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Everything posted by LinovaA

  1. REN'S GLASSES! The violence... oh by Ren... The violence! x_X
  2. A Visual Novel's soundtrack is very important and thus far I have been very satisfied with pretty much every soundtrack I have come across. I mean, I definitely get that there are sub-par soundtracks out there, but I have yet to encounter them yet. While some of them may be slightly generic, there are a few soundtracks that really caught my eye. As an example, I will use Saya no Uta. The soundtrack attached to Saya no Uta creates a very somber and dark tone to the series that created a lot of inner tension when things are being told from Fuminori's perspective, as it is a lot of sounds singing in cacophony, minus whenever Saya is around. This is one particular example where I think the soundtrack does something far different and leaves a lasting impression (although that whole damn thing left impression, let there be no doubt). Pretty much everything else I agree with though. Although, with minimalist writing, and maximizing efforts into the soundtrack, and art, you begin to create something far different. This is going to sound weird, but I am going to compare this to Me!Me!Me!, that wonderful little music video that blasts you with beautiful art and awesome music. Now for someone who does not understand Japanese, the writing is a moot point so we will focus on what we can see. Using the visuals and sound as our guide, many people have come to various conclusions about what the overall meaning of Me!Me!Me! was. The visuals and sound paint a picture of something, with the overall meaning behind it being gleaned by attention to detail. However, that worked very well as it was in an animated format. As a Visual Novel is.. well.. just that.. a Visual NOVEL, I feel like minimizing the importance of the NOVEL portion of it takes something away from it A Visual Novel to me is the culmination of all the individual elements, so in my own opinion... revolutionizing Visual Novels doesn't need to involve amplifying or reducing individual elements, but rather it would need to add whole new elements for people to play around with and do well/horribly. But to answer your questions: Yes I would be interested in something like this, but only if it was done right. Be kinda interesting to see a Visual Novel that was a bunch of music videos, interspaced by narrative. Kinda like if you were turning a musical into a Visual Novel while maintaining fluid motion as opposed to static sprites. Apologies if I make no coherent sense. xD
  3. Damn. I need to catch up on this collecting thing. o-O
  4. I would say... at least play through Tomoyo's route if you don't have any interest in playing through all of Clannad. You'll get more out of it that way, since you know.. It is Tomoyo's own After Story really. Otherwise I feel like Tomoyo After would lose a lot of its touch.
  5. Just like clearing everything in Sengoku Rance. Pain... but like... masochistic style pain.
  6. "Onii-chan, you dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy!!!" -Chinami (Hoshizora no Memoria) 'Cause imoutos.
  7. Gah.... I don't wanna type it up again. xD Laziness at it's finest. Knew I typed it up somewhere on here.
  8. Soon. Maybe. I actually made one and posted it over here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/7594-ongoing-forum-emoticons/page-7#entry216479 No idea if it will get approved as an emoticon, but hey one can hope! ;D
  9. The whole reason I stopped watching Season 2 was because I came to a sudden realization. Log Horizon seems to be best whenever you marathon it. I found if I missed a week of Log Horizon season 2, I would enjoy the 2 episodes way more than I normally would. I didn't watch the first season of Log Horizon until it had finished airing, and I was just absolutely engrossed in it. So I am going to marathon up to where it is now, and then wait until it finishes before I finish it.
  10. Catching up to the everything I fell behind in during the Fall season. Gundam marathon being put on hold until I catch up to Akatsuki no Yona, Log Horizon, and Psycho Pass season 2.
  11. Moar Ren moar power! Edit: I just can't give up Fuko though.
  12. ... I am just going to leave these here... Don't hurt me. o-o xD
  13. I definitely recommend it. As a huge fan of Alicesoft games in general, I can safely say that you will probably enjoy Daibanchou.
  14. Not gonna lie... I'd watch this.
  15. I personally love them myself as long as they don't spoil anything for me. I love the music and almost never ever skip an intro unless it is something I find unbearable. Anime openings were how I originally got into J-Music after all, so I like having them as they sometimes introduce me to new artists I may have never heard of before. A big plus if the animation is really good. Nothing like some eye candy before watching a show.
  16. LinovaA


    Oh do I ever know that one. Not a doujin or anything, but I read this one fanfic for Muv Luv... has like 1 million some words and it is headcanon for me. I love it to death.
  17. I've already pulled out the lawn chair.
  18. I have no artsy talents outside of writing, so I will just show what I have. I moved everything that was movable out onto my kitchen table. I originally tried to get it to look symmetrical.. but then I said screw it and told Death The Kid to eat his heart out.
  19. LinovaA


    I needed this is my life~
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