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Everything posted by Katatsumuri

  1. Sorry Run, but Bats has so far given me more laughs than you.
  2. Depends what you feel for at the moment. It also depends on quality, story, and all those other factors. Some stories benefit from being long, while others don't.
  3. While a route and character can pull me in emotionally, I never actually feel anything for that character, knowing that it is merely a character. Sure, I usually try to create arguments in my head where I attempt to justify that particular route being the "true" route (whenever the true route isn't specified, and as long as the main heroine/route isn't really obvious), but I never consider myself to be part of that route. I never consider myself as the protagonist, but merely as a watcher/observer who can occasionally influence stuff. Even if the character is memorable, they are merely just a character.
  4. Welcome to the forums... And as a snail, I disapprove of salt in general...
  5. Two more confessions: -I have never had, or cared about Waifus. -I am secretly worrying about how I will explain my large collection of Eroge and other VNs to people I know who are not into Japanese popular culture or similar stuff.
  6. Confession(s): -I actually like Ecchi/fanservice-y stuff, despite sometimes saying the opposite. -I have an inferiority complex. -Despite always going on about "everyone having the right to an opinion", Sometimes I really want to punch people in the face when they (according to me) have a stupid opinion. -I am a very lazy person. -Prefers female protagonists over Male protagonists. One of the confessions above is a half-truth. And last but not least: -I never tell the truth.
  7. Welcome to the forums...
  8. When I got steam a while back (yeaaars ago), I decided to have something different as a name and profile "theme"... so I chose a snail. Then I changed it to one possible way to say it in japanese, and then (pure coincidence, really) I realized that through it, I could actually figure out my real name, which I thought was pretty neat.
  9. Welcome to the forums...
  10. I like this OST. It's a good OST.
  11. Welcome to the forums...
  12. Reason for buying: I was in Japan. Saw it, and was suddenly standing outside the store with a bag containing this. as well as being about 7000 Yen shorter. Excuse the bad photo-quality It really is a lot of stuff though...
  13. Play it. It's really good. And at some points, really unfair.
  14. Been playing (too much) Valkyria Chronicles, ever since it launched on steam. Completed it without losing a single soldier, which feels really good.
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