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    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Well, chapter eight is almost finished - with classic dance scene at the end of school festival

    BTW - this background is exclusive to my version (In the original there was only day version of "festival-decorated" school grounds. I added sunset and evening versions.)
  2. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to thelink1123 in God will anything good be translated soon?   
    Do people on here get a kick out of telling people to learn Japanese? Like, I would love to learn Japanese, but having to study for college, working on days I don't have class, and then hanging out with friends when I get the time, only leaves very little time to even read VNs, let alone dedicate myself to learning hiragana, kanji, and katakana along with learning the grammar rules for spoken japanese. Not everybody can really dedicate the time to learn a new language. I mean, complaining about him complaining doesn't do much for anyone, including yourself. 
    Back to the original post, yeah a lot of things are in the works currently, I'm sure if you reread the current translation list, you'll find something being translated that you'll like.
  3. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to yelsha57 in 9-nine-:Episode 1 coming January 31st   
    Well I'll be buying it on Steam, when I finish my backlog.
    Np, I meant to put released my bad. Anyway it's fixed.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to yelsha57 in 9-nine-:Episode 1 coming January 31st   
    Oops hahaha my bad, lemme fix that. Lmao 
  5. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in Lovekami Healing Harem   
    As for Flight Diary, there are some worrying news. According to MoeNovel's post on Steam, they had to delay release in order to comply with Valve's requirements
    If standard MoeNovel-level censorship wasn't enough for Valve, then I wonder what will be left of this...
  6. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Zalor in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    I'm glad to hear that! I hope you enjoy it
    Commercial success of English versions are important so that Japanese VN studios will want to continue collaborating with English localizing teams/companies. In the OP it shows a screen cap of a twitter post by Sca-ji (the creator of Suba Hibi) lamenting the unpopulartiy of Suba Hibi in the west, and he also mentions that さや教, which is short for Sayonara wo Oshiete would likely also do just as, if not more poorly. Thus implying that it wouldn't be worth localizing it. Sayonara is also among my favorite VN titles, and to much disappointment the fan translation team seemed to have dropped it. So it doesn't look like it will ever makes its way into English, not in the foreseeable future at least.
    A few years back, it was absolutely shocking to see big name VNs such as Suba Hibi, Dies Irae, Little Busters, etc getting endorsed English translations. Japanese companies are super conservative and this was a big gamble for them. The fact that the results were so disappointing will strongly discourage them from being so generous or adventurous in the future. So as you can see, the relative flop of Suba Hibi doesn't just effect itself, but the likelihood of getting other quality JPN only VNs from getting official English releases.    
    I don't have the data, but I don't think Dies Irae did that well either. This mission of localizing several kamige resulted in a huge failure, and that makes it unlikely that we will see more quality Japanese VNs getting localized. 
    A lot of work went into all of these kamige, a lot of negotiating happened to get the opportunity for an English localization, and then a lot of effort also went into translating and creating an English version. To then see DDLC (which Im sure lots of hard work went into it, but comparatively not as much) succeed so much more is frustrating. But whats most frustrating, is that DDLC made a huge hit, but there was little trickle down (from my observation at least). Meaning, DDLC's success doesn't seem to have created a significant amount of new VN fans. This is quite contrary to Katawa Shoujo, which actually brought in a lot of westerners into this niche medium.  
    As somebody who has been on and off active in the VN community for almost 6 years, I see DDLC as a project done by a complete outsider who only subverted the stereotypes of VNs and who made little homage (aside from mockery and subversion) of VNs. While Katawa Shoujo was a sort of love song to VNs, DDLC feels like an outsider making fun of this niche. Granted, it did do some very interesting things. But I think it had a minimal net positive impact in expanding the market for Japanese VNs, if not had a slightly negative influence. 
  7. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Steadily moving forward... still at chapter 8, but got to the first h-scene
    so it was time to implement mosaics switch:

    Works as it should.
  8. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Magicflier in An Update on the Fan-TL of Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate   
    Hey, anyone remember this fan-translation project? The one initially picked up, translated, and then dropped by VL Translation Team. Then later picked up by yours truly? As the project leader who picked up this partial translation, here are some updates(if you can call it that) regarding this stalled fan-TL project.
    People have constantly signed up for this project as translators and editors for this project, but it only lasts after they work on a portion of a script or two. Either I lose contact with said members, they mysteriously disappear from existence, or that they forever excuse themselves from the project b/c of personal issues. From there for the next two years it was left to gather dust in the corners of an HDD.
    I still have all required files on hand and editing isn't really a big issue, so translation is all that's left. The problem now is that every year the expectations of a translation quality has been growing, and considering that KoiTate was translated by a mishmash of different translators, I cannot assure the quality of translation. It also makes me reconsider if I should even see it's completion just to be criticized by players who can understand the Japanese language of how bad the translations are. Of course, the translations for KoiTate shouldn't be THAT bad, but people even expect a lot out of even a fan-translation in recent years. Even though now I have the ability to translate work, I have no plans whatsoever on re-translating KoiTate. If anyone wants to succeed this project and bring it to fruition, contact me. I will do my best to give you all details on what is leftover through discussions on discord. If not, this project will remain in my hands as I slowly edit in a line or two on my whims every now and then.
    Thank you for reading!
    ps; posting here because the original post for the project is archived
  9. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Clephas in An Update on the Fan-TL of Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate   
    Just ignore their BS.  Translations get bashed.  That is the default.  The only real thing you need to keep in mind is internal consistency and readability.  If something doesn't make sense to you based on the character reactions or previous lines (when editing), don't be afraid to ask advice from a translator who might not necessarily have time to do a full tlc of the game.
  10. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Zalor in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    First of all I do think that the attention span of public consciousness is pretty low. Just look at how fast people forget the scandals of politicians for instance. Its surely not limited to VN fans, but just a general truth. In that sense, I think my point has some validity. However, I will not disagree that I am perhaps a bit too optimistic about the could-have-been scenario of a delayed release of DDLC, and how that scenario could have effected Suba Hibi. It is quite possible that it wouldn't have gathered much more attention regardless of an absence of competition with DDLC. 
    There was a lot of hope riding on Suba Hibi being the VN to convince a broader mass of people that VNs are much more than their stereotype. Certainly I held this hope, and I think many other fans of Suba Hibi who read it in Japanese prior to the Eng-release had similar hopes. Back when my Japanese wasn't as advance, I spent a good 6-months reading Suba Hibi when I had free time. I spent a long time with it. At the end of the journey after many twists and turns, it was overwhelming how satisfying the experience was. A lot of criticisms that people give Suba Hibi were thoughts I had my self (I almost dropped the VN twice), and yet despite these flaws, by the end of the journey the story came together perfectly. Every single problem I had with the VN at one point or another, were actually all there for a much grander purpose. I even wrote a whole article/blog post defending the first chapter of Suba Hibi for the incoming English readers that were soon to arrive. Part of that article was simply to organize my own thoughts, but there was also the motivation to convince people that the seemingly irrelevant first chapter does have a purpose to it. That the first impression the first chapter offers is extremely deceptive. I desperately wanted to see this VN succeed in the west. And the fact that DDLC's release date did potentially steal attention as well as the fact that I don't think its nearly as good of a VN, is expressed in my resentment towards it. 
    But yes, attachments such as mine aren't exactly rational. And thank God for that, as there is no beauty in cold rationality. The natural response to profound beauty is irrational love. And like how a mother will defend her flawed children and desperately hope to see them succeed, I have similar sentiments about Suba Hibi. 
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Chapter 8 is one of the longest. I'm slowly going through it, and in the meantime I prepared animated sakura petals for opening and endings.
  12. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Zalor in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    I'm going to necro this thread and this post since I've been reminiscing about Suba Hibi recently, and your comment address exactly what I want to talk about.
    It was very very unfortunate that DDLC was released only a month after Suba Hibi. It completely drowned out much of the attention that Suba Hibi should have received. DDLC was nothing more than a gimmick, and that made it easy to hog the spot light. A month is about the time it would have taken for enough people to have read Suba Hibi and for English speaking fans to promote it through discussions, fan-art, blogs, reviews, etc. Instead, the moment that the second wave of would-be fans could have come, they were instantly distracted by the piece of trash DDLC that everyone has already forgotten about. God, have I mentioned how much I hate DDLC for simply existing, it is nearly proportional to the amount that I Love Suba Hibi.
    Suba Hibi is one of those few stories (in any medium), where if you give it a chance and read through the giant, it will leave a permanently good impression on you. Not just that, but it imparts with you a positive and hopeful outlook on life. I've had several deep conversations with people about how Suba Hibi helped them through depression. Its just that powerful of a work. 
  13. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Okay, so I re-recorded GM soundtrack using converted MIDI files, cut it up and set up looping points, so that would mean that all three music versions are ready to use.
    Also I started porting chapter 8:

    Let's guess
    BTW as you can see above, our protag-kun got himself side image, so he isn't completely faceless anymore (his face is based on one of the non-h CGs, I just added eyes and mouth to it)
  14. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I'm not sure, if GS/GM version of soundtrack will finally make it
    Unfortunately, MIDI timing in Win 7+ is utter shit, so when I use MIDI out from PC98 emulator into software synthesizer in Win 7, it sounds like a drummer was badly drunk - when there are more tracks going on, notes have pretty random delays, and it all sounds rather sloppy. Supposedly XP was better at this, but I'm not sure if old XP machine I have will be able to handle PC98 emulation + synth work + audio recording. We'll see. If this doesn't work out, then there will be just two versions of FM soundtrack (PC98 and OPL3).
    In theory, I could take music files from "JAST memorial collection" version, which are similar thing, but I don't like the sound of them, and they are 128k MP3 only.
    Of course the best way to obtain this version of soundtrack would be to actually run the game on real PC98 with it's MIDI out hooked up to a Roland SC55 or SC88 synthesizer, and record that - but that's completely out of my reach...
    ************* EDIT *************************************
    Problem solved! I found a software to convert music files from PC98 version into standard MIDI files, so now I can try different devices for playing them without the need to use PC98 emu.
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Finished chapters 6 and 7 - 43% of game ported.
  16. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Aaaaand chapter 5 is done, which means ~27% of original script is ported and working.
    BTW here's the result of the edit mentioned in previous post:

    I also added "lit by campfire" variation to the camp night background:

  17. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Now working on chapter 5. Meanwhile, I edited "M-burger" background. According to the text there should be girl at the counter/register, however background shows us this guy:

    So I replaced him with this girl from Majokko Paradise:

  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Little progress report - I reached the end of chapter 4, and already did two choices that affect affection points
  19. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Plk_Lesiak in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    How long is the full script? I wonder what kind of playtime will actually be left after removing the gameplay.
    Also, just wanted to say that project is one of the best things ever. In general. Among all kinds of things. It's the best.

  20. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I just have finished preparing graphic files - including backgrounds, cgs and sprites with side images.

    BTW this classroom background was one of the hardest to edit. I had to manually redraw ceiling tiles, because the amount of ditheriing on them was too much for smoothing algorithms (original version below).

    (looks like I have to correct sprites positioning )
    Now it's time for actual scripts porting...
  21. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Dreamysyu in What is your favourite VN store?   
    "No mosaic anywhere in sight" also meant that Sekai, instead of JAST, got Baldr Sky. I appreciate JAST's dedication to no mosaics policy, but sometimes, that leads to bad outcomes.
  22. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Yeah, my bad, should have posted original too:
  23. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to voidpointer in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I mean, let's be realistic guys. The project is dead. Infernoplex effectively said so himself. It may be temporary, but for now it's definitely dead. The definition of "dead" has a threshold. I mean, if you're barely doing 1 line of TL a month or something, that's still dead. No project updates? Dead.
    Let's stop bumping the thread now please. I'd rather get updates about the project, rather than people constantly asking for updates over and over again.
  24. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I am not 100% certain on this one. From my experience, 向 is an odd kanji with some words whose meanings I still don't fully understand. I know it only as "facing (toward something)" and verbs and nouns that go with it seem to carry such and related meanings. In this case, I don't know the positions of the listener and the speaker, and I don't know how they are facing each other and the surroundings. From the point of the speaker, the said bulding could indeed be to the left as it's writtein in the JP line. However, from the perspective of the listener, that could actually be his "right". It could be that's why the TLer wrote it as "right" because when the speaker is explaining, she would use the listener's perception of left/right, not her own.
  25. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to solidbatman in What is your favourite VN store?   
    buying VNs in 2019 lol 
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