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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. Well i do plan to both use the language for recreational and professional purposes so i kinda need to go to college and study the language fully so i can turn it into a profession.

    Then you should go for learning the writing as well ofc ^^ You can use writing to learn the kanji's more efficient as well. Because most kanji's are built up with a "few" other kanji's. These are usually written the same way and is called radicals. If you want tot turn your language skills into a profession. I suppose collage is the best as well. I suppose fan translators have become official translators by doing it for free at first. No idea how this process happens and how often though.

  2. Yeah the writing is the thing i'm most worried about, it's the part i feel is the most likely part for me to give up on because of the struggle. Anyhow i am currently on a large holiday (6 weeks) so i feel i should dedicate this vacation to really trying to learn the language and when i return to school see how much i'm enjoying it and see if i want to pursue it further.

    You don't really need to learn how to write. If you want to take practical tests and need to write it for hand. Then you have to. Besides the practical value of remembering the kanji radicals and how the kanji's are built up. It's optional imo.

    Honestly if someone is just going to read vn's and watch anime. Then writing is a waste of time to learn. That's how I see it. But people learn best in their own ways of course.

  3. Baldr sky is about a 6 on a scale of 1-10 of difficulty to understand if you're not fluent in japanese

    I don't feel 6 is really accurate. It jumps between 3-7. It's has some hard infodumps and wierd stuff about the sc-fi in the baldr universe (6-7). Has a much easy stuff friends and such (3-4) and mostly moderate stuff story stuff (4-5). The most daunting about the series is the length really.

  4. Read one of the books that comes up in SubaHibi. Specifically a play. "Cyrano De Bergerac". I fell in love with this play. It was so good, the wit the comedy, the romance, characters, the panache. I did not expect the play to be this good. I expect others to enjoy it as well if they try it out. It's a good old play that brought tears to my eyes in the end.

  5. Wow; well okay.. Honestly I don't mind them getting a anime but I seriously doubt they will be any good representation of the vn at all. Honestly it's going to be more of a fandisc for people who have already read the vn. We can go like ooohhh yuji in animation! Yay!

    I honestly had to ignore a lot of the stuff that happened in the current anime. Because it was so damn ridiculous how they made 12 ep's out of a 50+ hour vn. Still I can enjoy the anime, so I don't mind.

  6. Oh hey, this place is pretty cool~




    Tsui no Sora II is an absolutely crazy and mindblowing ending, being the final. It's my favorite part, and Ayana is my favorite character because of it. All of those 1-7 Hypothesis' Ayana provides are certainly what makes it intriguing, as it's like SubaHibi's own "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" (Ludwig Wittgenstein). In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein wrote out 7 Propositions to his philosophy on logic and language in accordance to the human mind, whereas Ayana copies that here in SubaHibi to present 7 Hypothesis' to the story. That is just simply amazing if you ask me. Not only that, but these Hypothesis' follow the same formula as Wittgenstein's Propositions, with the last one making the most sense as a general big-picture understanding to everything before. So "7. All existence is one soul." is as such.

    However, I thought at that time that Tsui no Sora II and Rabbit-Hole I only answered the What?'s and not really the Why?'s. Even past self-interpretation, I figure Sca-ji had very specific intentions on his ideas for the story that are not really explicitly outlined in the words of the story, but only in the... "melody". He calls SubaHibi "A Tale of Melody and Words", after all. I've tried to figure out what those ideas are, or I guess, 'interpret' them to my own understanding. xD And I've been writing a little blog or something on it ever since, but it's still "in-the-making" since I still can't seem to work it all out in my head clearly. My most recent huge revelation was in figuring out the meaning behind the Gondola Ride in RH1, but that's pretty much it. I'm probably just being stupid here by not writing it, because writing things is kind of what gets you thinking the most. Sca-ji even said on Twitter somewhere, that he "didn't even really understand the themes to SubaHibi ("To live happily!") until much later in writing the story." The ideas just came to him like as such, so maybe I should just follow suit...

    Regarding the Umineko parallels... now I see. Yes Umineko's whole basis was the whole "fantasy vs. science" deal with explaining the mysteries, and near the end of SubaHibi, it's kind of the same just not as grandiose or something. But I guess I see even more parallels with it now, as well. o.O They are both such amazing works being such discussable ones at that. Another big reason why I like both VNs so much is just how much you can write/talk about it with others so often, given the mysteries and being about explaining them. The ideal story to read and talk about.

    Sca-ji's currently writing his next work (although it's been stalled since even before SubaHibi's creation), Sakura no Uta. He says supposedly that it'll be "better than Subarashiki Hibi." U-uhh... let's not get too ahead of yourself Sca-ji, but... how can you top SubaHibi?! xD Jokes aside, he probably has something up his sleeve from what the information on the official website has to say. There's also... something else... but let's not get into that because it's really bad, an ancient relic of the long-forgotten age that should stay forgotten.

    Oh yes, I've been wondering about the English patch for a while before... and I ended up asking a whole bunch of people who've read the leaked patch then read it myself to find out if it was any good or not. I can safely say that it's quality, (only with the occasional typo instead of a mistranslation... which is even outside proper editing, QCing, and whatnot) and all the others who've read it said so, as well. SubaHibi isn't really that hard to translate to begin with, and the translator has relatively high level English to boot. The simplistic but poetic text is getting some good treatment afaik, with only maybe the last chapter possibly suffering... that's where the writing gets more complicated after all.



    Looking forwards to sakura no Uta as well. Didn't know sca-ji said it will be better than Suba haha. Maan, if it's actually that. I am somewhat scared xD

    I am interesting what kind of direction the game will go. Considering the old Tsui no sora laid the groundwork for subahibi. It might take another direction, I wonder.. I want to read it now dammit haha.

  7. Holy section batman! That's a lot of sections we have now. I don't really have problem with that if someone wondered (noone? ha! fine..)

    You might want to think about how get these rules out. Because I can see people posting all over the place with all these small rules. Luckily we got the great mods to move stuff if needed. Might as well just wait and see if there becomes a lot of posts everywhere development. I doubt that btw. Just a minor concern.

  8. Just finished Subarashiki Hibi. I'm speechless, I honestly don't know what to say.


    11/10, best VN, end of post


    No, but really, I was blown away. At first, I wasn't entirely sure how the endings worked, so I only got one - I was pretty happy with it, seemed like a fair way of ending it, but I still felt like something was missing. After all that I've went through with this VN, I knew it wouldn't be that simple... and I was right. I reached that ending, and... I don't even know if my mind still existts, but it surely isn't in one piece anymore!


    This is a gem amongst VNs, and I think everyone should read it. Even if you can't read Japanese, just wait for the English patch and read it then. Sure, this isn't a story for everyone, and the unusual amount of h-scenes doesn't help that either, but I would have to be absolutely crazy to hold that against it. Even if you despise h-content from the bottom of your heart, just know that they all do play their part in the story, and if they were to be removed, large parts of the story would have to go with it, and that'd be a huge shame.


    If I had to compare this VN to anything, I'd probably put it next to Umineko no naku koro ni. It might not look like that at first, but it does share quite some parallels with it - saying which would obviously be a spoiler, but if you enjoyed Umineko, and are a fan of stories that require you to think instead of spoon-feeding you every single detail, you have absolutely no excuses for skipping this one. That, and it wouldn't be much of an overstatement if I said the OST is on a similar level - it's probably only the second VN after Umineko where I can say I really like every single track on the soundtrack.


    In short, Subarashiki Hibi is an amazing visual novel that anyone who likes good stories should read eventually. 


    I'm so amazed that I don't even feel like starting anything else.

    Glad you liked it so much as well ;D

    Another joining the Subafanclub~~


    I honestly stopped reading vn's for like months afterwards. I just couldn't get into anything else afterwards. Suba was just so good.

    Hopefully the eng translation will be done something next year for people who can't read it in jp.

  9. I ended up stalling the console rpgs I played and other vn's. What I actually wanted was just another Eushully game. A VN with gameplay elements, cool story, moderate hard writing, so on. I found Soukoku no Arterial to fit just that. Feels gooood, just the stuff I wanted. It's almost like reading IMZ again, but everything is different ofc. It like it fits into the same "Eushully recipe" you could say. I am about 5 hours into the game right now. And it's right up my alley as you might guess by now haha.


    There is a interface eng patch available for Arterial, I think it's a machine tl. So I am unsure if I should use it. I understand most of what is on the cards so far luckily.

  10. Completed Ikusa Megami ZERO. (IMZ)

    Really good game imo. My only real complaint was the H-stuff. Otherwise I had a fun all the way through the vn. I ended up liking the rpg elements surprisingly much, I only needed to grind once very early in the game. Otherwise I could play on auto against easy units. Bosses were usually tense and fun. You had to think somewhat and apply tactics to kill them.


    The story was quite different from I am usually used to. I don't think I've actually ever played a game quite like this. It's more like one of these epic quest kind of games. But with actually interesting 

    dialog and universe. The characters are at times too arch typical for me. But it didn't really bother me because how the story was setup and progressed.

    I ended up liking many of the characters, and even if I don't like all of them I got into them. Even characters with little dialog I could easily place in the world and personality traits. I felt I understood them fast.


    Also something that surprised me was the ratio of rpg gameplay and text dialog. Usually as you play you get starved for either. I never really experienced I had too much talking, or too much gameplay. There was a a few times I wish the dungeons were shorter, but I didn't really mind. I feel the vn was really nicely structured, or it just fit me very well.


    Honestly I am very glad I ended up playing this vn. It's one of those vn most people should have a try with. Other than the h-stuff, It's great. I gave it a score of 9/10 on vndb. I might give it higher, but I don't really want to fiddle too much with 0.x score here. Bottom line I enjoyed it a lot.



    As for what to play next.. I started to read Irotoridori again. I might read tokyo babel, but I have had enough action for a while. I  can't really get into irotoridori as I did IMZ.

    Setting up playing Shin megami tensei and some other jrpgs. But problematic getting it work perfectly on the emulator, might just buy a hardcopy. I really lazy when things get annoying like this...

  11. Multiple problems come to mind, you might want to try these.


    • Asking just to be sure, have you changed your System Locale to Japanese?
    • Have you applied a crack/no patch/nodvd to the game? (I don't think I needed to do that)
    • Might be something wrong with the install, you might want to try to reinstall.
    • Might be something wrong with your download, try to re check your torrent or download the game again..

    IIRC, for me setting dracu went pretty smoothly.

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