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solidbatman's Mega Big Ultra Contest


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I've thought about it for some time and I think the most important letters are W A I F U. W and F are pretty common letters, and you can see them in many different words. A, I and U are vowels, so they're common too.


And of course, because there are people who can't find true love in the 3D world, and have to look for it in the magnificent utopian 2D world.

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Those who do not take part in Day 3, will lose 10 points


I also... am not really sorry for this at all. Up to this point, I have been very nice to all of you with your challenges. That ends today.

Your challenge today, is to write a 150+ word story, without using the 5 letters you picked in Day 2. If you use any of the 5 letters you picked in Day 2, you will lose 8 points, and face an even worse challenge for day 4. Fear not though, I do rubber band things towards to end. So be sure to remain strong through adversity. For I will not allow you to face impossible odds. 

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Poor guys that just chose vowels... Good luck everyone!


The poet thinking on printing one novel:



You’re looking to one novel. You’re hoping it might me not terrible. But you might’ve one untrue opinion. No novel ever might likely be not terrible keeping the poet to run the intellect he love.

One terrible novel, one terrible poet. Combining it, might get one terrible term. But he might try the very prime novel ever. The poet might lurch but never term the might on the cerebrum concerning the poet. You might not touch the content, but the novel might very truly be terrible.

Lying, thinking. It might be very truly the only thing he might get on the poem. The little boy in the lonely room. Little by little, the not not not terrible poem completion might be not not not terrible, but he poet might be truly terrible. Not bother. Terrible or not, there might be no route to it not get the objective.

Milk. Got to buy milk. Milk...


-One terrible poet.


Well it sucks. It's a story, no matter if it sucks or not. The story is about the mind of a writer, in this case a poet. I did it now give me a cookie!!

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“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Now Bob yelled.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.

“Bob!” yelled Jenny. No yell echoed. Bob yelled once more.

“Jenny!” yelled Bob. No yell echoed. Jenny yelled once more.


“Jenny?” Bob yelled. The yell echoed to Jenny. Good job, Bob!




You never said the story had to be complex.

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E, R, O,S, I - can't 



Fly Bat Fuck Why Nap?


Flat bat Aul had dat fat hat. Fat hat had dat flat cat Haul. Flat bat fly at dat fat hull. Dat flat bat call Aul. Aul Bat hull dat flat cat and fat hat. Bat had dat malt. Malt fat and Aul call nap. Nap had dat fat hull and dat fat hat. Plug dat hat Aul bat. Hull that cat and plug that hat. Bat play fly at cat. Cat nap at mat. Bat fly at dat wall. Fat wall fuck flat bat. Flat bat Aul hull dat flat cat Haul and fat hat at dat wall at bad fat gnat gang. bad fat gnat gang at dat wall. Bat fly at dat bad fat gnat gang. Bad fat gnat gang fly at Aul bat. Aul Bat bat at bad fat gnat gang. Bad fat gnat gang fall at flat cat mat. bad fat gnat gang nat by cat. Aul flat bat had dat fat hat and dat flat cat nat at bad fat gnat gang. bad fat gnat gang pat flat cat. Flat bat Aul pat that bad fat gnat gang. Flat bat Aul and flat Cat Haul laugh at bad fat gnat gang. Flat bat Aul had dat nap.


Dat ND

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Context: Two sailors, Chief and Duck, are sitting at a bar. Both are somewhat illiterate , if the tale doesn't make it immediately obvious. Not a single R, S, T, L, or N in the story.



"Aye, Duck."


"Aye, Chief?"


"Why do you face a day of awe?"


"If day by day I go by, I be awed by magic."


"Hmph. How heavy."


"Yeah. Maybe if I am a mage, I may be Mickey!"


"Fuck you."




"MICKEY?!?!? You mad? How do you come up Mickey? You high?"




"God. I am awed. You embody dice aimed amok. How jagged."


"... Chief."








"I am Duck. Do I quack?"













"Ugh. Why do you mock me, pighead?"


"Chief. I wage you have max phobia of juicy ham bicep."




"A joke. I have a map."


"A good map?"


"Aye, Chief. I hijack map."



"A joke. I paid big guy. A map of Cuba. A box of oak he hide."


"Joy! Good job, Duck. We go."


"Chief. Key! We pick up key, pick up box. 




"Aye, Chief. A key."


"How do I dig up a key?"













"... I go."


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This is the story of a man who goes by the name of Batman. There are two things Batman owns tons of: ego is one of them, the other is, as the Japanese say it, "sarto". One boring afternoon Batman went on the internet to exchange some of his "sarto" for more ego. His scheme was a bit extortionate - start a contest to force others to perform jobs more fitting for robots than other members of the homo sapiens species. The "amazing" prize was a few shitty porn games that Batman can't enjoy since he went insane after his 24h stream. The contestants were not too happy. When they're not happy, they resort to aggression. They went to the states to spot Batman, beat some sense into him, get his porn games. After that Batman was woebegone, for his ego went *poof*. Yet in its spot he got tons of "sarto" for an eternity of thin scones.

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Letters: W H A T S


One Ring loved Penelope. Penelope loved One Ring. Lord Frodo loved One Ring. Penelope no like Lord Frodo.  One evening, Penelope killed Lord Frodo. Lord Frodo niece, Yuko, cried. Penelope cried. Penelope no like killing. One morning, Penelope fell off cliff. Penelope died. Yuko no cry for Penelope, for Yuko joyful. One Ring gone, crying, no Penelope. Yuko, become Lord Yuko, become Lord of Middle Mercury. Yuko find One Ring. One Ring love Lord Yuko. Lord Yuko love One Ring. One Ring, Lord Yuko full of joy. One evening, One Ring found Lord Yuko crying. Lord Yuko need  rule Middle Mercury. One Ring no recognize ruling of Middle Mercury. One Ring found clue. One Ring look for ex-Lord Frodo body, for One Ring could do voodoo. One Ring find body. Body become only bone. One Ring cry. Remembered Penelope One Ring did. One Ring go Lord Yuko. Lord Yuko bring Penelope in living. Lord Yuko become God. One Ring love Penelope. Penelope love One Ring.


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You wolf down food. Bob wolf down food.  Hugo wolf down food. Juno wolf down food. John wolf down food. Luz wolf down food.


Molly wolf down food. Brook wolf down food. Rudy wolf down food. Ruby wolf down food. Bjorn wolf down food. Bobby wolf down food.


Boyd wolf down food. Cory wolf down food. Bruno wolf down food. Brydon wolf down food. Bryon wolf down food. Byron wolf down food.


Buck wolf down food. Buddy wolf down food. Chuck wolf down food. Coby wolf down food. Cody wolf down food. Colby wolf down food.


Colm wolf down food. Jon wolf down food. Judd wolf down food. Don wolf down food. Doug wolf down food.


Floyd wolf down food. Flynn wolf down food. Ford wolf down food. Fox wolf down food. Glyndwr wolf down food.


Gordon wolf down food. Guy wolf down food. Mylo wolf down food. Hugh wolf down food.

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