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"Avengers: Age of Ultron" Trailer released.


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Hyped? Of course not. I mean it's just a superhero movie.

I bet they're going to win anyway, and the world will be saved. I mean it's not like I'm expecting anything. Nope. Especially not that Hulkbuster VS Hulk, absolutely nope.

Now I'm going to sleep soundly, and there's no way I'm so hyped to the point that I'm unable to sleep due to overimagining what the movie looks like. Absolutely not.


Or maybe how cool Ultron looks? Hah! He's ugly, no way I'm hyped for this... b-baka...

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Speaking as someone who enjoyed the first Avengers I admit I liked the trailer enough but for me the best part was hearing James Spader's Ultron voice and I am really looking forward to what kind of presence he'll bring to the film as the main villain. On the other hand most of the action sequences they showed felt more distracting than anything else as I really wished they showcased more of the newcomers like Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (I am kind of morbidly curious, are they going to keep the incest plotline of those two from the comics) and the strangely absent Vision. All in all I'm curious but not hyped; the initial Guardians of the Galaxy trailer didn't get me hyped either but it did have me really curious about what the film was going to be.


Edit: Oh yeah, there is one other thing I really liked: Marvel's reaction to this trailer getting leaked:


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Oh, no. I don't despise Marvel or anything like that, just my reading tastes fall heavily on the DC side of things.

Agree with you there as I've always found DC's comics easier to pick up and not feel lost. For me I favor DC on the animated front as I grew up with the famous Batman animated series, enjoyed Superman and as a result became pretty enamored with the Justice League series that followed. Recently discovered Brave and the Bold and am loving it so far (shame it's only two and a half seasons). Marvel I like on the live action front as I've enjoyed all their MCU movies (yes even Iron Man 2 and 3) plus AoS.


Speaking of which, anyone here watch Arrow or the new Flash show? If so how are they?

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Oh,You already answered...I thought my comment was a little bit too rough so I softened :P


To be honest i'm not a huge fan of comics, I mean I buy some since the New 52,but  I still discover most of the universe thanks to the movies and animated film.


For example, I never heard about Ultron or Apocalyspe before Avenger and Xmen DOFP.



Speaking of which, anyone here watch Arrow or the new Flash show? If so how are they?


I really like the Arrow it's one of the few TV Show I still keep watching,It's at the same time funny (felicity :wub: )  and violent.The actors are amazing in their role especially Stephen Amell in Oliver Quenn and Manu Benett in Deathstroke. Plus  It's really follow the comics so you can actually improve your knwoledge of the universe.I think you should watch it.


I only watched the pilot of the Flash when it leaked few month ago,but it was quite good  :)

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Agree with you there as I've always found DC's comics easier to pick up and not feel lost. For me I favor DC on the animated front as I grew up with the famous Batman animated series, enjoyed Superman and as a result became pretty enamored with the Justice League series that followed. Recently discovered Brave and the Bold and am loving it so far (shame it's only two and a half seasons). Marvel I like on the live action front as I've enjoyed all their MCU movies (yes even Iron Man 2 and 3) plus AoS.


Speaking of which, anyone here watch Arrow or the new Flash show? If so how are they?


Arrow is pretty solid, but I've only seen part way through season 2. I caught the first episode of the Flash. It looks pretty promising. If you have Netflix, Arrow is available to stream.

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Speaking of which, anyone here watch Arrow or the new Flash show? If so how are they?

I'm liking the flash. However it is a bit early to judge considering where the story is at.


Anyway, I like how ultron looks... and sounds. :D However I am curious how it's going to work out without hank pym in the film. Looking forward to it.

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Batman is the only cool superhero... and even then only when he actually goes through with killing the Joker rather than letting him survive to cause problems again, lol


I see batman himself liked your post.



Considering I've heard more bad things than good about the original comic version of Civil War I am really curious just to see if Marvel can create a good movie out of it.


What? I heard more good opinions than bad.

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Considering it's very likely that Bucky's going to take up the Captain America mantle like in the comics (though there are some speculating Falcon may do it since that also happened in the comics) since Chris Evans' contract will be up soon (and he doesn't seem interested in renewing) I doubt it.

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