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  1. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in "Re: Sharin no Kuni Project" Kickstarter preview page is up   
    From what I've seen, they've put in a huge amount of work into this Kickstarter assembling some pretty great looking tiers. That's on top of the fact that they're taking the effort to retranslate most or all of the game in order to make sure it's as high quality as possible. That's not what I would characterize as "the minimum amount of effort," and I'm not sure the lack of mosaics contribute much to that. 
    Honestly, I see no reason not to be really optimistic about this project, yet here you are shitting on them while providing no real explanation. And you call me jaded, lol. Maybe it would help if you explained why you think it's bullshit.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to FeralBlade in [Translation Request] Could a team or something translate a handful of VNs?   
    I might as well give it a try, let me put my translator clothes on.

  3. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Tay in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Progress updated.  Now at 4.7%.  (Just barely enough to be a significant jump from last time.)  My editor is being hammered very hard by term papers and has to step away for awhile.  Hopefully once school is out, editing progress will pick up.
  4. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Kuma in Most underrated VN of all time?   
    Funny trivia: What is now known as "visual novel format" is not really "visual novel format". If you don't believe me lokk NVL and ADV format at vndb, if they didn't delete it yet.
    I can only talk about vanilla BB and I don't know if it changed in later installments, but vanillas story mode fits as a hybrid. The story sequences are long and often enough and not interrupted by gameplay. If long sequences of uninterupted naration in a game do not count as VN hybrids, what else does?
  5. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from RedK in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Progress updated.  Now at 4.7%.  (Just barely enough to be a significant jump from last time.)  My editor is being hammered very hard by term papers and has to step away for awhile.  Hopefully once school is out, editing progress will pick up.
  6. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Fred the Barber in VNDB - Several Questions About It   
    So CNN is a marketing organization now?  (Alright, I see you in the cheap seats, yes, I know, they are, har har har.)  More to the point, what about your editorial?  Is that MoeNovel marketing material now?
    It is true that media coverage generates more attention for whatever's being covered.  That does not mean that the media are marketing.  Marketing is something that companies do to promote their own products.  So yes, Fuwanovel exists for the purpose of promoting visual novels (insofar as it is run by fans for the purpose of disseminating information about them).  That makes them a media outlet, not MangaGamer's or Sekai Project's marketing department.  Marketing makes its decisions based around how the market for a product will be affected; journalism makes its decisions based around what its readership wants to hear about.
  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Soulless Watcher in Root Letter   
    Steins Gate has been on the Vita for awhile now and the sequel Steins Gate 0 will come out on the vita the same time as the ps4 version.
  8. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Warfoki in VNDB - Several Questions About It   
    I remember reading a discussion on that from MG. Now, don't quote me on this, since it was a while ago, but as far as I can remember MG is keenly aware of Erogegames existence. However, EG is operating form Ukraine, so outside of EU and USA jurisdictions. SO to get them, MG, would have to enter a legal battle in Ukraine, where the digital copyright laws are more... relaxed. So it would be a costly court case on foreign soil with no guarantee for a positive outcome for them. MG siimply doesn't have the money to throw around for that. Also, it could create a bad precedent, should they lose. And they can't do much about the download service either, since as far as I remember downloadani.me is run by the same guy who runs EG and is also operated from outside of the EU and USA jurisdictions. So they let EG get away with their referral, because that way at least some people might use them to buy the games after / instead of downloading it, somewhat mitigating their losses.

    Again, it's been a while since I looked up all this, so I might remember some details poorly, so don't quote me on this.
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Warfoki in VNDB - Several Questions About It   
    I ended up making an account to be able to answer here after all. I'm the guy who answered the questions earlier, I'm part of the moderator team on VNDB.

    Sekai Project has monetary issues, because according to their own comments on VNDB, they spend a good chunk of their income to financially help Japanese VN companies stay in business with donations and such.
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Tyr in VNDB - Several Questions About It   
    Math, do you know it?
  11. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from The Dub Lover in List of All VNs with English Partial Patches and Their Progress   
    This is probably why everyone left.  Look, there's a small supply of people willing to work on these projects for free.  There's more games than could ever be translated by the community.  There's more good games that people want than could ever be translated.  Your project's work need to be extensively redone, other projects' doesn't.
    I know it's hard to put yourself out there and ask for help, and get none.  I was worried the same thing would happen to my project.  But you aren't entitled to help, and people aren't selfish for not working for you for free.
  12. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Decay in List of All VNs with English Partial Patches and Their Progress   
    This is probably why everyone left.  Look, there's a small supply of people willing to work on these projects for free.  There's more games than could ever be translated by the community.  There's more good games that people want than could ever be translated.  Your project's work need to be extensively redone, other projects' doesn't.
    I know it's hard to put yourself out there and ask for help, and get none.  I was worried the same thing would happen to my project.  But you aren't entitled to help, and people aren't selfish for not working for you for free.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in List of All VNs with English Partial Patches and Their Progress   
    I'm sorry but lashing out at the community and blaming them on the quality of your work doesn't reflect very well on you.
    The reason nobody wants to be your proofreader is because the level of quality is actually so poor that literally every single line would have to be rewritten from the ground-up. It really is that bad. That's an unreasonable service to expect from people and no one is selfish for not wanting to do it. You're sounding very entitled right now.
  14. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Asonn in Rewrite: Boring, Lazy, Mediocre   

    and I don't really care about someones opinion who thinks that Summer Days is a good VN  
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    Writers will lose their jobs before translators lose theirs. It's reached the stage where machines can write short, informative journalistic pieces at a human level. That is, readers are presented two articles, one written by an AI and one written by a human and people can't pick between the two. Take the test http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/03/08/opinion/sunday/algorithm-human-quiz.html
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zenophilious in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    Groups like MoeNovel are why I hate the mindset of "any official translation at all is good, no matter the quality.  We should support them to show that there's a market for visual novels in the west", because then we get steaming piles of crap like IMHHW, and then other companies like Debonosu and Co. see that people are willing to buy anything with cute anniemay grills no matter how shitty the translation is and how ham handed the censorship job, and want in on the mad rush to reach the bottom.
    I mean, Jesus, look at what MangaGamer and SP alone have announced this year.  We don't need to give every random company our money in the hopes that the industry will grow and we'll get more translated VNs.  If anything, we should be pickier about who we give money to now, if only so that we can prevent more Konosoras from happening.  Accepting and rewarding garbage in the hopes that we'll eventually get something better is moronic and counterproductive.
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Pabloc in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    I'll say this right here - forget about any re-translations. I'm not touching anything by MoeNovel ever again, and I highly doubt you would find anyone else who is stupidly stubborn enough to stick with a project like that. IMHHW is the one and only title that has a realistic chance for getting a fan re-translation, otherwise that's just not gonna happen. If you don't want to see LOLcalization companies hiring the cheapest (and worst) "translators" available and feeding you censored, barely intelligible gibberish, vote with your wallet. Instead of buying crap targeted at the most illiterate people among the Steam crowd, support companies that actually give a damn about overall release quality.
    True. I'm almost certain it was """translated""" by multiple humans, MTs make different mistakes.
    But why would you do that, when you have Rikaichan/kun, MeCab and JParser?
  18. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Gibberish in I feel like this has been said a thousand times. F/SN   
    I just remember working on the fan translation of Tsukihime, many years ago, back when Ryuusoul and TakaJun were actually still around.  Back then I didn't know even the piddling Japanese I know now, and so I was just a proofreader.  Well, I picked at random basically for the files I wanted to proofread (this is back when they were using the many-cooks method).  I happened to grab Hisui's h-scene.  Or I should say, scenes; they make love three times in a row!  And it was truly dreadful ... ye gods.
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Narcosis in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    And what is this magical "steam crowd" we're talking about? If it's not us after all, then I don't even know anymore. We're a part of it, like everyone else.
    It's huge, that's true. The only decent way to spread the word is to educate people about those issues. Unfortunately, people will most likely end up buying their new release. Our modern standards in regards to product quality have detoriated enough to the point, where majority doesn't really care as long as they get what they want and it better be damn cheap.
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to yorikbad in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    We're not their target audience. Steam's crowd is. As much as I hate to admit it, our opinion doesn't matter much. In such niche medium the company's evil deeds are pretty evident, but to influence their decision to cut or not cut the content is more difficult because of too small community power.
    Because they know we have no other legal choice not to buy it. If it's really good title, we will "grit our teeth and read it anyway" as our fellow member said.
  21. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Tay in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Progress updated.  Now at 4.6%
  22. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from yorikbad in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    This is exactly the wrong attitude to take.  We have exactly one way to convince MoeNovel to do things properly:  Not buying their bowdlerized games, and demanding they fix their broken shit.  Giving them money for doing a shitty job, because someone will fix it for them for free, only tells them to keep doing what they're doing.
    If you care about good translations, and if ridiculous censorship bothers you, then don't buy their products.  You're of course free to do whatever you want, but if you buy their products then the message you send is that this is acceptable to you, and you want them to do it more.
  23. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from XReaper in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    This is exactly the wrong attitude to take.  We have exactly one way to convince MoeNovel to do things properly:  Not buying their bowdlerized games, and demanding they fix their broken shit.  Giving them money for doing a shitty job, because someone will fix it for them for free, only tells them to keep doing what they're doing.
    If you care about good translations, and if ridiculous censorship bothers you, then don't buy their products.  You're of course free to do whatever you want, but if you buy their products then the message you send is that this is acceptable to you, and you want them to do it more.
  24. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Nosebleed in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    That's kind of a bad way to think about it though. You're basically saying companies fucking up doesn't matter since the community will just patch it up either way. Why not demand, as a consumer, that the company delivers you a good product to begin with? 
    We're very fortunate rusanon decided to make a team to patch up Konosora, but we can't simply assume that will happen every time, especially since translating a vn is an immense amount of work and most people aren't up for it. 
    I'd much rather try to get the company to fix their shit, although in Moenovel's case it might be a lost cause.
    Regardless , I really don't agree with this "compaies fucking up is okay because the fans will fix it" mindset and I hope it doesn't become the status quo anytime soon.  
  25. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to XReaper in Moenovel teases localization of a new title   
    if that´s the case then they´re even more likely to try doing it in the same fashion, simply because the way it´s been done/handled earned them a rather darn good sum of money - despite all the related flame.
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