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Rewrite discussion thread


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yeah swan song it's an amazing vn, really dark but not with bs or supernatural things it's just human nature described and analyzed in the most realistic way possible, it also has one of the best character development in any vn, can't say much more without spoiling the plot itself..

yes, it handles how society behaves after a great disaster when there is no law or anything, just people trying to survive.

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As i said, they laid a good foundation, but that was it. Whole series lacked explanations for anything and i think it suffered greatly from it.

they did explain everything in the vn but to be honest minagi's route was just a chore to read so by the end i was reading her route really fast and not caring at all about what was going on

:P and everyone that talks about air said that same thing overall they give minagi's route a 4 out of 10 being the worst part of the novel

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I'm appalled at the reception of Rewrite and Tera...

While a happy end would have been enjoyable, the bitter sweet ending is what made the Tera route amazing for me. I'm a huge sucker for self sacrifice and Kotarou sacrificed EVERYTHING for Humanity. Kagari is what made the route less enjoyable for me. She is just feels like a catalyst for things rather than an actual piece of the story.


Little Busters and its ending: Pretty spoilerific so take care.

How is it not a good ending? Through the world Kyousuke and co created, Riki became mentally strong enough to handle reality and saved them all. There was no time loop crap. The accident happened, then events we saw in the VN happened while Riki and Rin were unconcious. Kyousuke kept trying to make Riki and Rin mentally stronger and crossed a line Kengo didn't agree with. Shit happens. Riki proves that he is strong enough. Kyousuke lets them out of the world, back to reality. Riki and Rin, now mentally strong enough to handle the accident, save everyone. Happy end.


MikeY91, what exactly didn't you like about Little Busters? I find it extremely hard to recommend Rewrite to you if you didn't enjoy Little Busters. The humor in Rewrite is probably more widely appealing, but being both Key works, the similarity in style isn't avoidable.


Also, Little Busters was average for me until I knew the whole story. Then the novel became amazing in my eyes. That's probably why some people are calling it a masterpiece. People who didn't like it at first, likely won't put in the time to get to the final route. This is probably why there are extremes with the reception of Little Busters. Which is completely reasonable but thats why I tell people to stick with it.

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Well, I read Narcissus, and it made me depressed for a few days Lool

I doubt anything is darker than that, is it?


Haven't read Narcissus, so can't say for sure. But I will say it's a very heavy setting. Personally it's not my cup of tea, but it is well written. ...Just... not something you can walk away feeling good about, heh.

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I'm appalled at the reception of Rewrite and Tera...


While a happy end would have been enjoyable, the bitter sweet ending is what made the Tera route amazing for me. I'm a huge sucker for self sacrifice and Kotarou sacrificed EVERYTHING for Humanity. Kagari is what made the route less enjoyable for me. She is just feels like a catalyst for things rather than an actual piece of the story.


Little Busters and its ending: Pretty spoilerific so take care.

How is it not a good ending? Through the world Kyousuke and co created, Riki became mentally strong enough to handle reality and saved them all. There was no time loop crap. The accident happened, then events we saw in the VN happened while Riki and Rin were unconcious. Kyousuke kept trying to make Riki and Rin mentally stronger and crossed a line Kengo didn't agree with. Shit happens. Riki proves that he is strong enough. Kyousuke lets them out of the world, back to reality. Riki and Rin, now mentally strong enough to handle the accident, save everyone. Happy end.


MikeY91, what exactly didn't you like about Little Busters? I find it extremely hard to recommend Rewrite to you if you didn't enjoy Little Busters. The humor in Rewrite is probably more widely appealing, but being both Key works, the similarity in style isn't avoidable.


Also, Little Busters was average for me until I knew the whole story. Then the novel became amazing in my eyes. That's probably why some people are calling it a masterpiece. People who didn't like it at first, likely won't put in the time to get to the final route. This is probably why there are extremes with the reception of Little Busters. Which is completely reasonable but thats why I tell people to stick with it.

Well I haven't finished LB, I stopped playing during Kud's route (nothing against kud specifically), I don't know I just really got very bored of it. I may complete it again.
LB isn't terrible, some routes were actually good, but I just thought it was too long maybe, maybe I was expecting something more deep.
I will give it a shot again and finish it, hope it will be worth it.

Haven't read Narcissus, so can't say for sure. But I will say it's a very heavy setting. Personally it's not my cup of tea, but it is well written. ...Just... not something you can walk away feeling good about, heh.

Well, like I said, sad VNs do make me feel terrible sometimes but I'm addicted so there is no hope for me to avoid them Lool




Before I read Narcissus I was like "ok let's find a really sad VN to read for tonight", I found Narcissus, a VN about terminally ill people so I was like "alright that'll give me lots of feels"
So I started reading it about 1 am...
3 hours later:
"What?? What the....? NO NO NO, you can't be serious...My heart..oh my heart, the pain...How can I live normally again?? What is...happiness..I don't remember that feeling...How am I going to sleep now? Why the Hell did I read that now?? I'm an idiot !!"


Lol, anyway I still think it's a masterpiece, I just wasn't prepared for all those feels.

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I'm appalled at the reception of Rewrite and Tera...

While a happy end would have been enjoyable, the bitter sweet ending is what made the Tera route amazing for me. I'm a huge sucker for self sacrifice and Kotarou sacrificed EVERYTHING for Humanity. Kagari is what made the route less enjoyable for me. She is just feels like a catalyst for things rather than an actual piece of the story.


Little Busters and its ending: Pretty spoilerific so take care.

How is it not a good ending? Through the world Kyousuke and co created, Riki became mentally strong enough to handle reality and saved them all. There was no time loop crap. The accident happened, then events we saw in the VN happened while Riki and Rin were unconcious. Kyousuke kept trying to make Riki and Rin mentally stronger and crossed a line Kengo didn't agree with. Shit happens. Riki proves that he is strong enough. Kyousuke lets them out of the world, back to reality. Riki and Rin, now mentally strong enough to handle the accident, save everyone. Happy end.


MikeY91, what exactly didn't you like about Little Busters? I find it extremely hard to recommend Rewrite to you if you didn't enjoy Little Busters. The humor in Rewrite is probably more widely appealing, but being both Key works, the similarity in style isn't avoidable.


Also, Little Busters was average for me until I knew the whole story. Then the novel became amazing in my eyes. That's probably why some people are calling it a masterpiece. People who didn't like it at first, likely won't put in the time to get to the final route. This is probably why there are extremes with the reception of Little Busters. Which is completely reasonable but thats why I tell people to stick with it.

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Clannad/LB spoilers:

I pretend that timeloop with the bus never existed - or was a bad dream formed by his anxiety at the realization of what awaited him after leaving the false world. If I don't pretend the "loop" was in fact the first try, I get really cranky. lol.


Clannad already gave me the middle finger with that time travel b.s. A great story ruined with that final two minutes... :makina:


I'm apart of the crowd that feels the power to overcome loss is more important then "rewinding time" as if loss never happened. For example, If they changed the ending so that Ushio didn't pass out/die near the end, and Tomoya and her moved on into happier times - that would have been the perfect finish. Sad that Nagisa isn't there - but that's how life goes sometimes - as most of the after story tries to teach Tomoya.


That, and it could have been a possible future with Kyou (being Ushios teacher) :illya: showing that you can find love again, even if/when one suffers loss.


God what a bad post to screw up the spoiler tags on lol, hopefully I was quick enough in fixing the tags before someone read it~ :wacko:


The time loop was really stupid and made absolutely no sense, but i didn't mind as long as the ending was happy. I had only just finished Rewrite and Eden* so you can say there was a gaping hole in my soul at then, and damn does it feel good to have a happy ending after reading such VN's.

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The time loop was really stupid and made absolutely no sense, but i didn't mind as long as the ending was happy. I had only just finished Rewrite and Eden* so you can say there was a gaping hole in my soul at then, and damn does it feel good to have a happy ending after reading such VN's.


True enough, I had just finished the Muvluv series prior to Little Busters, so I can def. empathize with you.

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Agreed, I could clearly tell the difference between each section by the style and pacing. Was slightly jarring~


For instance, some people will hate me for this - but I disliked Kotori's story (felt like it was trying too hard), but loved Akane's. Not sure who wrote what - never paid much attention to that stuff, but I could see a clear distinction.

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I disliked the shounen Chihaya chapter. Liked Akane's as well.

I didn't really dislike Kotori's chapter though, but i didn't like the open ending. Well, moon revealed that they got married at some point though. I do wonder what's the point of Harvest Fiesta seeing as Moon and Terra slaughterd those endings.

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the writer for almost all the plot is a really good one (tanaka romero) but this clearly is not his best work...it almost seems childish,

the akane's ending is the best proof, she killed the entire population of the earth literally and yet her punishment was to live the rest of her life with the love of his life and dont tell me she was secluded from the society because that fake town was nothing and everyone knowing what she did and still doing nothing seems the most stupid thing.

The whole Apocalypse thing was like a child version of swan song lol

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the write for almost all the plot is a really good one (tanaka romero) but this clearly is not his best work...it almost seems childish,

the akane's ending is the best proof, she killed the entire population of the earth literally and yet her punishment was to live the rest of her life with the love of his life and dont tell me she was secluded from the society because that fake town was nothing and everyone knowing what she did and still doing nothing seems the most stupid thing.

The whole Apocalypse thing was like a child version of swan song lol

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Agreed, I could clearly tell the difference between each section by the style and pacing. Was slightly jarring~


For instance, some people will hate me for this - but I disliked Kotori's story (felt like it was trying too hard), but loved Akane's. Not sure who wrote what - never paid much attention to that stuff, but I could see a clear distinction.

The funniest part? Tanaka Romeo wrote both Kotori and Akane, as well as Moon and Terra. Source

I think people aren't appreciating what Kotori's route is supposed to be:

Her route is quite literally the introduction to the world. You're introduced to the conflict between Gaia and Guardian (without knowing that the other faction is named Guardian) and take a neutral stance with regards to the major factions. You then persue the other 4 girl's routes, 2 for each faction, and learn more about the world from their points of views.

Granted, it IS bad that the route isn't as good as the others when standing on its own, but it didn't really bother me.

This is why I always recommend that people go through routes in this order:

Kotori > Chihaya > Shizuru > Lucia > Akane


The middle 3 girls can be rearranged but with foreshadowing in mind, I feel that THAT is the optimal route order.

Major route spoilers:

Like how the story of Sakuya who became a tree to survive the first apocalypse, who then came to be a familiar for Chihaya. Then at the end of Shizuru's route, we see her leaning against a tree in the after math of the Salvation, a tree that is heavily implied to be Kotarou. And during Shizuru's route, we see glimpses and hints as to the true nature of Lucia and why she always wears gloves. Akane goes last simply because her route ending leads into Moon the best.

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Rewrites common route sure as hell is an endurance test. Little busters was much better in this regard. Long common route as well, but the characters and humor was fantastic. Can't say the same for Rewrite.


But Rewrite is one of the very few VNs to be actually funny, unlike Little Busters or Clannad (to quote other Key titles) that are full of boring tropes and previsible situations. Romeo's humor is awesome, it's absurd and clever at the same time. It's obvious from the start, mostly by reading Kotarou's lines, that it wasn't written the same way as a standard Key VN and it's a good thing.

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Yumina? you mean this VN? https://vndb.org/v1155 If so, is it good?


It's not amazing, but it's still worth going through - and the gameplay will definitely keep you busy. I can think of a lot worse titles out there.


But Rewrite is one of the very few VNs to be actually funny, unlike Little Busters or Clannad (to quote other Key titles) that are full of boring tropes and previsible situations. Romeo's humor is awesome, it's absurd and clever at the same time. It's obvious from the start, mostly by reading Kotarou's lines, that it wasn't written the same way as a standard Key VN and it's a good thing.


Bleh, many people say that - but I just didn't see it. I found it to be as unfunny as it could possibly get. I found its humor stupid at best, obnoxious at worst. (With a some exceptions, of course - there was still a handful of funny parts)


I actually liked Little Busters humor compared to it. Different strokes for for different folks and all that~

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