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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. From my western rosed glasses, this seems like a expected development in a society such a the cityscape in China. The way to fix the problem they will use extreme measures.


    Honestly from the vid you linked it seemed like the boys there had it boring and felt they had to only study or being lonely/bored. When they discovered Internet games they found both friends and fun. Filled the gap in them and they started to reject the normal world. If they actually put that many hours into gaming/internet I'd normally expect the parents have stopped them if they saw this development. But either they didn't or couldn't (pampering parents due to the 1 child policy?). Parents just expected their kids to follow the social norms. And when they didn't do that, they found the best to put them in a facility. 

  2. Okay, this is obliviously easy answer. It will come out in a few years prbly. When like a few years have passed. Let's wait a few more years again... Then repeat. So when this cycle has repeated a few times. Either they will have release it, or dropped it. ETA 2020



    Eventually, yes. Quite possibly by 2020.

  3. No idea how capable you are in jp, but no barriers then I'd push Rui ga Tomo wo Yobu and Dies irae up the list. Grisaia and Steins;gate are also great choices. All of these are high quality titles.

    Btw, you are playing Eusita. Good job! *thumps up*

  4. Honestly I'd just cut him off there or shrug it off, change the topic. He honestly only showed interest in confirming his own views. But if I actually thought it was worth trying..


    My response would be something around expanding on why I like vn's.

    Me: "I prefer the combination of the anime way of telling stories and the novel media."

    If he does show some interest, I'd expand it with examples of western movies and books. Compare them to anime and vn's.


    Honestly in the first place if I was Tay I'd hide my powerlevel lol.

  5. I own a laptop with windows 8.0. I have installed like 20 vn's or so on it. A few of the older ones required me to dig up a win 8 patch for them.


    I imagine vn's in the range of older than 2008 or so might get problems with win 8. You prbly fucked then. So you need to use virtual machine as this guide does or install win 7/xp on your comp then lol.

  6. A dozen hours!!! You're making me feel dumb Bolverk. I initially read (skimmed) Tae Kim's basic grammar guide in around that much time, but honestly I didn't get that much from it that initial read through. I then reread it thoroughly (memorizing the given vocabulary, taking my time with each section, doing the practice problems) and while much slower, I'm understanding things much better this time. I'm also retaining more knowledge. However, I've never been linguistically talented so I suppose the extra effort is required for somebody like me... 

    The size of his guide is like 300 pages or so. So it's totally manageable to read it in that time. Albeit, you should take a more formal textbook approach as you've done tbh. Dozen hours is kinda the minimal of the minimal of work perhaps.. If you've done less you can't understand anything even with TA. Either way, you will need to research and re-learn stuff as you read. I've never really thought about myself as highly talented in anything tbh. If you are interested in something, you'll learn it reasonably fast.

  7. If you have time to read hours and hours of machine translation you probably have enough free time to learn japanese, don't ruin the experience for yourself.

    Japanese :is: hard and you'll be frustrated, but its worth it.

    Indeed, damn Machine translators. The amount of joy you get from learning jp is truck loads more.


    though vnr "might" have some benefits compared to other programs, i absolutely dislike using it, cause vnr slows my pc down in a way it isn´t funny anymore.

    Works well for minimal use in j-j and some j-eng. Also it displays furigana.

  8. My knownledge and experiences changes over time so my tastes changes over time as well.. Honestly scoring stuff is a flawed system. You could like use a definitive system and adjust your scoring with that. But for me that's ludicrously mechanical to do, not fitting for personal use. Ofc you should think in that line of thought if you want to review for others.

    I just vote my scores how I enjoyed the vn as a whole. Most of the scores go from 7-9. Overly high I perhaps, I choose the vn's I know I'll prbly like otherwise I drop them due to being bored. In my mind, if you vote a vn 6/10. It means you are painfully bored a large amount of time or the vn is majorly flawed in your mind. Under that it feels like it's a pain to read.


    Due to that's the way I vote my opinion change and so does my taste... Pretty much I could change multiple entries on my vndb list if I wanted to.. But it also feels wrong to change it months/years after reading the vn. Now that my feeling for the vn has cooled down. So I leave them most be.. lol. Otherwise I'd just have to keep changing the list all the time also, all that work lol.

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