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Everything posted by Katatsumuri

  1. It's great. And on the plus side it removes the risk of whining from people who hate them, and it does the same with people who want to keep them, that would otherwise occur if H-scenes were removed/kept in.
  2. Welcome to the forums... (along with your very nice introduction...)
  3. I have. Played through DS a while back, and Is currently slugging myself through DS2 at the moment. While doing this, I started talking with a few friends who also played it, and we came to a conclusion: Dark souls isn't hard, and neither is it difficult. It's simply unforgiving. When you die, you can recover your souls. Your progress isn't "reset". it's still there, but there is a potential to lose it. Dying in Dark souls isn't a big deal. There is the potential for punishment, but you can do something about it. And if you learn how the different bosses and enemies work, you're simply not going to be dying much. Dark souls is pretty much unique, in that there are solutions to anything, and you just gotta find them. Take the pursuer in DS2 for example: If you just strafe towards his' right, many of his' attacks cannot hit you. It's not 100% perfect, and nor does it work for all his attacks, but it makes the fight significantly easier. Part of playing Dark souls is learning how things work, and thus, how to defeat it. Don't focus on attacking the enemy the first time you fight them. Instead, focus on surviving, while only taking potshots at them while you're certain that they won't retaliate in time.
  4. Sorry, doublepost. Could a community bm remove this please?
  5. Welcome to the forums (even if you've been here a while)...
  6. Welcome (back) to the forums... And watch out for unoriginal Runs...
  7. There is no Fuwa. Only a ton of unoriginal Runs.
  8. I just have a minor observation here: Because of this thread, doesn't it mean that there's a lot of unoriginal Runs running around, and that Run's name now is truly befitting him?
  9. Welcome to the forums...
  10. The amount of Runs has left me confused, scared, amused, but above all: it has given me a sense of wonder.
  11. Welcome to the forums... I also happen to love felines.
  12. True. I am right now hungry/Very hungry/Starved/Famished. etc. etc. almost any food will do. Next person owns a physical copy of a VN.
  13. Yes. They are common at take-away places and similar over here. Next person was around on Fuwa before this thread was created.
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