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Character Voting List for a Fuwanovel Game Reveal


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Hey all,


I am busy preparing the final reveal of the 3rd (and final) Fuwanovel game of the year as promised in previous threads that stated they would be starting up again during the 2nd quarter. In this game, there are a total of 16 unique character personalities that characters are allowed to choose from. These characters will be modeled after actual members of the forums and affiliated sites of Fuwanovel, and as such I need your suggestions on what you want to see!


Feel free to drop some names in this thread and I may decide to implement your choices into the game later on when I continue making more content for it. Feel free to vote for anyone, as the more a name appears, the better chance they have of being featured.


Thanks again!

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Is there a limit to how many suggestions a single person can put in?  Is it only limited to the names themselves or may we suggest attributes, weapon types and any additional aspects, perhaps even some debuffs that might occur?  Are there any stats or mechanics outside standard RPG norm that would include stuff like health and/or mana?  Anything like the sanity mechanic in Darkest Dungeon that would end up being used?  Just so we know what vectors to pull at.


(And yes, I ask questions very frequently.  The more information you have the better suggestions you can put forward.  :P )

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Is there a limit to how many suggestions a single person can put in?  Is it only limited to the names themselves or may we suggest attributes, weapon types and any additional aspects, perhaps even some debuffs that might occur?  Are there any stats or mechanics outside standard RPG norm that would include stuff like health and/or mana?  Anything like the sanity mechanic in Darkest Dungeon that would end up being used?  Just so we know what vectors to pull at.


(And yes, I ask questions very frequently.  The more information you have the better suggestions you can put forward.  :P )

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I vote for myself, since I'm supes important.


Otherwise, Tay is a given, Tiago could be amusing, Nosebleed and Down should be in there. Steve, but you apparently hate him :Kappa:. Oh yeah, and ouibaabnuiklhtblugod I can't be arsed to remember the name the Majikoi QC guy is p. legendary in ways.

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I vote for myself, since I'm supes important.


Otherwise, Tay is a given, Tiago could be amusing, Nosebleed and Down should be in there. Steve, but you apparently hate him :Kappa:. Oh yeah, and ouibaabnuiklhtblugod I can't be arsed to remember the name the Majikoi QC guy is p. legendary in ways.

Ouraibaa is the name.

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I vote for Zeno, the board mod that regularly has his foot in his mouth because he's always saying something that's either wrong or weird/stupid. [/obligatoryvoteformyself]


Now, seriously, I vote for Tay, Tiago, Zaka, OriginalRun and Nosebleed.  Also, the random Scottsune Miku account that popped up, because why not.

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