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Fuwanovel Confessions


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To be completely honest, i'm fine now...I kinda regret what i tried to do, even if i had solid personal reasons to do that...



Well, i want to go back to my good old self, joking about pretty much everything, playing videogames, and forget this day.

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To be completely honest, i'm fine now...I kinda regret what i tried to do, even if i had solid personal reasons to do that...



Well, i want to go back to my good old self, joking about pretty much everything, playing videogames, and forget this day.


There will always be something, somewhere to make life worth living.


What comes after Death awaits all. Nobody knows if life can be lived again. Why hurry to die when you have not tried everything in life?

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I liked the anime more though

Characters in VN look kinda different compared to the anime

I thought the LB anime was okish, except Haruka's route, they butchered the shit outa that plotline.


Confession : 6 hours ago, i tried to commit suicide.


I'm not going to stand here and tell you that suicide is wrong and you would go to hell if you ever committed it. I feel like that answer lacks empathy and desrespects the individual. I believe that everyone has the right to decide whether they should continue living or, if living become unbearable, end their own life.


However, I will say it should not be taken lightly, obviously. As far as man knows, your current life is your only life, do not waste it on a rash decision. Meditate on your problems for a few days, logically deduce if you want to commit suicide for a legitimate reason. Consider if the issue will resolve itself with time (the cruelest kindness) and consider looking for help to confirm that these thoughts are not the result of a chemical imbalance. Consider every other person you have interacted with in life and the pain you would cause these individuals with your passing. Than decide if you truely want to end it all.


Personally as long as the possibility exists that something good will happen down the road (like a new english translated visual novel!), I find that life is worth living.

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Confession : i don't regret my suicidal move, and giving how the person that motivated my move reacted, i would gladly try a second time, but this time, i'll take every step necessary in order to succeed.

Ok, that was fast turnaround. Without any specific background information I'm not really sure what I can comment on. However, if these suicidal thoughts are spurred on by another person's actions, factoring in how quickly you changed your mind, and without knowing the specifics, I have to lean to "not worth killing yourself". Don't let other people dictate your life man.

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Confession: I was hospitalized again on Monday for gastritis. I overdosed on acid (the natural kind that gets produced in your stomach) basically. At this point, I can't enjoy any food, including one of my favorites - pizza. Doctor has advised me I can't drink or smoke anymore either. I lost 6 pounds in 2 days. The dramatic shift in my life serves as a wake up call to all my hedonistic life style up until now. Before, I was training my body like Yuuji to be an able soldier and along the way, I forgot my purpose. I'm reminded I'm very fragile and I could die from my life style at any point. So I don't need to pull the trigger to kill myself.


Cliche Confession: I appreciate life more and wish to see my daughter's angelic face again. 

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I think if KyoAni did the LB animation then it would have been better. For eg- If u compare Clannad anime with VN, the designs are almost same but JC Staff's LB animation is way too different.....

I think Haruka's route was clarified more in the anime compared to the VN...... Kurugaya's route should have been a bit longer in the anime

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Wow, that is surprising. I actually really like how Haruka's plot is done in the anime, and I thought it made a lot more sense there than it did in the VN. I saw it in the anime first, though, so that's probably coloring things for me somewhat. Still, it was my surprise favorite plot for season 1 of Little Busters! - I didn't really care much for Haruka before that, and then she was quickly elevated to best girl for quite a while (Kurugaya probably wins out in the end, but it's close).

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