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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. I agree with OP, but.


    Even if the end goal of learning Japanese is becoming fluent. I believe you can get quite far in terms of thinking and speaking fluently without going to Japan. In terms of immersion, it's never really truly 100% only the new language. You might need to keep in contact with your parents. Paperwork, stuff always happens. It's terms of little to much. You can get a lot from just formulating all your thoughts in that new language, read in it, talk in it and write in it. Like replacing all of your eng vn reading, with jp vn's. Still, I agree going to Japan would be the ideal. But that's quite a big commitment.

    I honestly don't care much about being able to speak or write for now. I just want to read vn's. lol.


    As for the katakana words similar to English. I found it easiest to just consider them new words to learn. Only difference is that many are easier to remember.


    Bottom line, I pretty much agree with Chrono.

  2. Hehe, you don't seem to understand the nature, origin, and target audience of this medium at all. H-Scenes are the biggest hurdle? No, they are more or less what keep the medium alive. Hentai gamers? Yes, why not, we were "perverts" to begin with. 14495725409_0019dc9204_t.jpg


    Now there are Nukige, straight porn, there's nothing to argue about those. Most VN, however, tell a story and allow readers to familiarize with the characters. When the HS actually comes, these are characters you care about and probably like, what's wrong with a couple to have sex?  If we take the VN as a romance simulation, the sex is an important and most likely inevitable part of the relationship. Think depicting it is immature? I'll tell you what's immature: the panty shots and lame fanservice in anime and manga. 8400722127_d54258e4ce_o.png

    VNs are one of the few mediums that allow full length story telling with explicit sexual descriptions. I'm not saying anything without HS is bad, it all depends on the needs of the story and the purpose of the HS.



    It's accurate to say that the main people who buy vn's in Japan want h-content. If there was no demand for it, it wouldn't be there. It's not like it ruins the story or something.

    I ctrl through mostly all of my HS. But depending on the heroine I might enjoy reading it lol. We are all pervs B) I honestly don't think it's a big deal deal OP.


    Personally I'd just prefer the sex to be implied or very limited number of HS in most vn's. Many vn's waste a lot of potential CG use because of number of HS CG's they have. Subahibi had brilliant use of CG's imo, a lot of stuff was said simply by the CG.

  3. I tend to like the longer ones the most. They have more of the good stuff. I do often get burnout from reading the same story for too long if it's like 50+ hours or so. Even at moderately good scenes I'd not get really satisfied. I change between my vn's if that happen, too bad to ruin the experience imo.


    Short ones are nice as well, some have nice pacing and are great. They feel complete even if they are like only 10 hours even. Isn't unusual for me to wish a vn could be longer though. More of the good stuff. Luckily most vn's are quite long :P

  4. Seriously few times I've become so attached to the heroine I feel I should only read their route. So I read all of the routes.

    Albeit now days I tend to let myself have much more liberty in what I read. If I don't feel like reading that route or heroine I don't. I might come back and read it later. But otherwise I'll just read some other vn. I got way to many vn's to read anyway, more vn's than I'll finish in jp anyway. Need to read faster lol.

  5. If I understood you right, you got two problems.

    First ITH doesn't hook the game correctly it seems. I'd recommend just trying a H-code, as that might fix it.

    Paste this one into the top bar in ITH, press enter and click through some text in-game. It should pop up as a new thread.


    Secondly regarding TA, If the errors persists after getting ITA to work. There might be something weird with your mecab or TA. Get the newest version of them as it might fix it.




    I'll have to second this. When it comes to deep and well built characters, Kageaki definitely comes on top. Muramasa wouldn't have been nowhere as amazing if he wasn't the protagonist.
    Speaking of interesting male protagonists, Tomo from RuiTomo is also pretty great. W-wait... does she even count?  :unsure:


     Ofc Tomo counts. He is best girl and great protag.

  7. Simply put you want a vn with cute girls but no H-scenes and no emotional scenes and no mature dark themes. The only thing you can play with your restrictions is moeges and the use ctrl button really..

    I suppose old school dating-sims might work as well. But honestly you need to worry about parameters and flags all the time, aka it's not a vn.


    I'd rather try kono oozora or shuffle!, similar titles. Have some emotional stuff, but it never really goes over the line to making you sad. Just *sob* *sob* that was a great story.


    Seriously use the ctrl, almost everyone does it..

  8. I personally find visual novels something between anime and a novel. They are easier to read because they rely less on your imagination to make the setting characters and so on. You have the world visually in front of you. The best vn's imo combine great soundtracks with visuals and cg's that show what is going on.


    Because they are made in this way, the have less focus on literary way of describing the world. More focus on dialog and monologue. Never the less they are still novels in the sense of the word, books. Reading will make you better at reading. Albeit the quality of the English translations will get some in the way. But I think they will give practice to peoples literacy anyway.


    Edit: If we go into reading jp vn's some of them are written really beautifully. The prose in Ruitomo as

    Vokoca mentioned is really good.

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