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Everything posted by VirginSmasher

  1. He's not talking about translation quality. He's talking about prose aka writing quality in general and how it's overrated to keep it as long as the story events remain the same. Basically, he has no idea about what prose does to a story and therefore is pretty uneducated when talking about it.
  2. Everybody else has already explained how absolutely moronic this statement is, so all I can say is you should not be working on any sort of project if you think like this.
  3. It doesn't come close to capturing Maruto's writing and prose. It's littered with grammar errors, clunky prose, and awkward sentences. Extremely literal translation to the point that it could be confused with machine TL, which it has been. Basically, it looks like it was done by somebody who'd just finished year 1 Japanese and decided to work on a VN without having any clue about how to properly translate.
  4. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 100% (8709/8709) Branch School - 35% (2039/5846) Total - 22% (15229/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 25% (1441/5846) Total - 5% (3360/68206) Ittaku has fully translated Tonoko's route. He'll be moving onto Miyabi's soon enough, but he can relish in this great achievement right now. Branch School in terms of both TL and Editing is going strong as well. We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all for this week. See you in another couple of weeks.
  5. This just sounds like an excuse people make to read butchered versions of VNs that they'll never be able to truly experience. Sure, there are a lot of good translations out there, but if you don't have any standards, even in the fan-TL scene, you basically get the quality of work we had in the early days of fan-TL. TLs should at least be decent in all facets of the process and it's just sad that people want to be lazy and read bad TLs when there are a lot of good localizations out there to read.
  6. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 81% (7088/8709) Branch School - 27% (1607/5846) Total - 19% (13177/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 20% (1157/5846) Total - 5% (3076/68206) The team is jhard at work. Tonoko's route should be finished in the next couple of months. 頑張って @ittaku We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all for this week. See you in another couple of weeks.
  7. It's more that the drama was boring and the comedy took a dive off a cliff in terms of quality. I liked Maki's route and that was full of moege shlock. It's just that it happened to be funny and the drama was good.
  8. Hello again. From now on, I'll be doing bi-weekly updates for you guys. Now, let's get into the updates. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 64% (5549/8709) Branch School - 27% (1587/5846) Total - 17% (11618/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 18% (1051/5846) Total - 4% (2970/68206) As you can see, TL progress is still consistently going up and @Pomelo is working hard on editing. We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all for this week. See you in a couple of weeks for another progress update.
  9. Hello again. It's time for another progress update. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 51% (4454/8709) Branch School - 26% (1537/5846) Total - 15% (10473/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 12% (727/5846) Total - 4% (2646/68206) We have finally broken the 10,000 lines mark on the TL front. Congratulations to Ittaku and Hasa for all the work they've been putting in. We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all for this week. I'll be back next week with some more progress.
  10. Hello again. It's time to update you guys on progress again, so let's get into it. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 42% (3683/8709) Branch School - 25% (1445/5846) Total - 14% (9610/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 11% (614/5846) Total - 4% (2533/68206) As well as that, the TL total is up to 14% now. I'm proud of the guys for breaking new percentages each week. We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all I have to report this week. See you all later.
  11. You're right. I was just going with what was at the top of my head.
  12. Then why don't you try learning it? Is it because of one of these 3 reasons? I'm too busy to learn a new language. I'll only do it once I've run out of good English releases I don't have the motivation to.
  13. SakuraGame back at it again. If only there was another option available to read it...
  14. True. Although they're not immensely better than SP by any means. They do have decent TLs though. Also, Mangagamer translated Himawari.
  15. Mangagamer - Best company in terms of quality Sekai Project - mainly average with some bad TLs and a few good ones (Like Root Double and the Grisaia series) JAST - Good quality overall if you ignore the state of the first Flowers TL. Sol Press - Only released one VN, so I have no clue. NekoNyan - decent TL quality. The others - Either machine TL or just terrible TL work in general. Ignore anything from them.
  16. Can't really expect much from desperate VN fans, can you?
  17. I'd say the creepiest and scariest VNs I've read have been Myth, Saya no Uta, and Soundless for sure. Even VNs like Chaos;Child and Subahibi have spine-tingling scenes, but I wouldn't consider them incredibly scary.
  18. Killer Queen easily.
  19. Hello again. It's Saturday, which means another progress update for you guys. Translation Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 100% (2691/2691) Tonoko Route - 36% (3127/8709) Branch School - 23% (1338/5846) Total - 13% (8947/68206) TLC Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 3% (187/5846) Total - 3% (2135/68206) Edit Prologue - 100% (1791/1791) Main School - 6% (157/2691) Branch School - 8% (455/5846) Total - 3% (2374/68206) Translation got up to around 900 lines this week. Really proud of the guys for keeping this rate up. The second pass edit for the prologue patch should be done soon enough and the patch itself will ideally be out in the very near future, so look out for that. We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project. That's all for this week. See you all later.
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