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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. Loli's are art (Not all 'art' is art tho). Child porn is child porn. Pretty much loli≠RL children, 2D≠3D


    Most the world won't see it logically as that as a lot of people are saying in this thread. I pretty much agree on that. Hopefully the lobbyists won't affect the work of the anime, vn and manga business.

    I am afraid they will slowly reduce the amount the business can express itself. After a while affecting more sectors. Might be very far into the future. Never the less... Cause of worry.


    I support this new law OP posted btw, if someone wondered about that lol.

  2. Considering your writing English is no problem. When you want to be able to speak better English, I'd recommend speaking more in English. Find people you can talk to. There are loads of them on the internet. Best if you find some native speakers. But people with English as their 2nd language works as well.

    Personally I improved the most while joining a gaming clan and talking to them. A clan on the small side is best imo. That way you can easily talk more. It becomes more of a hassle if 20 people are in the same channel lol.


    TL:DR Get better at speaking by speaking.

  3. Ayu-Mayu Alternative, which comes with two Muv Luv Alternative side stories. The two side stories were pretty good, the main game...not so much.

    Ironic the sides stories are best, lol. What is the side stories focused on btw?

  4. So i was going to make this long complicated poll, but i will save everyone's time with a question i'm sure it has been asked multiple times (I asume).


    I haven't read that many VNs yet but i'm liking the genre, so now, in order to avoid many headaches, wich one should i pick...


    Wait for english translations like a good boy?

    Learn enough japanese to at least read/understand them? (If you did this, how long it took you and was it worth it)

    Use 3rd party software like VN reader or any other? (If you did, point wich one and the amount of satisfaction it brought you)


    I'd like to hear your experiences, i personally love learning languages but i would also like some directions and advice ^^

    I wondered about this as well almost a year ago. I chose to learn japanese, as I wanted to read more vn's I liked. The ones translated weren't the ones I liked the most.

    If you mean by VNR Machine translators I'd pass on that. If you start using them and enjoy it, I won't hush hush you though.

    First I studied basic jp grammar. Then I hooked up my vn's with ITH+TA (text extracter and a Dic). I learnt japanese by reading vn's, took me around 2 months to get to read at average speaking speed. I found it fun from day 1. But it was frustrating as hell up to around 1 month later.

    Nowdays I can read major parts of easy-average vn's without Dic's. Watch anime without subs, I don't understand 100% everything though.


    Basically if someone who half assedly reads vn's like me can learn jp. I'd say anyone can.. Ganbatte lol.


     Oh yes i'm aware, but i'm asking to get it out of the way instead of just going to the TL group's website and write comments like ''3 days and no update?!?!'' or ''Is this dead?'', i can't stand that attitude

    A active team uses around 1-2 years. Some use less. Most teams end up using 2-3 years or more..

  5. This thread reminds me of this old img:



    Racist like comments might sometimes be seen as racist. But the person is actually not racist per ce.. Older generations I've seen come with such comments. But they aren't actually pointing out their skin or etnhic. They are looking at that culture and the group of people connected to it with dispise. I don't really see this as any different from normal putting people into groups and defining them. We all do it.

    As for people beliving that other races are more stupid than the other, they are plainly ignorant or irrational.

  6. Apparently Caramel Box Great Art is much darker then the others. For Imouto's, only thing that comes to mind is Hapymaher (two imoutou's for the price of one!), but I think you dropped it a while back. Here's another moe atmosphere game with high rating and art: http://vndb.org/v14062. Bolverk is playing it atm, and I plan on giving it a soon.


    I had an eye on the Tiny Dungeon series before. Something about swords and medieval fantasy, I think I could enjoy as long as characters are fun even with weak plot.

    Really liking the art of Majo koi nikki. The characters are quite moe I'd say. Not sure how serious this vn is. It sometimes goes slightly serious but that changes very fast. Find reading about the protag in the diary quite awesome, he is quite the arrogant ass haha.


    Read your review about Majo Celphas, hopefully I won't mind the cons you described.

    Majo has a great art, and loli principal looks realy cute, but I don't think there's a protag's imouto there. Anyway, I should get this, thanks (I wonder why haven't done it till now).


    As for Tiny Dungeon, the first game was pretty generic for the most part, but the ending managed to surprise me. Characters are mostly likeable, and if you have a thing for really strong girls you'd definitely find this appealing.


    Well, Clochette imoutos are too big in breasts department to be perfect :) Too bad about love sweets though...

    Nearly all of the characters in Majo are 'leaning' into the loli side. Not many of them are loli's though. 

    I honestly don't understand why people don't like oppai-imoutos...

    Nothing against oppai-imoutos. As long as not half of the heroines are Kyonyuu and the imouto being one of them. Luckely Aki was not a that in Reminiscence :D

  7. I feel this "hawkish" feminism comes from the old idea that we the men are "aggressors" against the females. The feminists are "defenders" of women against the "aggressors". Which is quite true in a historical context, through the ages men have looked down at women in many ways. But it's so out of place in the society nowadays. If we men were to do something chivalric. It would be because of a culture rooted reason. Chivalric doesn't mean what it did before. It changed together with our ideas about the sexes.

    Giving a seat to a old lady on the buss would be considered nice. Giving a seat to a young woman would be considered as a move trying to coax her or just plain wierd.


    Combined with that, there is this double morale popping up all over the place. It's wrong of men to expect women to do housework for example, but we expect them to it. But if a man can't do mechanical stuff he might be considered laughable or not manly. This is about a culture that has those kinds of roles.


    This is mostly guesswork connecting with people around me in my community. In my country Norway, my generation seems like the men should be able to do both housework well and mechanical stuff. How to fix your bike, change tires on a car, look for mechanical issues etc. How many girls around me were taught how to change tires.. If I asked around I imagine it'd be a rather low number.

    As for acting gentlemanly here, depends a lot of the context. If you did act gentlemanly for your girlfriend for example. I know of multiple girls I have talked with that have said they prefer that, because it made them feel appreciated. Others girls might say it's an artifical way of acting.


    *rant off*

  8. I think this is a good new system. I am glad the staff has worked on this and put it out into action now. Gives a new meaning to Mare watching us all from the top of the site, haha.



    One thing I wondered about. Does this 'new' rule change the old one? (Meaning it only applys to pictures directly on this site)

    1. No pornography (genitals, nipples, sexual acts)

    As currently as I understood it. We could post ero pic's as long as we only gave a link to the site with the pic if we had a NSFW warning beside it. Not hotlinking the image to the site so it wouldn't be shown here. So does this rule now mean ero is not allowed anymore?


    Edit: Got it Steve, thanks for the clarification. ^^

  9. Any of the Rance games



    Matou Sakura on Fate/Stay Night.


    Tsukishima Orihime on Kara no Shoujo.

    Sakura in F/SN is you know

    Rape, so yeah.


    I think Yuko from Swan song. (IIRC there is rape in this vn as well haha.)

  10. Subarashiki is Wonderful Everyday, Discontinued Existence /

    It would require a lot of work to do English to JP Translations, It's at least 800 entries with at least 700 unique,

    I'll see, but it will take a while.

    Also, Aiyoku isn't missing, it's at the bottom because the translation percentage is unknown,.. if you do know how that is going you can tell me and I'll update it.

    Before you ask, I didn't write down a few of them, but I doubt anyone will care because they were all 5.50-6.00 anyway.

    http://vndb.org/v5607 and its sequels.

    Yup that's the name.


    I agree with your opinion on the lowly rated ones.


    Aiyoku, oh right. Yandere last gave a patch to it 2 years ago, kinda iffy the area of is it dead or not. So. Might as well keep it on that list then.

  11. Did you use a crack?


    Edit: I remember I had problems installing this game as well not so long ago.

    I had to install it at the default install folder and afterwards use a crack. -The torrent I used didn't have a crack with it.

    Here is crack I used. Saves you the effort looking for one http://www.filedropper.com/mosimoasupatch


    Even when I got it working on Windows 7. It seems ITH can't properly hook the text from this game on windows 7 and above... You need to use xp I am guessing.

    Might be wrong there though, but that's the result I got. Good luck.

  12. Visual novels, games, Books, TV series etc. Aren't any more damaging than the other imo. It all depends on how they are used. How addictive they can be and how much you would like to reject the world depends on the person. If someone play shooter games all day, or read vn's all day. There is not really a major difference if it's just a means to reject the world.

    Also lol, "vn's are a major factor to the social issues in japan" *facepalm*


    Aside from that, if you find it enjoyble to dive into another world is that wrong? No. It's an exteremly common thing.

    The difference is between the extreme of rejecting the world you are living in. Your entertainment becomes your reason for living, not a means of living.

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