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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Don't worry, Flutterz. I am as bad as you when it comes to cars I wouldn't really want to try alchohol so bad. Sadly I have become really open lately and I just don't care about other people unless they might harm me (for example the headmistress). A year ago I was really interested in being drunk and came so close (because the guy thought I was of age) then suddenly I chickened out. I should probably be grateful , dunno. Also as far as my openess go, all my irl friends (or even just acquaintances) ,males and females, know that I am addicted to fapping, don't like to be a womanizer or engage in relationships, sexually confused, wanna try many things in life but I am afraid to and all my dark secrets unless it is something regarding my family because I feel that is associated with my honor. I have been warned by many of my close friends not to be open but I really just don't care since I am proud of who I am atm and everyone in real life respects me, I hope it will be the same when I join college. Also I am getting really tired of those typical alpha guys who keep bragging on how many girls they dated especially those who brag about how they dated more than one girl at the same time. I find it disgusting to cheat on a girl. If u are dating a girl, u stay loyal to her. You aren't allowed to even "like" other girls slightly. And dating many girls in a short time doesn't mean that u are a great womanizer , it just means that u are a very bad partner who made all these girls run away and ofc u will say u dumped them cuz u got bored which is like super awful. Just just.... I feel like I wanna kill these guys and ofc girls do similar stuff too. But girls are even more nasty since their interrelationships are always filled with complicated feelings like jealousy, envy... etc... I have seen girls who would try to destroy a girl's love life just out of jealousy and envy (thoi they stopped talking to me when I faced them with the truth and shouted at them cuz I get super disgusted at them , wurf ). Humans are scary and I am still young, I bet I will see even more things to look down on with disgust.
  2. 2500 points left for the SR , this will be a long night ;-; This is what I get for ditching this game
  3. Good job, Rose. Let's get married one day.
  4. I missed some fun stuff and oh well Tyrael, I am sometimes worried about u irl. It's ok to be open to people but not remembering what u gave away or said is dangerous..... can be dangerous at least
  5. I'd say that the best thing when it comes to relationships irl is to expect the worst so expect that she's toying with you. There's still a big probability and I mean a very big probability that she doesn't know what to do now since she's terribly shy according to what u said. So you have to consider that and ask her later on (not now thou, make it a bit closer to 23rd like ask her on the 20th or smth , that's how I see it.)
  6. Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. hsmsful


    Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay.
  8. I can't stop laughing, you made my day after I had such a horrible day. Thank you very much~
  9. Experiencing a movie first hand with love live fans in Japan, time to envy
  10. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay~
  11. I think I met a familiar face yesterday afk scrub >implying that this is the real funyarinpa
  12. Actually I have always wanted to ask this but define dating someone. If we like remove the kissing and sex factor and if we remove the lovey dovey speeches, isn't it mostly two friends hanging out together alone? So if two friend hanging out together started saying lovey dovey stuff to each other, are they to be considered a couple?
  13. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay. And good luck on your project.
  14. Well I read toradora portable with my sister and it was fun so I bet reading a romantic vn with gf/wife would be awesome.
  15. Everybody's making posts when they reach 1k posts or 2k posts or 3k posts, but I will probably not reach these before 2017 so there's that, tbh I am mostly not active because I am really inept when it comes to anime and visual novels , I am not like all these people here I basically have very little knowledge about the vn scene and all of it came from fuwa and I have very few vns under my belt and they all came from fuwa too. I have been around since november 2013, thou I was just a lurker who came here and downloaded porn games , man these days, I felt out of place for not playing grisaia no kajitsu when everyone was playing it , good old days~ I still haven't finished grisaia no kajitsu ... *ahem* I always felt a little awkward to talk but then during the summer of 2014 I joined Steve's teamspeak then Ren's teamspeak (as Red Beam if anyone recalls me). I became somewhat active from time to time because that was the time of the removal of the licensed games. I also joined FSG at that time. After that happened by few months, another argument was made for the removal of all the torrents. Then a guy who came to overthrow the administration of fuwa and create another one came (?) Now that I think about it , I have experienced many good exciting days on fuwa. And I wish that I will continue to spend more of these days! So to everybody on fuwa (even if you don't know me) , I love all of you guys and I hope that I will stay with you forever and ever (ok that's an exaggeration but at least for some more time , ok? ok) I tried to make this look good and I failed, fml ;-;
  16. I know that, that's basically the only thing that made me spam the introduction thread a little the reason why I am contributing to this forums, I am looking forward to writing that title I have in my mind
  17. Confession: now that I am at 499th post, I dunno, I feel that the 500th post is so precious that I shouldn't post or I should rather make a big deal out of it. Confession 2: Today in the bus this happened: A guy and 2 girls went to leave the bus, another woman suddenly got up near the entrance and told the girls and the guy to pass by her since she's going to get off the bus in the next bus stop. In other words, the exit is now cramped. I myself who was sitting near the exist could see nothing clearly... after the 2 girls left.The woman suddenly asked if anyone had lost anything, the guy who was about to leave said that he can't find his money (10k L.E. aka about 1.4k US dollars since I am too lazy to do accurate maths , anyways it's a big amount) and then the woman said that she saw the 2 girls pick up something from the floor so he should go ,maybe they got the money and she told him that the bus won't move so he can come back and look. The guy ran after them then maybe after regaining some of his conscious, he came back and told us to look at his seat,maybe he dropped them there. OFC there was no money there, then he left the bus and went after the girls who literally disappeared since the woman kept saying "go after them , we will wait for you". After he had left, another woman asked to close the door of the bus and search every one in the bus, the bus driver said hell no. Anyways suddenly the woman said that she saw the guy taking things from the 2 girls, another man at the back said he didn't even find the girls and that she should stop lying. (feeling afraid probably,) the woman said she is running late and he's taking so much time looking for the money and they should move on, there's no money on the bus anyways. We all said no and said that we should wait for him and the bus driver ignored us and drove towards the next bus stop, she then got off. Now the questions, who's the culprit? Did he have an accomplice? If so who's that accomplice? I feel kinda sad since I couldn't help the guy
  18. Welcome to the forums! I hope that you will be able to continue your project safely.
  19. Did I mention that in my 3 months in SIF, I was never able to get anything other than Rs with scouting tickets? Oh and I am really at a handicap due to internet being absent for almost three days (it was there for 2 hours each day only) so yeah I probably won't even be able to get Rin SR unless I use gems, after wasting all these gems for only Rs , using gems for Rin SR doesn't sound so bad
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