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Fall 2014 Anime Discussion


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I did watch it its the exact same thing with minor differences in the plot just different characters

Well I want to point out how the first season main focus is to capture the villain and it explores the themes of Sibyl being the best hope for mankind while season 2 is about judging said hope by Kamui (and how in the end Kamui doesn't get portrayed much as a villain either....).

Season 1 also explores people with CA but season 2 doesn't do that and simply explore the CC only...

But whatever floats your boat, I understand how it seems similar to season 1 even though it doesn't. 

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The latest episode of Amagi was great. I can only wonder what they will do in the last episode though.

I would really like if they gave a proper conclusion to Latifa's curse. This time she was saved but the curse is still there so I hope that they give a proper solution to the curse.

The part when they only had 3 guests left, I knew it would be those three kids but still that scene was hilarious.

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Wow, just found out Amagi only followed the original LN until episode 3.

KyoAni never really follows the original material, contrary to what other studios tend to do. Honestly it's not a bad idea.


Latest episode of AmaBuri was not bad but so far everything goes as expected and I found the loner episodes to be the better part of the series, so that's not so interesting. Let's see how they conclude it but I doubt it will be very exciting.


I also realized my winter was gonna be busy since half the series I follow are two-cour, lol.

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KyoAni never really follows the original material, contrary to what other studios tend to do. Honestly it's not a bad idea.


Latest episode of AmaBuri was not bad but so far everything goes as expected and I found the loner episodes to be the better part of the series, so that's not so interesting. Let's see how they conclude it but I doubt it will be very exciting.


I also realized my winter was gonna be busy since half the series I follow are two-cour, lol.

And that surprises me. 9/10 those who doesn't follow source material ended up being bad. But not Amagi, it's pretty good.

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What, you didn't know Tetra was a trap?

I thought it was painfully obvious, particularly the way he speaks, then again i've seen a lot of them so i might be picking them up from affar by now.

He's still best "girl" for me :P made Log Horizon 10 times better.

Just caught up on Amaburi, i thought it was one of the better KyoAni series in comparison to past fiascos, albeit that cliche cheesy ending but it's not like it was a bad one so i'll forgive it. Overall i enjoyed watching things develop, they got a wide cast that was explored decently throughout the show and you had all your archtypes to chose from, the animation was stellar, as usual and comedy was pretty good for me. I'm just curious to know what episode 13 is actually going to be like given that they've finished things. Overall, good job KyoAni, you didn't sink this season.

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That SAO II last episode... a new opening for that only...

Well I didn't cried, but I'll be lying if I said I didn't drop a tear or have a temporary heartache.

That twist though, still have no idea what's Kayaba actual goal is.

Aaaand not even a drop of hint for Alicization....

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It's official. Cross Ange is just revamped of Valvrave.

That trainwreck deus ex bullshit of the latest episode. Oh God. I love it. Every. Frickin. Second.

Bullshit deus ex, mechas fights, sexy yuri girls, epic and eargasmic soundtrack.

Why can't this be the anime of the year.

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Sora no Method, why couldn't you have done this earlier? The last episode and this one have been pretty solid, why was the journey up to this point so god awful. I want to care more for the story now but since most of the characters were ruined in the first half it's hard to.
I just hope the finale is at least as solid as these last couple of episodes, it won't fix the fact that the foundation for the story was incredily weak, but at least it will make me feel like it wasn't all in vain.

Cross ange is nothing but softcore yuri hentai with mecha

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