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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. I am definitely playing this.... I can even play it at times like in the class , at lunchtime ... in the bus... But I am not paying for it Actually , I'd be amazed if someone paid for this.
  2. There are several choices I hated but had to choose So I can't list them all but well most of the time , I choose what I like and get the bad or dead ending or go to a route that I didn't want to But well the worst choices I had to make were mentioned above Danganronpa one and All the choices in Steins; Gate It is actually easy .... the only thing you have to do is reply to a certain mail in a certain way
  3. Well that's why I told you that you didn't have to do all that but thanks again for your effort
  4. You are right but I said for the last time and anyways, neither of our ways of thinking is going to change. I just wanted to say my point of view more clearly.
  5. For the last thing, it is not that people nowadays think idealistic people are idiots...... At least for me, I think that it is harder for you and the people around you to be idealistic. Especially that most idealists tend not to be "realists" and most of all they never reach the ideal and by the end of their lives "they get betrayed by the ideal" Yes they keep praising the ideal like the idealists they are but we all know they are filled with regret and pain due to being idealists. If I brought a small innocent child and told him that , he would choose not to be an idealist. I for one hated that I tended to be an idealist and love idealists. The whole thing felt a fantasy and a superficial thing that it seems idiotic and "a waste of a lifetime" to become an idealist. And by far, I have to say that Saber was not a real idealist, she gave up on her idealists unlike for example Shirou kept on fighting for his ideal which is shown clearly in ubw till he was betrayed by his ideal. Saber however gave up on them for the better of the country and regretted it later that she became so desperate as to become a heroic spirit to redo the past. Anyways what I find idiotic is following a fantasy thing which can never be achieved. In other words, I was on Archer's side and was sad when he gave in to Shirou.
  6. Everything is solved now, the problem's not with the game, it is with my pc , dunno what's wrong but I tried the VNs I have on my father's laptop which is much older than mine (1 ram, intel dual core pentium with its internal GPU) and they all ran more smoothly than here on this laptop. Even nothing happened in the kamidori game and it ran smoothly. I tired all the solutions given to me even running the VNs on my internal GPU to makes sure whether the problem is in the GPU or not. So according to my friends: it is either a hardware problem (there is dust in the motherboard or there are some parts that are not put in the right places? ) or a software problem (I was advised to change the windows version) SO THE PROBLEM ISN'T IN THE GAME. And I don't really know what should I do now with the thread
  7. There are many anime that I wish they could be written but out of all , I wish Chaos; Head was rewritten, wasted a lot of its potential plus the VN was really good (according to other people cause I haven't read it) but the anime was bad imo Edit:most of the anime that need to be rewritten were mostly the adaptations of a long VN or games (blazblue for example) in single cour anime aka 12 or 13 episodes. but other than that, there are some anime that wasted their potentials such as death note, Itazura na kiss and Ao no Exorcist
  8. I think I will just redownload it, so you don't really have to trouble yourself any longer
  9. I think we are spamming this topic now ._. Anyways no Berserker vs Saber, Shirou and Rin was the least enjoyable battle on my behalf .... Anyways I don't really respect people who are devoted to their ideals or oaths. Yeah it is right , but it is called idiocy. For me it is like staying the truth whenever the situation is, it is not always for the best ..... so doing it is idiocy. Same here, Saber thinks that she couldn't fulfill her oath, she broke her ideals and sacrificed people for the sake of the country but no good came out of this as in her view, the country became worse. She couldn't fulfill her duty, that's understandable. But it wasn't her fault so why is she feeling that she was the guilty one? The people around here were the guilty ones, those who betrayed her are the guilty ones, they are the obstructions she couldn't overcome and they are the reason who stopped her from fulfilling her oath. So she shouldn't be so devoted to it. She threw everything away for her country (ideals, her growth, her life as a woman ... etc.) and it is adorable in its own way. However, she destroys all these good points by just saying she was wrong? another king would have been more worthy and would have saved the country? For me this feels so idiotic and no benefit would come out of it. In fact she threw away her life again and became a heroic spirit just to win the holy grail to redo the past........
  10. LOL if I had to give a reason why I hate Saber, it would be because she frustrates me as much as Shirou does..... they are both idiots imo. Shitou's idealism can make me hate the whole VN especially they concentrated on it a lot in Fate route, then came back to concentrate on it more and more in ubw. And I know what you mean by telling and showing and actually you will surprised but I was more connected to Saber and her back ground than Sakura and Rin. When I said she frustrates me, I mean I would like to go into the game and slap her ..... then slap her again XD for her mentality state..... most people would hate who have betrayed them like Archer did, right? No she won't hate them .... she would hate herself saying that she shouldn't have become a king which is really frustrating imo. Anyways when I said fate route was written in a bad way, I wasn't thinking about Saber at all, but I actually liked the ending and was really touched by her face after she returns to that hill and dies later
  11. I have like two friends who play VNs and it is really fun to talk about VNs with them but sometimes I think it is not necessary because I had that time when I like stopped watching anime and playing VNs because we were talking all the time about VNs..... it was really bad. That's why I gave up about teaching anyone VNs since I don't want them to waste my time :v I tried once but a friend of mine found it boring and gave up after a while since he was bored(I told him to try majikoi since he is the "romcom" kind, maybe it was a bad choice) .... that's to be expected cause after all not all people love reading all these words found in one VN since we were not raised accustomed to reading a lot , I dunno why I put it that way and not all people are good in English. That's really important, I have one of my friends who's reading visual novels but we rarely read the same VNs. For example currently, I am playing Rewrite while he's playing G-senjou no maou so .... we don't really have anything to talk about right now. Especially that the only VNs we have both played are katawa shoujo and fate. Well yeah they are getting more and more famous and popular even in middle east but I think that's mainly due to the anime adaptaions. It is like how people start reading manga , at first it is to complete something whose anime adaptation wasn't completed like Slam Dunk for example, then they start reading different manga. That was how I got into VNs but the main thing was that I like games where "your choices affect the storyline" , but I quickly got addicted to VNs that I do't really play anything other than them.
  12. I think I heard they are still working on Majikoi and the rest of the purple-haired girl (forgot her name) is being translated and will be released in July 2014 probably. Well I don't really have anything more to say, you might find it frustrating and all .... but that's what free projects are! Free projects can end as suddenly as they have started ..... that's why teams can stop translating a VN for a while ... but I think that as long as they release a partial patch to where they stopped working , it is fine and all since that way we will be able to play it and other teams might try to continue what these teams did. But some teams tend to say "we will work on it, don't worry" and keep the game with them while the translation isn't going anywhere, I sometimes hate that a lot XD
  13. Actually I think they concentrated on her in fate route as much the concentrated on Rin and Archer in ubw And I agree she didn't have any attention in other routes. Hell , Ilya had more attention in ubw than Saber But still Saber , in my view, had more than needed attention in fate route, about how she fought bravely for her country, and was betrayed later making her doubt her ways and think that any other king would have been better. AKA her back story , it had a lot of attention. Saber's own personality even had got attention so I think you are wrong saying that they didn't concentrate on her in fate route and she didn't get much character development! You are really mistaken there! WHAT MADE ME HATE SABER WERE HER FANS..... geez. They come with half-assed excuses to love her ..... I for one liked her for one time but I felt so much frustration because of her back story but Sakura made me forget everything about that (Sakura's the worst heroine imo)
  14. Meh , I went for this VN because I wanted some fierce excitement, action and plot twists and I found them I was sick of the romcom visual novels that have been out most of the time so it was a nice change of pace ... plus people who love Saber just love her blond hair and gorgeous noble phantasm, I for one found her and Shirou so disturbing and confusing that I was so happy when I was done with fate route. And as I told you, from their point of view, she took the attention in fate route so the attention was directed at Shirou, Rin and Archer.... unlike fate route and in Heaven's feels, they concentrate on Shirou, Ilya and Sakura. So yeah if Saber didn't get any good development in fate route, she wouldn't find them elsewhere!
  15. Well thanks for what you have done for me and I am the same here so I am going off too
  16. There is a difference between people who do perverted things and people who like perverted things. Anyways you both are making a big deal our of the word pervert It doesn't really matter! What we are saying is that they are few people who like H scenes and I think they shouldn't be a part of the story , and those who don't want them can just skip them and those who want them can just watch them .... it is pretty simple so what the authors are doing by adding H scenes to appeal to the kind who likes them isn't entirely wrong thou is unnecessary Well yeah if you count the changed features as CGs there will be a big difference Anyways 2 CGs still cost money so why are they wasting such money when it won't make any difference as they are useless and unnecessary
  17. I don't particularly have a most hated character in anime but I hate certain categories of main characters 1-Whiny average characters ..... ugh they are just too average, they have the spotlight but it is useless with them and they are mostly whiny and can't do shit but crying over the disaster they are in and they don't man up. Examples: Shinji from Evangelion, Makoto Itou from school days 2-Idealist characters ,..... they keep chasing our ideals and probably the whole series is about that which just bores me. Biggest example is Emiya Shirou from fate/stay night..... ugh "Saber, I won't leave the fight to you, you are a girl , I will be the one to fight" "I want to be a superhero and achieve a world where everyone is happy" "I want to save everyone who can be saved" such things just bored me and made me bored especially because I am that kind of idealist IRL ,it made me realize how boring that kind is :v But there are these characters whom I will hate as long as I live : Sogou Noboyuki from sword art online and our beloved state alchemist : Shou Tucker from Full Metal Alchemist series I won't start writing about the reasons I hate these characters cause I would get really tired
  18. fuwanovel one ..... the main one whose size is 4.7 GB
  19. No I am torrenting it but using torch instead of the so famous programs like u torrent
  20. it's a general consensus that not a lot of people like Saber for justified reasons, mostly because of how weak the Fate route was written. I mean, oh sure, you could find thousands of Saber fans everywhere, but a lot of them are shippers who only liked her for her moe moments or just for the sake of liking her. It feels silly, really. I'm always one to get overly attached in an emotional way to fictional characters, so even this kind of 'meta' treatment bothers me a whole lot (the same way Miki Sayaka's criticisms once bothered me, till Madoka: Rebellion happened). It's such a frustrating thing to have a character you want to like, but can't find many justified reasons to like her because of the writer's negligence. That's probably why F/SN bothered me more than any other VNs so far, but I'm still a novice VN reader, so the journey ahead might bear further burdens. I have a few things to tell you Firstly , I have to agree that Fate route was poorly written But you have to understand that this however handles the main character as mostly the most important one Personally, I liked the VN due to the plot twists that were in all three routes! So Saber's main character development was in Fate route which was bad cause the main concern was ... Anyways the VN concentrates on the development of Shirou through his wish to become a superhero and what he chooses for himself But if you take out the character development, you will find that the VN is actually good and I personally didn't like Saber since the start and always hoped for an ending where she is dead heuhuehue What I want to get at is that you should leave out the relationship between the characters because yeah it was done poorly but the story is good, the action and excitement is there and the plot twists make the VN 10 times more amazing. I realized how poorly the relationship between characters is in fate route before playing the other two routes which made me stop concentrating on that and enjoy the "action and thrilling" side of the VN
  21. What I mostly want to understand is why they put too much effort in them , I mean in a sex scene , I will find lke 5-7 CGs , in one scene but in other scenes there is only like 1 CG if it exists! So why are they wasting money on these H scenes that are mostly useless?
  22. lol stop knowing what I was doing geez and well I am starting to doubt the torch downloader option found in torch whether it is working properly or not, cause I have issues with other VNs ( grisaia no Kajitsu and kara no shoujo) where there is a sudden drop in the frame rate and stays for like 2 min with 10 fps, like seriously .... then it returns to playing flawlessly then after 10 min the drop happens again and so on and I could understand if the game had a small small lag when changing the characters' gestures but meh this like everywhere , it stay the whole 2 min, I don't understand if the problem is in the downloading of the VNs or my pc is broken somewhere ... and I tried everything I could everywhere, That however is another topic and I think if I want to ask about it , I should make a new topic
  23. lol all these are not found in your directory? well I will copy the files then delete the ones highlighted with yellow and see if it works ..... I personally don't know but I think this all occured due to an error in downloading the torrent
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