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    Nandemonai reacted to mnakamura in Mikan Engine: ScummVM-like HTML5 VN engine to port everything to   
    Sorry for late reply, I haven't visited this forum for a while.
    Not really, but I can send you some links to the demos available in private message. There is no server part, it's all pure client-side, so you can probably just throw it into a PS Vita storage and load it from there, or deploy yourself it on any static HTML hosting, if it is http-only.
    The concept itself is solid. However, there's been no single finished VN released, playable from the beginning till the end, based on Mikan engine. There are a few important functions still missing (like loading / saving), but that's probably 1-2 days worth of coding to get that done. Unfortunately, current state of affairs is a result of combination of:
    several teams taking on some projects => I do reverse engineering and provide tools for them => they abandon the project and disappear => my motivation keep sinking I'm not really a great developer myself, I'm actually a malware reverse engineer, so I wanted to promote a concept and get more people interested in it to help me developing JavaScript engine; unfortunately, looks like I've failed I'm having constant troubles with free time lately, can't dedicate much time to do publicity work on Mikan That again, is totally my fault. Partially my lack of motivation and lack of continued community interest in Mikan is to blame, but that's all excuses.
    If you really want it and you're still up to it, we can try to revive the project and I'll promise that I'll finish that documentation and publish it.
    Looks like I haven't touched neither of them, so I can't really say anything here.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Pabloc in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    Ugh, nope. Sweet Love if full of sex-scenes - that's just too much vanilla for me. >_<
    Speaking of sex-scenes... now I know why this last damn script is so long. I was kinda suspicious about it, since the previous one needs only a short epilogue, and yeah - one more H-scene! This will take more than a week... -.-' It's good that shipping stuff from Japan takes some time, so I won't get totally distracted by ChronoBox or something.
    That aside, editing pretty much caught up with the TL already, so we can move on to making the patch and QC-ing everything right after we deal with the last script. ^^
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Mr Poltroon in MoeNovel saving us again   
    Well, of course they're kamige. They're all about goddesses.
  4. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from kilicool64 in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    Persona 5 is being judged harshly because Persona 3 and Persona 4's translations were masterpieces.  Persona 5's is very far from being a masterpiece.  In fact, not insignificant parts of it are not even acceptable.
    When Atlus released Persona 3 and Persona 4, it created expectations.  If Persona 5 had not followed these two games, I would expect less of it.  But it did.  Persona 5 gets flak from me for not being perfect because it is a Persona game, and Atlus already knows how to do perfect.  I would react the same way to a subpar Trails of Cold Steel 3 translation.  I expect crappy work from NISA; that's why I don't often buy their titles.  They don't do the games they work on justice.  I don't expect crappy work from Atlus.
    But okay, it seems like comparing this to P5 isn't fair to P5.  The only thing these games have in common is that they disappoint me
  5. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in NEKOPARA Vol. 3 Released!   
    I'll clear my mind the way Master Yoda preaches. Maybe that way I can spot the minute (yet obviously very important) differences between the two  
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to zander1995 in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    "It doesn't matter that this restaurant sells literal shit on a plate. It takes a long time to make food, so we should be happy we could spend our money to enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant, even if the food is shit on a plate."
    This mentality is why the Libra translation happened in the first place, because instead of demanding quality people are fine with spending forty bucks only to be served shit on a plate. Doesn't matter if it doesn't hamper your enjoyment, it's still shit on a plate.
    Saying we should appreciate it happened at all is excusing bad translations and bad translation practices.
    And Libra isn't just "ten bad lines" with thousands of good ones. Nearly the entire game is a pile of shit heaped up on more shit. 
  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    Uh, sorry, but the translation is very badly done. It's not "a few mistakes," it's a constant stream of massive fuckups. 
    Anyway, the "quantity over quality" argument is one I will vehemently disagree with, though I doubt any debate on the matter would be productive.
  8. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Kaio3259 in Seeking a type of Heroine in Visuais Novel !!   
    The first rule about Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.
    Anyway, to answer your question, Yuka from Crescendo sounds very close to what you're looking for.
  9. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from roastedmushroom in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    Well, this bit here sure seems like it completely butchers a joke:
    "Hooray, Master's got a lawful wife! After this, suck as much blood as possible and keep your favorite mistresses! Yay, harem, successful man!"
    Now, this line is supposed to be funny.  After all, your maid is telling you to get out there and build a large harem by sucking hot babe blood.  But humor is all about delivery, and the delivery is completely butchered here.  If you have to stop to think what the line is going on about, it's not a very funny line.
    Now, I haven't played this yet (waiting for 18+) but it sure sounds like Persona 5 all over again: over and over, that game took what should have been cool character building moments, and translated them like it was a poorly-translated technical manual.  As a result, characters' personalities come across very poorly.  The impact of every scene where lines are screwed up is lessened.  This doesn't turn Persona 5 into a bad game; but it means that the game could have been something much greater than what it is.
    Sorry, dude, but you said that criticizing bad translations is "a bit much", and minimized the criticism aimed at this particular game by saying it doesn't really matter.  That's pretty much the definition of making excuses.  And then you said bad translations "didn't really ruin the overall enjoyment factor", which sounds an awful lot like saying it's acceptable.
    Which is fine.  To each his own, if bad translations don't bother you because you're just glad it was translated at all, more power to you.  But you should own it.  Yeah, there's a lot of people here who do care about good translations - myself included - but they won't bite you for expressing your opinion.  We.  I mean we.  We won't bite.  Often.
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Hatsukoi 1/1 English Translation Available (Discussion and Poll)   
    Can relate. Way too many nice, cute CGs in VNs get ruined by an apparent inclination to gratuitous fanservice.
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    Sorry, but they aren't entitled to my gratitude, and I'm not going to suck them off for presenting us with a pile of garbage I would not enjoy reading. 
    >When you look at VNs that have tens of thousands of lines of text, and you pick maybe 10 out that are bad, isn't that a bit much?
    What do you want out of me? I told you the entire VN is like that, and it is. How am I supposed to criticize their work? Do I have to comb over their entire translation and present you with 10,000 reasons it's bad? I COULD do that, but I don't feel like wasting the several hundred hours of my life it would take.
    If you enjoy bad translations, then more power to you I guess. But they have done nothing to deserve any sort of appreciation from those of us who do not enjoy bad translations.
  12. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    Some samples to tide ya'll over:
    "She grips in her hand something that looks like a leash and it's connected to the thing tied around my body."
    Because who needs commas? Or grammar in general? There are quite a few lines where it seems like they straight up forgot to use commas. Of course, that's almost the least of this line's problems. It has the prose of a twelve year old's Spongebob Squarepants fanfic. From pointless repetition ("grips in her hand"), to frustrating vagueness ("the thing tied around my body"), to word usage that's uncommon in English ("my body" when "me" also works). It's the kind of line you have to read two or three times to figure out what it's saying.
    "Stream with reduced force runs along her thighs like water trickling from rocks and flows onto the washing area of the bathroom."
    Bwueahhh!? First of all, welcome to the first of many pissing incidents in Libra of the Vampire Princess! I hope you like pee, because boy does this VN have a lot of it. 
    Aside from the aforementioned lack of commas, this line also introduces another common issue: the lack of articles. One of their many translators seems to have frequently left them out, and their editor(s) didn't catch a it very often. I'm guessing that their staff had very few people whose first language is English, and it shows.
    Just like the first line, even if this line had proper punctuation, it could be worded much better. Like, "down rocks" instead of "from rocks," though that metaphor is super clunky anyway. "A weak stream" instead of "stream with reduced force." I mean, really, trying to slap some band-aids on this line is idiotic. It needs to be thrown out and rewritten completely.
    "It is simply impossible to stop mindlessly flowing pee with a thin cloth."
    I want to mindlessly flow this line into the fucking garbage can. "The thin cloth of her panties is no match for the uncontrollable flow of urine." I spent ten seconds thinking up that alternative. It's still quite bad, yet somehow a hundred times better than what they had. The two chief problems being 1) the way their version is phrased makes it sound like stopping the flow is an active effort, when it is not, and 2) maybe I missed this in biology, but I'm pretty sure urine doesn't have a consciousness, and so the piss can't be "mindlessly flowing."
    "But so many weird things happened recently like, a random attacker and cosplay girl. And close to me, two transfer students from a small country I never heard of before called Racronia."
    I'm sorry, but I'm still not fully sure what the fuck this line is saying. What happened with the attacker and cosplay girl? What did the two transfer students do??? This is what happens when you throw grammar out the window. That second sentence is one very long sentence fragment. At least this line has commas. One of them isn't in the right spot, but hey, it's progress! Oh, also, it's Lacronia. They can't even get their own proper nouns right.
    "Well, I'm your fiancee. As the two people who promised each other the future, it is proper to live together."
    And in this case, an article showed up where it wasn't needed! C'mon! And what the hell does "promised each other the future" even mean? It sounds really poetic and meaningful, but I'm pretty sure it's not actually supposed to be. An overall incredibly awkward line. 
    "Hooray, Master's got a lawful wife! After this, suck as much blood as possible and keep your favorite mistresses! Yay, harem, successful man!"
    Boo, Libra, terrible fucking translation! Mari is a ditz, but she's at least be able to form complete, comprehensible sentences. Also, Shuma doesn't have any mistresses to keep currently, that line is about acquiring new ones. This maid is obsessed with encouraging the protagonist to create as big of a harem as possible. It would be funny if it was actually translated halfway competently.
    This is basically the entire translation. Some routes will likely be better than others since there were multiple translators, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything being especially good.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dergonu in Libra of the Vampire Princess - Releasing May 16th, 2017   
    As someone who is learning Japanese, and intends on becoming a professional translator, I don't like this mentality. It is the job of the translator to produce a good translation that pleases the readers, and not a poor translation that is hard to understand, (or worse, one that is straight up incorrect.) People being okay with bad translations means the people who translated said work gets away with it, and more bad translations could surface in the future. If no one speaks up about someone's work being bad, then the translator and the localization company won't learn.
    It's okay to criticise translators if their work is sub-par. I know for a fact that my first work wasn't the best, and I use the feedback I got from that as motivation to get better in the future. This should be what all translators tries to do.
    So, I think it's important that the community speaks up about something if there is actual issues in a localization. Based on the lines Decay has posted in this thread so far, the translation looks very awkward. I hope the lines are at the very least accurate, (I'll be checking this later when the game comes out,) but even if they are, we should definitely let Mikandi Japan know that their work is in need of some serious editing. If they aren't made aware of the fact that their work isn't that good, they could just keep making sub-par translations for the foreseeable future, which would suck for them and their fans.
    With the amount of good localizations that has been released in the past few years, this community should be allowed to have high standards when it comes to translations.
  14. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Pabloc in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    I'll have some more free time now, so I should be able to finish the TL in about 2 weeks~ish.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Persona 5's options   
    >Wanting to turn down legit the best RPG soundtrack ever
    Seriously though, for me it was the opposite. The voices were too dang loud and I didn't want to be constantly blasted with the nonsensical yelling during battles, but there's no way to turn it down. Just gotta live with it. Who knows, maybe someday you'll get better musical taste.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to kyrt in What am I supposed to play after Persona 5?!?!?   
    Trails in the Sky Trilogy...oh wait not really the right setting or theme you requested...
    Err most of these are fantasy-ish Thousand Arms, Growlanser Saga, Sakura Wars, Huniepop, Eiyuu Senki, Sunrider Academy, Tales of Symphonia
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Yuuko in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    Sorry but that's how the world works. If you are poor you can't have expensive hobbies. Period.
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Fuwa VN Reading Club: April - Deardrops   
    Jesus christ dude, why are you spoiling important plot points in KiraKira for me and anybody else here who hasn't read it?
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in Taisho Alice Localization Fiasco   
    I'll just leave this here
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Hatsukoi 1/1 English Translation Available (Discussion and Poll)   
    That is not what happened. The person who contributed VNR subs is completely different. The patch that was released was done from scratch in 17 weeks.
    The translator, Triplicate, is a natural bilingual, being (I believe) a Japanese American. This gives him a solid understanding of both languages and making it so he doesn't have to constantly look up words. He also worked on this patch at 6 - 8 hours a day, a frankly unreasonable amount of time to spend on translation. 
    At the end of the day, though, translation speed isn't the best measure of a translator's ability, and understanding a language doesn't mean that you're talented at writing in it. The Hatsukoi 1/1 translation is honestly pretty rough from an English prose standpoint. The language is very stilted and unnatural, and is worse than your average MangaGamer or Sekai Project script if you're comparing him to them. This is something the translator himself admitted on his blog, he says he got better as he worked on the translation, and the later routes are better written than the earlier ones, and he also eventually wants to go back and redo the first few routes he translated. I know that feeling all too well.
  21. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to SpeedBeatz in Frontwing will localize Subahibi this year   
    I'm looking into this currently, but I will say that our company Steam account is this one, so anything from any other account isn't something we've done ourselves.
    Also, keep in mind that this was posted during Golden Week, when pretty much the entire country of Japan was not at work.
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in MoeNovel saving us again   
    You really think Moenovel is calling the shots at Pulltop and not the other way around?
  23. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from DarkZedge in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Time for a very special progress update!  Read on for the 4-1:
    I've seen a lot of controversy in the past and debate over whether projects should use past tense or present tense.  To be honest, neither one is an ideal solution.  There are pros and cons of both approaches.  But whoever said this was an either-or?  There are other tenses.  I have found the perfect solution - the future perfect - and am busy reworking the existing translation to the new standard.  This will necessitate a bit of additional delay (pushing us out to 2030 or so), but it will be worth it.  After all, moving the game into the future just makes it more perfect.
    And doesn't everyone want a perfect translation?  I will have been proud to oblige!
    Check out the new sample:

  24. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Vorathiel in Root Double is confusing me (Spoilers)   
    I generally agree with most of that, ChaosRaven.  Except that Route B spoils one of the central mysteries of Route A.  Route A is much more effective if that mystery is still mysterious, and I think that Route A is in general the stronger of the two.  Mostly because Route B is very slow compared to route A.  It probably would have been better shortened.  End result, I prefer the reading order that doesn't weaken what I consider the stronger of the two routes.
    A hypothetical altered route order, where the introductory parts of route B take place first, then route A (with the remainder of route B mixed in as flashbacks) kicks off, would probably have worked better.  (With some in media res intro to avoid having the beginning drag too much.)  But that's not what we got.
  25. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in ChronoClock's painful D.D   
    I'm just here to point out that you forgot my homeland's preferred term, y'all, so I thought I ought to visit that horror upon you.
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