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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. Currently reading Hello, Lady! and dracu-Riot! (relaxing vn.)

    Both are great for what I want from of them. High quality stuff. I am fan of akatsuki works already so it's not like I need much to think HL is good.


    Well, finished with Chapter 2 of Asairo... on to Chapter 3 now.

    Just wanted to say that this is seriously the most beautiful thing I ever read, and that never before in my life, have I craved Milk Tea more so than I do now. Asairo has actually become one of my favorite VNs in general, there's no doubt about that even when I'm not finished with the whole thing. <3

    Awesome you like it so much. I need to read it sometime as well.

  2. Considering how they touched into Rakuen stuff into the ED in ep 2... I wonder if acutally there will be just one route. That route would be the Meikyuu/rakuen route. Which would be totally spoiler for people, so I hope they don't do that lol.

    So far nothing outside the common route has happened. If Yuuji Doesn't go into a single route. Well yeah..


    That being said I doubt it's going to go outside kajitsu. My guess only though lol

  3. I have to agree that the fan service is rather bothersome, although not the worst I've seen compared to some other anime.


    Also - 


    Btw that line is acutally from the vn. (Rakuen IIRC.) Sachi epic.


    As for the anime... Imo it isn't that good. Honestly I don't see why anyone who hasn't read the vn will find much value in it tbh.


  4. Okay minimal spoilers to the question...

    Yeah, he was picked up by Asako around 12 or so. I can't remember the specific age, or if it was ever mentioned. I suppose you can calculate it from some of the dates you get in meikyuu. But I am too lazy for that.

    As for shota..

    He has sexual relationship with her before he is 18 yeah. He is still a kid.

  5. Read through the main routes in Hyper→Highspeed→Genius. I liked it surprisingly much. The story always never goes over the edge to being sad. But keeps action and interesting plot twists. Also the protag being like Lelouch in code geass, just great. Melodramatic ftw. Sometimes it's totally Chuuni awesome as well.

    I am jumping to the sequel now, I am going to go back and read some of the other routes after that on both the sequel and prequel.


    I am planning to read Nanairo after this.

  6. Kamige banzai! From your review the vn seems interesting, downloading~~


    If you got mostly no knowledge on oni's and ghosts, should you read some up before playing the vn?

    Or is it pretty much explained inside the vn?


    Edit: Ok Clephas, I'll just stick with the context I get in the story then. Otherwise I'll use too much time walking around in a mist with no goal xD

  7. Good guide, I wish more people would realize by just learning some basic jap. You can jump onto reading simple vn's and learn by playing them. It's a slow process but it works. I honestly found it very enjoyable but hard. It was a lot better than reading translated vn's I don't really enjoy that much.

    It's probably fine, but reading speed is important for me so it doesn't become a chore, which is why I avoid reading VNs in Japanese for now. The reason is that JPraser is often inaccurate when it comes to single-kanji words, suffixes and kana-only words (especially the last one - hiragana is bad enough, but if it's written in katakana you can't expect any translation at all) - you would then have to go around trying to figure out the real meaning, which is a pain.

    JParser is hardly omnipotent, but the usual problem is that it messes up it's furigana and secondly katakana. The times that JParser can't help you at all understanding the sentences is hardly ever happens. When it makes mistakes, your experience with jp sees it. You can consider JParser reliable, ATLAS on the other hand... Not so much.

  8. I never really experienced this... but this is mostly because my type of speed reading doesn't require my eyes to be focused.  I basically absorb the text paragraph by paragraph and read it in the back of my mind even as I go onto the next.  The fastest method is the page-by-page one... but that tires you out faster... My own reading speed is about eight pages a minute at its highest and 1.5 pages a minute at its lowest....

    Well shit, you can actually do that.. A relative of mine can do a similar thing. She can read it big chunks, not as fast as you though. Reading much faster than normal require a different mental process imo. Same as my "eye-twitching" reading I process the info in a different way, just as your paragraph reading. I think it comes down more to the personal mind how you think. So I am not sure if I can copy your technique.. Then again I do think it's a technique. So it should be a learnable (技).

  9. From experience the best way to get most time to play vn's is by doing most of the work you need to do in a bulk right away. Then chill for the rest of the day. The earlier it's done the better. Simply studying late for me usually makes me work slow and often I jump to doing other things at the same time. Yes, yes. This takes more mental effort in one burst, but for me I can enjoy the vn's more and play more that way lol.


    As for work.. Here if you are studying you get enough money from the state to live off mostly. Albeit if you wanted more money for minimum time used. I'd recommend getting a night-shift job on the weekends. Here you get extra pay for night work + weekend. Cleaning in hospitals is the first specific job that comes to mind that fit that.


    To be honest, speed-reading isn't something everyone is going to be able to pick up.  Some people just don't have the right type of brain structure to absorb large amounts of text quickly.  Others can't adapt to particular speed-reading techniques.  Yet others simply can't learn well from text and need to have it explained to them verbally or in pictures.  Either way, this can eat more time.

    Question to you Clephas. I've tried speed reading before. I've managed to read around 700 wpm and remember similarly well to normal reading. The main problem was my eyes couldn't handle reading for longer 30 mins at a time. My eye muscles stiffen and if I read more I get eye muscle pains for days. There is no problem with my eyes themselves, I've had my eyes tested and they are healthy,

    Do you have any experience with this? How to get around the problem of eye stamina.

    This was really the only reason I stopped speed reading, as I couldn't read more than 30 min was a serious buzz-kill.

  10. I pretty much seed minimum 1:1 ratio on vn torrents. When there is like 3 seeds or something and you can manage to download the vn. I think yes! Seriously I am glad those 3 guys seed, so I do it as well.

    If there is any vn torrents with low seeds I tend to put that one specific 1:30 ratio or something.


    Also I have put up some firewall settings so that my QBittorrent can only connect to the Internet while I have my VPN active. Which means whenever I feel like surfing I activated my VPN and my torrent seeds. If I turn off my vpn to play some online games, my torrents stops. This way it doesn't really require my brain to seed tbh. It just happens lol.

  11. To be fair, kissing someone is also putting their spit into your mouth and that is seen as romantic :P (that's why I never understood the "I don't want to drink their spit" excuse)

    I understand where you're coming from though.

    Yeah, couples here don't really care much about it. Family, friends etc do care.

  12. An all-ages version of Meikyuu? Since that would involve removing at least 1/3 of the entire content, if not even more, I'd be really curious to see how that would even happen. :D


    It's not 1/3... But the h-scenes are rather major part of the grand route. Also a lot of sexual jokes and parts in the after stories.

    Big parts of the story is said partly with what the sex means. Yuji's fucked up relationship with his sister, seriously lol. His deep and romantic relations with Asako. Causing the broken relationship with Julia afterwards.

    Not to mention changing this stuff messes up Rakuen. You'd need some major rewrite to make it be the same story...


    All-ages fits for kajitsu, not meikyuu imo..

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