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Everything posted by LinovaA

  1. I saw that earlier today. Pity I had to see it right before class, since I was then depressed for the next three. o-o''
  2. Confession: I believe you must keep the public Ren worshiping up. We need public religious figureheads (The Ren Papacy) for the Ren worshiping... for all those who still worship from the shadows. Confession 2: Definitely not like me or anything. Nope nope nope.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is seriously the image I get in my head from the above. But yeah, I kinda agree... 'Cause my bullshit detector is being tripped. I'd like to see some tangible evidence myself actually.
  4. Well... art really does not make that big of a difference for me. I find that artwork is the least important aspect for me. It is far more important for me to have a good story over decent artwork. I mean.. if I left myself subject to judging the whole thing by art style.. I originally would have never enjoyed Clannad or Muv Luv. However... when I looked passed that, I got to enjoy the wonderful stories that are written within. That, and I found that I began to like/appreciate the art styles (especially in the case of Muv-Luv).
  5. Bleh... I feel so behind now. See.. I suddenly got really busy, but I should be able to finish most of what is left today. ... I hope.
  6. Parasyte: "Let me try and cause an erection in this sex organ." - Migi "Upon researching the concept of demons, I believe that, among all life, humans are the closest thing to it." - Migi
  7. False... as much as I want to right now. I wanna pick up Steins;Gate so so so bad... but with Clannad and Grisaia's kickstarters, my wallet has no more that can be pillaged. Next person is listening to a happy song right now.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaLoBdqcvVY
  9. Since the day is over, but I enjoyed it.. I'll go with true. Next person has had barely any free time over the passed few days.
  10. This really needs a 10 hour version.
  11. You had me at having Ren as a protagonist. All of my yes is now being set on the table. Even though I am a newcomer 'round here, I will definitely jump all over this if it becomes a thing.
  12. I got HuniePop and my brother asked my why I was playing it.. and I was just like:
  13. Despite my love for AliceSoft, I say play through Kamidori Alchemy Meister. Really all depends on what you want. If you like games with a heavy emphasis on crafting or that are a lot like the Shining Force games (in terms of battle style) for the Sega Genesis, then you should play Kamidori. On the other hand, if you like games with a lot more of an overall strategy feel against multiple factions and stuff + AliceSoft comedy, I would suggest Daibanchou. I have played both, and as I said at the beginning, as much as I love AliceSoft games... I would suggest Kamidori.
  14. Confession: I am really really drunk right now. O-o
  15. Like Rooke, put me down as a last resort. I am pretty busy with my own projects, but I'll see what I can do if you need me.
  16. ... I finished it last night. 10/10 would sniffle again. ;-;
  17. So I just picked up Dokapon Kingdom (again) as I am hanging out with a bunch of people this weekend. Figured we needed a way to absolutely destroy our relationships, 'cause Mario Party just isn't making us hate each other enough.
  18. Oh boy! I have always wanted to cum tits!!! ... Instead of getting longer... it just likes to point out that I do not have a 3D girl. How nice of it. xD
  19. Annnnnd done episodes 7, 8, and 9. I am a completionist, so putting my enjoyment of the series aside, I would still watch season 2.
  20. Corpse Party is love~ ANYWAY, just finished episodes 4, 5, and 6. Again, see you guys in another three~!
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