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Everything posted by Vemocleus

  1. I should have picked this up during summer steam sale. I had already got so much though... You should definitely send that rescue mission. To leave a man behind is unthinkable.
  2. I haven't been reading much either this past year really... Sometimes it feels like the best ones available are all behind me. To repeat some of the titles that have been said: 999 and Virtue's Last Reward Umineko no naku koro ni Never7 and Remember11 Mystery, deep thinking, and more mystery. Oh and plot twists. Lots and lots of plot twists.
  3. Boy do I remember that blue screen error. I tried everything to get it working on a couple computers with no progress. It was 2 years later that I was finally able to play F/SN, and only then because I downloaded the pre-patched version of the game. I thank the stars for pre-patching sometimes,
  4. I'm in the middle of two books right now. One is the tremendously large and imposing Chinese epic Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and currently to take a bit of a break from that I'm continuing with Agatha Christie detective novels which I love with all my being. Currently: A Murder is Announced.
  5. Thank you for all that you do Tay (in what I hope is the unlikely case you're not appreciated enough). I'd offer to help out in whatever way possible, but to be honest, I'm sure you have a ton of available staff and more prolific members to help you with whatever you need. I'm excited for the new changes and everything in the works, and hope you'll stick around even when your burden has been passed along.
  6. While I definitely agree that metric should be worldwide, for dates I expect to read it just as I would say it. "July twenty-second, 2014." It just comes natural as opposed to "Twenty-second of July, 2014." It's not about logical sense, or trying to put them in a pyramid for some reason. Nevertheless, customizable formats would make everyone happy. Yay happy!
  7. For simplicities sake I'm fine with a normal, modless game. I have admittedly never done multiplayer before.
  8. *Finishes conquering every inch of land on Earth* ...Well, I'm interested. An Emperor needs SOMETHING to do after all...
  9. If you've got to do it, planetarian seems like your best bet. However, from personal experience, if she's not interested in anime to begin with, you're most likely wasting your time.
  10. If you're looking for peace of mind, the manga is probably something to avoid. If you want to keep seeing this story as the cute and heartwarming tale as it is in the show, just leave it be and remain blissfully ignorant.
  11. You should read the manga, continues right after the show with a time gap of 10 years. The ending is very... VERY... weird.
  12. The fact that garbage can sell is a universally known fact. Look how many Transformer movies there are. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't people who will strive to make something good, despite knowing that they might sell better making a trashier product. And while it's true that some people might end up disliking this to the point where they wouldn't try out another VN, I feel that more first-timers are likely to enjoy this game, even if they don't realize that it's a horrible game until they play something of a much higher quality. I for one am much softer grading the first VNs I played than any VN I might play today.
  13. Oh man, VC is one of my favorite games ever. I was so disappointed with the non-existent reception to the localization, even after gathering some great reviews. And the PSP sequel just wasn't the same at all. I'll keep an eye on this project, because VC combat was so fun. But really, the story and the art was incredible as well and added to the overall value. I just don't see that from a first glance here.
  14. Step 1: Turn on computer. Step 2: Start game. Step 3: Say "Save game, computer." In event of game still not saving, Step 4: Acquire time travel capabilities. Step 5: Travel to future where all commands are spoken to computer with ease. Step 6: Live a wonderful life in the future. In event of BSOD, Step 4: Throw computer out window. Step 5: Live a long and happy life of ignorant bliss. In event of hostile robotic alien takeover, Step 4: Shut down the computers! They're with THEM now. Step 5: Learn how to please your new robotic overlords. Step 6: Profit! ... Or death. It hardly matters anymore. Follow these simple steps and you too can be saving games with ease!
  15. I can only see great sales for this rushed, putrid project as a good thing. If some of these sales are going towards introducing people to what a VN is, then horrible game aside, this can easily help bridge the gap for people who find themselves interested in the genre. Even if the specific game in question is awful. Just... awful.
  16. Those screenshots make me want to kick something. I mean, really... They had no one to read through this before saying "Okie dokie! Looks good to me!"? Omfgboobzlul
  17. The face. Hopefully it's still got enough clucking fight in it left after that, because I'm not done with it yet...
  18. There's a lot of awesome debate here on a topic that I find really interesting. I generally fall into the "Take down licensed links" line, because as much as FREE VNs are very nice, if there's any industry out there that I want to show support for, it is just that subject. "I can't afford it" isn't really a valid argument in support of downloading whatever you want. And there is absolutely no argument that the best way to show support for an industry is to spend money on it. Fan translations are great for the vast amounts of probably-never-to-be-localized games, but it's hard to seriously justify spending nothing on a game that you can and should support if you really want to play it. Of course, all that only applies here depending on whether or not Fuwanovel is a site about "supporting the VN industry, and the western localizations", or "listing download links for all the games that are available on the internet". One of the reasons I like Fuwanovel so much is because of its perceived desire to further the cause of supporting the VN industry. Maybe I just assumed Fuwa to be a little bit different than it is, but if that's the case, oh well. There are plenty of places out there to find unobstructed content for all the VN's there are in existence, but very few places to go that actually seem to support the VN industry in any serious manner. I have no idea whose decision it is to decide if Fuwa is supporting the VN industry or just handing them out to the world., but... good luck with that. I don't tend to make long and serious posts (or all that many posts at all). At least I don't think so. (This is a long and serious post for me)
  19. Well if that's the only reason, seems like it could only help VNs become more popular in the west. Stepping stone, you know? "Well if you enjoyed the format of the walking dead, you might like... (insert VN here)". Thereby making at least a few more VN fans. Boom. Victory of VNs over the west. Someone make the flags.
  20. Well I think this is just precious. Someone definitely needs to step up and make a VN for this guy. I mean, c'mon, it's not like there's a lot of effort involved. Draw, write, script, done. See? 4 words means it can't take much. Best of luck to you sir on getting your VN made by somebody else!
  21. Pretty pictures! *claps hands in childlike wonder* Sounds like a good amount of work though.
  22. The thought of this series not finishing makes me sad. I loved both these games, preferring VLR. I'm also curious why it didn't sell so well in Japan. Perhaps a kickstarter is in the foreseeable future? There sure are enough potential backers.
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