xD Similar to like 10 years ago when I wanted so much to go to US and work there, that's how I got to know about lot of the immigration stuff, however soon I stopped seeing US as the dream country and got more realistic that I would most likely hate it there xD I would still love to visit like Las Vegas one day but not really live anywhere there xD
  2. Well how I see it is this: The full goal 1000$ is maybe enough for 1 person to work on it for 3-4 months while being able to dedicate most of his time into it (with some savings from past as a personal investment) so the 10-15h is possible, but it is not enough to hire academic writer for perfect English. However take in consideration that most of this community reads fan translation, which is also not academic writing and sometimes even the translation itself is the problem (although there are some translations that have really great English, but it depends on the editors working on the project). Which also leaves the options for the CG/BG artist and programmer very limited, so even if the goal is reached, the quality is not to be expected to be of a several thousand $ project. However it is important to note that the project will receive all the funds even if the goal is not reached making the funding more like a donation towards the project, however with use of official funding site such as indiegogo. And as the creator says, the project will get completed no matter what, implying it is more of a passion project. So I would have some questions for the creator himself: 1. Where are the remaining funds coming from? Transparency would be very much appreciated by people considering funding. 2. It seems that the project will be commercial in the end and not free, do you have a specific reason for this? This might be connected to the first question, if you are investing lot of your own money into the project, it would be fair to get something back in the end, but we do not know that as it is not explained anywhere. 3. What Tay asked above. 4. Will you add lolis? xD With that said, the best you can do for crowd funding project is to be transparent, tell people about EVERYTHING, even if it might seem personal (how much money you are earning and how much time you spend in part time job etc) but it is required to determine the actual value of the project for people funding.
  3. If you are still in contact with him, tell him to add a loli character His artstyle is cute and would work perfectly with lolis
  4. Only in Japan http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2014/01/09/man-arrested-for-forcing-9-year-old-to-play-gta/
  5. Yes, go to YUME route and once a choice arises, select the option from the walkthrough (........) and then accept and enjoy Mare, because that's what everyone wants anyways Also some of the statements above are factually incorrect so ignore those xD for example this one: Ok, you have 1 WARNING STRIKE for that Zaka!!! Continue like this and you will face retribution xD (jk, but Mare is of course way better, everybody knows that)
  6. No I mean you need proxy shipping service because amazon.co.jp only ships to Japan so this proxy service will accept your order and then send it in a new package to you. Since often times you get free shipping to JP from amazon you basically only pay extra what the proxy service charges for repacking the package and resending it to you and the delivery costs. It is still a lot for my standards but it is still less than buying from JList and such. Proxy there does not mean proxy server.
  7. Steve


    Welcome! Are you by any chance related to boomer? Perhaps sister? xD If not, he will adopt you as his daughter anyways so be prepared (From the image I actually thought it was boomer writing new intro topic and was a bit confused xD)
  8. Yeah for the stuff from yahoo and amazon you need to use some proxy service, which in the end isn't that expensive if you compare to price of like JList (ridiculous). I didn't use the proxy but I know some people who did and it worked for them to Europe. However if the final mailing service can or cannot open your package depends probably on the laws on your country, here you cannot just simply open some random person's package as you want, you might be able to get it open with assistance of police if you for example suspect there is a bomb or a drug or a virus inside (for which they will first scan the package and use dogs to sniff if its a drug) and only then open. There are some other exceptions and those are from countries outside of EU where you have to pay a tax (or a duty) if the value is larger than something, however for that you still need to call a tax (duty) officer if you suspect the package has greater value than is stated on it (for example you clearly see its a TV from china and says the value is 5$, the post office worker can probably use this right), but that means at least 2 people have to be present when opening the package and then seal the package and put a stamp on it that it has been opened, checked by duty officer and sealed back and added the correct tax (if it was found the value is actually fake) so the chance of this happening to a random package with H manga is nearly 0%, because the proxy services will clearly state the correct value on the package. And even if the package says お兄ちゃんと妹のシャワータイムのひみつ~ as the content of the package and the worker in the office happens to be able to actually read it, he has absolutely no right to look inside it and check the loli imouto images, that would be breaking law here.
  9. for uploading images you should use LuchXtory, best software xD Luch, you should share it xD
  10. Here is my mare comparison (mare boobies inside so nsfw xD) the swimsuit has to be red because the ribbon takes color of the dress hehehe
  11. we don't actually talk on TS (or very rarely), just text chat xD And yeah ill invite you and show you my Mare NPC xD
  12. Do people open the packages you order? Like I had few things delivered from china and it just comes in a sealed package. I guess they scan it for bomb and drugs on airport but I don't think you can really see if its hentai manga or normal manga with such scanner. So nobody should really be able to even recognize its hentai as that would be breaking privacy. But I don't know, maybe in the US you have some different laws allowing the post service to open and check your package.
  13. Ive read one route from the game and didn't find anything wrong with it, it was excellent quality for me. If you feel you can improve it than you are free to do so, but I think there are better uses for a good editor on games that clearly lack editing and would benefit it much more.
  14. Ill be on TS and in pso2 dressing my loli~
  15. Hop on Teamspeak and we can get some room action together where you show me your loli character
  16. Its here and looks better than expected!!!
  17. Ok, from 26,000 FUN sample I calculated drop rates and value of FUN more precisely than my previous estimation (I wasn't off by that much actually)
  18. They both have heterochromia actually, Einhart just had closed one eye
  19. Oh, I had a hunch Zhurai is Jesus! Happy birthday.
  20. We use fake xmas tree (it doesn't do mess and all), we put presents under it, have a dinner at about 6pm on 24th and then open all presents. And then ill go back to my computer xD
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