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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. VNR is ok if you only use it as a text-hooker and furigana converter.   Of course, actual translation functions don't work, lol.

    If you are good enough in jp you can use jp-jp dic to VNR. It actually checks up words instantly compared to the 1-2 sec delay in jp-eng. Practical if you want to play full screen and practice with jp-jp dic's.

    Honestly I am too lazy to do this, so I just use TA.


    Nothing really to add with the rest of the comments, study grammar and basic vocab and read in jp with TA. You will be slow at the first, but after a month or two you will have improved massively.


    One question that's related to this topic arose in my mind and I'm asking the more experienced read-only Japanese learners here:


    Do you just learn the Kanji and their meanings or do you actually study how to read it if you had to read it out loud?

    It's something I've been asking myself over and over and I'd really like it answered


    I've been reading vn's in jp for about a year now. Btw I use TA, it displays furigana over the kanji's.

    You don't really need to have much knowledge on kanjis if you use TA. I'd advice to study a few hundred basic ones though. As they are used in so many different situations.


    I learned the kanji, meaning and readings in parallel as I got exposure to them while reading. Reading was a like studying the text at first. After a while you can read the words at a glance.

    This way of doing it is kinda lacking in learning individual kanjis btw. As many kanjis being used are in compounds (ie 2 or more kanjis together). You practice the readings of each kanji though...


    So no, I haven't bothered to study how what the kanji readings are. As I haven't needed to.. You need to know the readings to read in Japanese btw. Otherwise your subvocalizing would be mighty hilarious, you'd read like. I cute desu ka? I very nihonjin desu. Might as well take the rest of the day off and sign up to JLPT1 xD

  3. I like waay to many overused tropes as the years have passed. Tsun, yan, dere, -deres etc. Chuuni protag, yeah.. etc


    A specific guilty pleasure of mine I suppose is harems. I do really like them, even if they don't really make sense. xD

  4. So moeges, with their main focus being cute girls. Now.. I honestly don't mind some moe here and some moe there. I find it enjoyable, 10 years of anime, manga and vn's does that to you. But when the main focus in moe in a vn. It becomes overboard for me, I simply get bored quite quickly. Just like edwd2 promptly said.


    As to the question if moeges has any value.. Honestly if people like to read them. It has value for them. So it has value.

    I prefer vn's with interesting ideas and characters. Makes me dragged into the story and experience. Makes it enjoyable to read, moeges get boring fast..


    I agree that they make good beginner material for the newcomers and for me they have value for when I want some light reading.

    I disagree that moeges are good for beginners if you don't like moeges. Because then in the beginning they become extremely slow moeges. horrible experience for me tbh.. Read what you find interesting as long as it's not too hard so you give up. That's for the best option in my experience.

  5. Ignoring the knowledge I have about otaku culture. The article could show a brilliant display of showing multiples sides of this topic.

    The only structure I saw here was. Japan porn bad -> Japan need to change, this is bad -> needs to change, how can they do this? -> japan bad.


    "I want to make it disappear," she says. "By 2020, when the Summer Olympics will take place in Japan, we have to turn Japan into a country which people don't call a perverted culture."

    Good luck with the next 6 years. Japan being liberal with sex is totally new haha.


    Blatantly this title and article bating just to get people to click their articles hardly improves the quality. There is no need or incentive to look at the different side of this subject. Just negatives from them really.


    Not liking the "Junior Idol" DVDs they mentioned. That's new to me. I am against stuff that exploit children. In my mind there is a distinction between imaginary works and thoughts compared to reality.

    As I see it people who are more mentally unstable are easily affected by games, literature, brain washing, society so on. Doesn't really matter too much exactly what they absorbed by. If some guy spends a lot of time chopping wood with a axe. He might find the exercise and practice of mental focus and technique relaxing. Another guy could be delving into imagining chopping people up.


    People just don't want to admit that human beings are fundamentally evil... its basically all out of a desire to sweep everything under the carpet so they don't have to face the reality of their own natures.

  6. why the hell do they have you learn it then?

    Haha. Quickly summed up. It's part of our cultural heritage. As we have been occupied by both the Danish and Swedes our language have been affected by theirs. So Nynorsk is a effort to make a original Norwegian language. It's based by our lord as savior Ivar Aasen work, who went to around the country and recorded the dialect word uses there.


    As for how many uses it... It's quite heavily used in a few of our county's. Around 10% overall in the country. Honestly some of these dialects are so strong I have problems knowing what they are saying. Practically some of the jobs out there you might need to be able to write to someone in Nynorsk. Some of the words that are adapted to nynorsk is so extreme you could say no one really uses them. We also got the reverse were standard Norwegian words get inserted into nynorsk.

    If I had a choice back then, I'd choose not learning it maybe. Or I might actually chosen it, because it might have been useful in the future.


    The way we learn the language is basically memorizing the grammar rules and some of the most used vocab. When we do our exams we use what we have memorized and add our dialect words we know prbly works. Afterwards we check the words with a text editor we are unsure about. Or if we don't have a computer we use a normal book dictionary... Most of the time spent will be checking your writing rather than the actual content, ha ha ha..

    This is similar to the approach we use to talk to Swedes and Danes btw.


    Here is a rather funny sketch on the hilarity of Scandinavians trying to guess each others words.



    Kinda going back to the topic of learning languages. Even for us Scandinavians. It's actually somewhat fun to read Swedish and Danish books as well. Similarly to reading Japanese and English. You get into another culture another language. It's a new nice experience and you learn new stuff. It's definitively worth it.

    Honestly I love that I started to learn Japanese. I can enjoy new sides anime, manga, vn's, LN's, songs etc etc. I don't regret it a single day seriously.

  7. Also, Eustia requires a particularly... high tolerance for inconsistency.  Literally none of the heroine paths make sense in the context of the main story, which is downright depressing considering how pathetic Eustia is as a heroine (I loathe 'Victim A' heroines).


    Think of Final route as Caim's route + ignore the existance of mini-side branches = success!

    Indeed! What is these side routes you speak of? *Lalala* doesn't exist.

  8. Well, their concern's not completely unwarranted. I know of people who "studied Japanese so hard, they would sometimes switch from English to Japanese mid-conversation." v.vb Don't end up like that, yeah? ;)


    You should learn it, though. It's really not that hard if you're bothered. Good luck.


    This might very well happen if you want it or not xD Albeit in my case with Norwegian, Nynorsk, English, and Japanese. I don't naturally say the words. I just can't come up with a more fitting one. *Creates awkward pauses*

  9. Finished the third chapter of Senshinkan - the chapter of infodumps. Lots of interesting points were revealed, quite some terms finally explained, but at the same time some stuff got even more confusing. Time, how does it work!


    The chapter did get back into the combat near the end again, and I have to say that I've probably enjoyed this one the most so far. It was absurd for sure, but it finally went out of its way to explain what the hell was actually even happening, which made for a very entertaining read. You'd think fights in dreams would get stupid really fast, but they're introducing some really interesting and fresh mechanics that could add a whole new layer to ridiculous chuuni fights. Really curious where they go with it - with such a setup at the end, it seems like chapter 4 and onward is the real deal. Oh man, I feel bad for the main characters already. :D


    Haha, honestly there are times when I don't manage, like when they go crazy with the Buddhism terms and such. Oh god, calm down, author! Though if you make it through the prologue, the VN gives you a break for quite a while - it's not nearly that bad all the time. This VN sure makes you appreciate the limited space of a textbox sometimes. :D


    That does sound rather bizarre. As long as you don't completely die while reading and can enjoy it. It's good stuff, that's how I think about the stuff anyway Light has created some really hard shit. Are you going to try Dies Irae next maybe?


    Maybe you need to brush up on your religious studies. I at least don't know jack about Buddhism really xD

  10. Finished the first two chapters of Senshinkan. That sure went from dream fun times to horror and death quickly. o.O


    As cool as everything is, I have to say that fight scene in chapter 2 was so long and absurd that it was downright exhausting. I know a lot of it is on purpose, and that having difficulty with the complicated language is my own fault, but it doesn't change the fact that it was tiring.Considering the purposes of that scene, I hope they tone the fights down a bit from now on - or, explain them better, would probably be a better way to put it.Either way, I'm curious where the story goes from here... probably not anywhere nice, that's for sure.


    Nice you can manage to read that stuff. I remember reading the first title and damn the prologue had so much weird words in it. With all the furigana and so on haha. Honestly that's overboard for me. I'll read it later maybe though. Thumps up from me bro!



    Currently still reading Soukoku no Arterial. Still liking this. I feel at times that the gameplay is a bit too much. But overall It's fine really. I am currently in chapter 6 of the angel route. As I see it now. I might actually complete all of the routes. Even if it will take like ~100 hours.

  11. As others have said before. It depends on the opening if it's bad or not. But they ain't really naturally bad or good haha. I prefer it to be at the boot up of the game. Then I come more into the mood as I start the vn. Ahhh, that's the feeling. That's the experience I get from a good vn op. Otherwise I just skip it lol.

  12. I think something in the lines of having a protag that is not completely healthy in the head. Plus having focus on the heroines is what you'd want then. Katakawa is a bit special because it has the funky setting and the protag that find meaning in his new disease and new life.


    Grisaia no kajitsu comes to mind, Yume miru kuritsu as well. You also got Sharin no Kuni and G-senjou. But those latter  two are more focused on the story imo. Rather than the life of the protag and the people in the story. Don't get me wrong though. They got plenty of slice of life like stuff.

  13. Sharin no kuni is one of my favorite vn's. The biggest flaw imo was that it feels like it gets more stale and the progression feels slow after a while. The characters are still interesting, the environment and stuff hasn't really changed. It just kind starts to feel same'ish. The vn is helped by having such a damn awesome protag such as Kenichi. He is a beast.


    The theme with how obligations is that way they current criminals was interesting. It does bring the interesting parallel with real life. Giving power to the special high class individuals creates corruption and overly powerful individuals as in all societies that is governed by people of high power. The way how many of the heroines were really just normal people inside. They were all warped in some way like normal people. Difference in this story is that they served obligations because of that. They had to fix it or get deemed criminals of the state. Because they didn't do as hard as they could. Or because they couldn't think for themselves.

    These are all faults we all have to some degree. They might cause some to do harm to others or crime.. In sharin those people get obligations to correct their behavior. But the system is broken indeed...

  14. Honestly for me it depends on the personality more. If that fits with the hair style and so on. I will like it. Doesn't really matter what kind of art the character has.  Most important is that I like the character. Albeit.. When I think about it, long hair is one of my favs.  It's hawt.


    Yui Yuigahama hairstyle is so weird man haha... I love that anime. But it looks like she got a Pokemon on curled up there.


  15. Yeah, in my experience, writing the reading in hiragana, the kanji, and a rough English meaning for a word has been really helpful in learning new words. I usually create my own vocabulary list this way using words I encounter when reading VNs and manga and watching anime, and then practice writing down the reading and the kanji just given the English meaning.


    As for college, I personally don't think taking Japanese classes in college is necessary. It's useful if you need a push to study Japanese, but if you're self-disciplined enough, you can get pretty good by studying on your own and making Japanese friends to practice speaking with.

    The way you practice is a good idea. Can practice writing new words and learning new vocab. If you can put the effort into it, I'd say it's totally worth it.


    Hmm. As I said earlier I don't know for sure. But I suppose they won't only teach you the language but also some history and culture stuff. Which you might not necessarily come to contact with otherwise. I if someone has any recommendations for Japan introductions to history, Culture, and so on please give us some links~~ I personally would like textbooks. No idea if it should be in english or jp... Honestly jp would be ideal, but it will be a lot harder.


    I think it's important to be knowledgeable in these areas as well. Because some stuff you will come in contact with will have context in that.

    For example some anime with history in their setting. Might mention some old heroes or clans back in that old era. Culture is ofc necessary to know a lot about. Not only stuff that you might get contact with by reading our lovely anime, vn's, LN's ofc.

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