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My name is EldritchCherub and after lurking for several months I've decided to introduce myself to the community. I come from 'Murica, a land where most people don't pick up a newspaper in order to read, let alone know what a visual novel is. VNs reignited my love for reading and writing in a time when school dictated for the most part what I should read.  I am currently working in several fan translation projects as an editor. I continue to read and devote my time to VNs, amazed by the rich variety of stories and characters, in the hopes of one day bringing more VNs to the west.


As with most people my exposure to visual novels came mainly from anime and manga. I noticed a lot of references to visual novels and thanks to my curiosity managed to stumble upon many forums which delved into this storytelling medium. I've been reading visual novels for several years now and have come to greatly enjoy the way they immerse the reader into different worlds.


My first visual novel was Saya no Uta. It was quite the harrowing experience. It could have easily turned me off VNs for good but ultimately I became ensnared and looked for more. I am adept in English but wish to one day get serious about learning Japanese so that I can explore other VNs. Thanks for reading and I hope to learn more from this community in the future!

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Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Pardon my French, but how the hell did you end up with Saya as your first VN?

Have a moe:


Haha, I know that it's strange but I figured I'd make my awakening to this side of storytelling as rude as possible. I prefer to read horror and dark fantasy, so it was really a no brainer for me. Coming to learn that it was a lovecraftian novel was just the icing on the cake. I probably wouldn't recommend this one to newcomers because of the taboo subject matter. It was either Narcissu or Saya no Uta, but I ended up going with the latter, haven't looked back since.

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