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Thank you Rooke! This game is more about timing and pattern recognition than puzzle solving so I hope that solves things a bit :). I wished it could be on Steam! Unfortunately, tons of people voted no outright because it has anime graphics. They seem to have some hate over in that community. If you're a bigger name like Narcissu, that's different, of course. Then again, I'm sure tons of people are trashing on that too, wondering why it got Greenlit. They have no idea what they missed out on.


Anyway, it'll be available via my website. Aside from Steam, there are other vendor options, but I hear they get so little views by comparison it's almost pointless. Might still take a look, though. If anyone has experience on this, I would love to hear about it.


Thank you Nosebleed! The new version is actually still in production, but it should become available within a few weeks. I'm working hard every day in hopes of making it happen :)!


Thanks very much everyone.

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Hello everyone :). At last, Unhack is pretty much ready to go. The game will be released in early February 2014. It could be as soon as next week. I hope you'll consider supporting the project m(_ _)m. Here's a new trailer:




By the way, has anyone here got Linux installed? I would love to do some testing on that platform but my management schedule is a bit tight. If anyone is able to help test the game out, that'd be fantastic. Of course, once I send you a copy, it's yours to keep :).


Also, if anyone is linked to any media and can help me out, I would really appreciate you getting in touch as well.


Thank you heaps m(_ _)m!



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Thank you shcboomer :)!


Thanks Flutterz! If you like, please feel free to PM me your email address and I can send something over when I'm ready :).


Thank you heaps WinkBlinkel! I worked really hard on this and very much appreciate your support m(_ _)m. Well, I'm looking into using the HumbleWidget. I'm new to this as well so I'll have to find out the options. Hopefully it'll be at least Paypal and credit card :).

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Hello all! I'm in the process of getting Unhack up and ready for sale. In the meantime, I've put together a trailer:




I've also released a four episode demo onto the game's site:




Even though I've tested it with a few friends (thank you Flutterz!), I'd like the build to be tested by a few more people to ensure all is well. If you're interested in the game, it'd be great if you could give the demo a look :).


As always, please consider dropping a like on my game development Facebook page. That'd be really awesome:




Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone! Unhack has at last been released! Thank you so much for everyone's continuing support m(_ _)m.




The game is available for purchase from the website (under Play):




If you enjoyed the game, please consider dropping a like on my Facebook page to receive the latest updates:




Unhack's Greenlight page is on my signature. Please consider dropping a Yes there, too!


Thank you so much folks. I really appreciate it m(_ _)m.

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congrats  ^_^


...(you should do a postmortem ww)


Thank you heaps Flutterz  :D!


For the Humble Store, there is an approval process before they provide you with their services  :).


Thank you heaps everyone.



so it's an approval process for the "company" instead of by game? (I assume you can submit another game and have it passed through ok? or does the new game have to go through the process again?)


So I'm curious about this one. How's the story?

you could just play the old version for free iirc...

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Thanks for your curiosity fun2novel :)! I did the best I can with the story, but of course, it's up to the players to judge. Yes, a free version is available as Zhurai said, but the script has been revised since that version, so I feel unsure about recommending that. Plus the drawings are outdated and there is no voice acting. A four episode demo is available on my site as well. Please feel free to check that out :).


Zhurai, since this is my first game with them, I'm not sure! I reckon you'll have to go through the process with each game.


Thank you for your interest pedropars! Well, to be honest, I doubt it'll ever get Greenlit~ Here's how Greenlight works. Get all the votes you can in the first two days. If you fail to make it to Top 100, it's pretty much over. So yeah, with that said, I hope you'll consider picking up the game from my site m(_ _)m.


Thank you everyone.

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Thanks for your curiosity fun2novel :)! I did the best I can with the story, but of course, it's up to the players to judge. Yes, a free version is available as Zhurai said, but the script has been revised since that version, so I feel unsure about recommending that. Plus the drawings are outdated and there is no voice acting. A four episode demo is available on my site as well. Please feel free to check that out :).


Zhurai, since this is my first game with them, I'm not sure! I reckon you'll have to go through the process with each game.


Thank you for your interest pedropars! Well, to be honest, I doubt it'll ever get Greenlit~ Here's how Greenlight works. Get all the votes you can in the first two days. If you fail to make it to Top 100, it's pretty much over. So yeah, with that said, I hope you'll consider picking up the game from my site m(_ _)m.


Thank you everyone.

Oh i see,in that case i´m probaly going to buy it through your website when i get some money.

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Hello. Thank you to everyone who has picked up Unhack so far. I really appreciate it :).


Visual novels reviewer hyperXknees has put up a video of Unhack and I wanted to share it here:




In addition, everyone who picks up the game from now until the end of Feb will enter a draw. One winner will receive an autographed drawing from Xanthe Huynh, the voice actress of Weedy (and also Ui from K-On! among many others). You can find out more here:




Please consider supporting my work while I am making progress with a new project. Thank you :)!

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