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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. I almost never use streaming.. If I do I just google for the episodes. Otherwise I use bakabt and * for torrents at 1080p, bluray preferable.


    If I really care about quality, like if it's a visually intense action show such as Fate/Stay Night, I just use torrents on *. It's not a hassle since you can set up rss feeds that will automatically start downloading the episode almost as soon as it's posted. But most of the time I can't even be bothered to do that and just watch stuff on kissanime. They do reencode the videos so there is some quality loss but they've gotten a lot better at that over the last year. Most of the back catalog of stuff uploaded last year looks a good bit worse but if the visuals aren't important then I don't care. I'm from the generation who started on anime by watching super-low-res shitty encodes 14 years ago. A slight amount of blurriness when I go to watch a random nichijou episode or whatever doesn't matter.

  2. Yeah, they are pretty similar, especially when it comes to the VN - though Grisaia does kind of distance itself in the sequels. :)


    I would have to agree with everything you said, on both VNs. :D And I didn't dislike the MC because of his mental issues (I liked him for that), but it was the perversion and his genius that the writers couldn't handle that bugged me about him.

    Aaaaah, I can't really say anything to that. That imbalance annoyed me as well, but the rest was so good I managed to look over it. *sob* *sob*, *Vn brofist!*


    I really like mentally messed up protags. Grisaia, akatsuki goei, reminiscene, rewrite, so on. Make it easier to get into the mind of the protag and connect to them. Standard protags without almost nothing special with them is not as good.

  3. I honestly feel the criticism against the open endings is unwarranted. I liked them as they were, more stuff would be nice. But  I didn't feel there was any need for it. Also I saw most of the endings coming, naturally at many points they mention why this or that will happen.


    Reminiscene, that's a bad way of ending the vn. Like only 2 of the routes were moderately satisfying... In case you wondered

    Vokoca, I thought the common route was overall quite good. Some parts I didn't like, but I liked the protag. Even he being a emotional wrack. (Opinions opinions~~)


    And yes, akatsuki goei series are very good ^^ Can't say that enough times... Or well I suppose you can. xD

  4. I remember getting them both from [no linking or mentioning torrent sites]

    Both worked on VNR.. Honestly I doubt you will find much use for them if you don't have at least moderate experience in jp. Cool  side effect of using the dic's is that there is no time latency to dic-check the words i VNR...


    Jichi-sama you rock! <3

  5. Of course it's just a joke, i was bored so i decided to do this.

    I didn't bother putting on the post that it was from V for vendetta because i felt other wise it wouldn't be funny but it is indeed from that movie : D

    So far some funny responces : P

    Prbly shouldn't have posted the quote so early, less people would notice then. lol..

  6. I take waaay to long showers as well haha. Luckily doesn't cost much to warm cold water haha.


    that's really interesting. My take on how to best enjoy a shower is to get in warm water, and then start slowly ramping up the heat until it's searing hot and you cant take the pain anymore, at which point you get out of the shower. You know you've succeeded when the outside air doesnt feel annoyingly cold, but rather that the coolness is pleasurable relief from the aforementioned fiery torment. except watch out for your eyes, once it gets hot enough, I'm pretty sure contact with your eyes is unhealthy...



    But I will try your strategy sometime and get back to you!

  7. I damn love these showers, The hot water makes me loosen up my muscles and relax some. Then the cold water shocks me into a emotional calm. More people should try it. You feel great afterwards.


    Basically how I do the shower is. Start showering with hot water for a while, then end it with max cold. While the cold water runs, I close my eyes and focus on breathing through my nose and into my stomach. Easier not to focus on the cold then and you don't start hyperventilating.

  8. Everyone who has dined outside the house has probably tasted spit from a stranger once in their life, or so I've heard. No matter how safe and clean you try to keep yourself, you'll end up failing :D.


    There was a manager at a local pizza chain that tried to send an indirect kiss to a police officer. The officer paid attention to her and sure enough he caught her spitting in his food. Like he suspected, her record showed that she was the same lady that the officer gave a speeding ticket to in the past. Moral of the story, indirect kisses lead to confinement in jail. 

    That's more like indirect spit xD


    A hypothetical scenario: "Uguu~~, Senpai spitted in my food, he notices me!.*Eats food* >///< indirect kiss uguu. >///<"

  9. Hmm, maybe, Shinku seems adorable. *_*

    I think I'm practicing reading already? Because here's the way I study vocab:

    - Get an anki deck

    - Use Jisho and eow.alc to search sentences with the words I get on the deck, so I can memorize them from context (I don't like mnemonics)


    I think that counts as reading practice too?

  10. Mmmmhm, awesome coffee. Gotto love it. My favorite coffee is newly grinded coffee beans and cooked in a Coffee press. The flavor just becomes so deep and nice, smooth. Stuff from machines taste okay, but they usually are thin in the taste and too bitter imo. What is cool when you have your own bean grinder you can mix espresso beans and normal ones if you'd like.


    As for tea. I love black tea. I'd drink it all day if I could lol. But the caffeine in it tends to take a while to go away for me. I don't feel much more awake with it usually. But I have problems falling asleep if I drink it in the middle of the day.

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