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Posts posted by UnlimitedMoeWorks

  1. "There's No Way Otaku Pandering Can't Be This Bland!"


    But on a more serious note, if I was writing a light novel, I would definitely go for a more simple and straightforward title than any of that convoluted sentence crap.

    I'd also drop isekai entirely.

    And otaku pandering...

    And generic archetypes as characters...

    And Moe for the sake of Moe...

    Really, there was a time when light novels were actually well-written literature before the anime industry poisoned them to become more generic otaku wish fulfillment.


  2. 9 hours ago, Kenshin_sama said:

    Oh man, should I tell you about the one time I trolled a bunch of SAO haters on Youtube to help you feel better?

    Mmm... I'm actually kinda scared to link that shit. :notlikemiya:

    If one of those haters you trolled happens to be Digibro, then sure. I wouldn't mind hearing your story. :illya:

  3. Oh no... I did it again did I? Fuck! Drunk on my own derpiness again. Just when I thought I finally cut my ties with Fuwanovel, I up and returned to make a fool of myself.

    Yeah... Waking up the next morning only to find out that I made recent activity on a forum I never want to be in again is not the most pleasant thing for me. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

    I really need to get off my computer.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:

    Now that you've left and promptly returned, it's likely too embarrassing to up leave again. So i guess your only choice is to stay!

    I swear that this is my curse. I leave, then return, then leave, return, leave, return, leave, return...

    Honestly, I must be insane at this stage. Probably so insane that I forgot what being insane feels like.

  5. Just now, LemiusK said:

    Well, when Maggie put it that way, it becomes clearer from a business standpoint why it's just more convenient to ban those games. Saves them the trouble of getting into a lawsuit and losing money. It's bad for their business.

    Does Hello Goodbye have a literal loli heroine? If so, then the ban could be justified.

  6. 6 minutes ago, LemiusK said:

    Well, you do still like anime, and VNs often use the artstyle of anime, so I'm not surprised if you had felt like Valve is acting not just anti-VN, but also anti-anime. That might explain why you're so pissed off.

    You may be right. TBH, I'm not sure what my feelings towards VNs are. I claim I don't like them, yet, I do like them on a very deep level. It's like I'm afraid to admit I actually like VNs.

    I'm a tsundere!

  7. Well uh... I never really intended to come back to Fuwanovel all of a sudden, but thanks to this thread, it lured me back in. And yes, I was genuinely angry at the news. I guess this means that I still care for VNs even if I claim I don't. I'm a tsundere!

    Funny how I always end up back here even if it's unintentional. Fuwa must be a black hole or something. I can't escape even if I try.

    But since I'm back in Fuwa's event horizon, might as well stick around. I've already botched my farewell.


    Also, @Kiriririri was half-right about me returning in a week. I say half-right because I didn't make an alt account this time. :makina:

  8. 3 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:

    Not to be rude or anything, but didn't you make a dramatic exit from the forums about 10 days ago?

    Well, this is a special occasion, because this news pissed me off. I just had to come back on to give my two cents, or it would've bugged me for days to come.

    While I don't care for VNs very much, what Valve is doing is going way too far, and it may very well affect the future of all anime games on Steam.

  9. 1 minute ago, Swim Swim said:

    Two of Valve’s employees have been banning the games from Steam, Jason Ruymen and Arisa Sudangnoi.

    Gabe freakin' Newell, what the hell are you doing allowing your very own employees to call the shots on what VNs can and cannot be allowed on Steam? What next? Are they going to go on a crusade and ban all JRPGs with an anime aesthetic?

    47 minutes ago, LemiusK said:

    I think it's more likely due to the second factor regarding Steam users and a number of gamers over the years: a prejudice against VNs.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that's also the case. I've been with the Steam community before, and a lot of the users are so anti-anime that they'll throw slander at anyone who has an anime avatar. If they're giving Valve more incentive to ban these games, this will be problematic in the future.

  10. Sigh... I really didn't want to come back to Fuwanovel after having said my goodbyes but...

    This news. THIS FUCKING NEWS, pisses me off! Just when I thought I would jump ship from Sony to Steam, this happens. Now I'm convinced Steam has an anti-anime agenda.

    Just why? Why does the west hate the anime medium and anything related to it so much? What has anime ever done to deserve this kind of treatment? I don't even... God, this pisses me off so much that it was enough to bring me back here.

  11. Apologies for making this thread in the "Introduce Yourself" section, but I see nowhere else to put it.

    Anyway, after taking the time to regather my thoughts considering my recent mental state, I've officially decided that I will be leaving Fuwanovel. This isn't out of personal malice, but considering everything I have directly and indirectly caused on both this forum and on the discord, my stress level is at an all-time high, and I could not take the pressure anymore. You guys were good people, and it was fun to hang out with you while it lasted.

    That being said, I was never into VNs to begin with. For this whole time, I felt like I was forcing myself to read a medium I do not particularly enjoy in order to fit in with the community, and it just felt unnatural. Don't forget that I never joined this community for VNs alone, but that I just wanted to mingle with people, and that's about it really. Obviously, this backfired on me as I had no idea what you guys were talking about 90% of the time, and I only made myself known talking about non-VN related stuff. I'm more of an anime and video game type of guy, and VNs are just not for me. I'm very sorry. The only VN I'll continue to read after this is Fate/stay night because, you know, it's Fate, but that'll be my last VN ever.

    Take care guys. I'll still remember you for a long time to come.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    And, BTW, I think you can freely edit TVTropes articled once you make an account? Maybe we could improve this page through community effort?

    Yeah, I was thinking about this too. But since it's a useful notes page, I may have to run this down with the mods over there first.

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